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The IRS Has a New Plan and You Won’t Like It

The IRS is making an example of a sample, and it’s to put everyone one notice that they want your compliance… and your money.

IRS There is no question, the IRS is understaffed and underfunded at the moment. But, if you’re a U.S. taxpayer, you should not let that lure you into a false sense of security.

Because according to Brietbart, the IRS will soon be sending agents to the homes of 800 taxpayers, and eventually thousands more across the country:

Some visits will be scheduled and others will be unannounced, the IRS noted, and agents will verify their presence with two forms of identification. […] IRS field collection manager Hank Kea said the agency plans to make about 800 visits in the first phase of the campaign.

Given the small numbers, it’s unlikely you will be visited by an IRS agent at this time. (Unless you generate an income over $100,000 and haven’t filed taxes.)

That said, this is still a dangerous time for U.S. citizens. The implications of the program I am about to explain are still in their early phases. It is possible it will expand to include more taxpayers at any time, for any reason the IRS might cook up.

Much like the snoop programs at the NSA already do. These programs are forming full data dossiers on you right now, which can be leveraged against you at any time (including for reasons we don’t know about yet).

In a statement given to MarketWatch, director of collection operations Paul Mamo called these visits from IRS agents “compliance visits”:

In a statement about the upcoming “compliance visits,” Paul Mamo, the director of collection operations at the IRS’s Small Business/Self Employed Division, said the agency wants “to ensure taxpayers know their options to get right with their taxes and avoid bigger issues later.”

Basically, the IRS wants you to know they are beginning to “watch” for citizens who aren’t complying with their orders. (Even if you don’t yet qualify for a door visit.)

In the future, those “orders” could get more strict, and “compliance visits” could be used to invade the privacy of more U.S. taxpayers.

The IRS is using “staff reductions” and the gap between taxes owed and taxes paid as a pretext to conduct these door-to-door surprise visits.

Pennsylvania law professor Natasha Sarin said she is “skeptical that these efforts represent nearly what is needed to make sure our tax system is equitable, efficient, and raises sufficient revenue.”

If U.S. authorities think like Sarin — that these IRS home visits aren’t enough — it could mean even more tax-collecting efforts will be implemented in the near future.

So, will an IRS agent show up at your door in the near future? It’s certainly possible. The likelihood of that will increase as lawmakers and Government officials get more creative with collection “efforts.”

If the IRS knocks on your door…

First, don’t panic. They aren’t there to bang your door down, they are there to work out a payment plan of some type (for now).

But do stay cautious, and keep in mind the agent is also there to collect any evidence possible to use in their collection efforts.

Laurie Kazenoff, former senior trial attorney for the IRS, offers some good advice to consider if your doorbell rings and an agent is at the door:

“When they visit your home, they’re looking where you live and what type of house you have,” Kazenoff said. “If you’re only reporting $50,000 in income and have a Lamborghini in your driveway, something’s wrong.”

She also suggests that you allow the IRS agent to leave their contact information, then have an attorney or accountant contact them later.

Regardless of the justification the IRS uses, it’s critical that you do everything possible to secure your privacy. It’s the only weapon you have.

The IRS hopes you don’t read this…

There are public databases that track your exact location, eating habits, spending habits, your income, your online habits, and many other parts of your private life.

With just a few clicks, a phone call, and a few dollars almost everything a Government agency like the IRS wants to find out about you can quickly be put together into a complete file.

That’s why I want to tell you about our popular “Go Off the Grid” report, which is your blueprint for living a truly private life.

You will discover:

  • How to get your name out of public databases.
  • How to make your physical and digital assets invisible to prying eyes.
  • Ensure your vehicle ownership is 100% untraceable.
  • How to make your wealth completely anonymous.
  • How to protect yourself online.

But that’s not all, inside the report you’ll also find the following gems…

  • DO THIS NOW: The one thing almost no one does to properly hide their home address, and it has nothing to do with getting a PO Box. (page 4).
  • The “privacy veil” you can set up with a few clicks that renders you practically anonymous — and helps you slash your taxes. (page 24)
  • Secure your phone number and your calls from snoops and credit agencies in minutes with this “Smart” blueprint. (page 13)
  • The secret “shield” that makes your home, car, and other assets practically lien proof. You’ll be able to “set it once and forget it.” (page 16)
  • The digital “Ghost” that can protect you online, make your digital footprints disappear, and even save you money on airplane tickets. (page 19)
  • And more… including how to legally remove yourself from the banking system.

If you are serious about protecting your privacy from irresponsible companies, the Government, and other snoops, then you don’t want to miss this valuable report…

==> Click here to get your copy now

To living privately,

Bobby Casey

Location Independent Entrepreneur

P.S. Now is the best time to put your private life inside the most-secure “vault” possible. It’s too late once an IRS agent shows up at your door. So if you want to take action…

Get my special report today and learn how to go completely “off the grid,” without having to move out to a cabin in Montana. In fact, you won’t even have to leave your couch.

Download our valuable “Off the Grid” Privacy Report now

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