Good News: Tax Loopholes Aren’t Just for Trump
Trump only paid $750 in federal income taxes. The even BETTER news is, those same rules apply to you too, and there are loopholes a-plenty for you too! October 1, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP This week I actually watched the Trump- Biden debate. You may be surprised to hear that since I […]
CDC Tramples Private Property Rights
The CDC is pushing rental agreement contracts aside and trampling private property rights in the name of mitigating viral spread. September 21, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I imagine some of you, like me, have investment properties. Whether you rent out to long term or short term tenants, you probably thought your property […]
California Folly Might Go Federal
California seeks to follow the federal government in chasing offshore taxes, while the federal government is following California’s example against gig workers. August 24, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director, GWP Watching California is like watching the fall of a great empire. As I look further into it, it looks like California and the Federal […]
Congress Pushes to Police Internet
Struck down for being unconstitutional, congress revisits a bill to police the internet which would make platforms and end users both liable for content. June 29, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The United States has become a sociological tinder box. Lock downs ushered in depression level economic hardship. The portrayal of the pandemic […]
The Destruction of COVID-19 Response and Aftermath
COVID-19 has done some harm to people around the world, the but the toll of the response and the aftermath are much worse. June 1, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The COVID-19 is bad. For many, it has been deadly, and for others a tough recovery. We can dispute how the numbers are […]
TRACE is in the House
The House of Representatives has a bill called TRACE which will begin the efforts of monitoring people with or those who came in contact with people with COVID-19. May 11, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP If I were to look at the response to COVID-19 so far, here’s what I’ve observed: People became […]
Government Response to Covid-19: What Can the US Expect?
The US could stand to learn a few things from this pandemic, but likely will not. It’s response was hasty at best, and reckless at worst. March 30, 2020 By: Bobby Casey Managing Director GWP I’ve been watching the government response to Covid 19, and I must say, it looks to be much more destructive […]
Green Agenda: Nationalize Energy
In addition to universal healthcare, Bernie Sanders wants to nationalize energy, do away with nuclear, and compete with private industry at the taxpayers’ expense. February 10, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP “History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going down stairs, and wooden shoes coming up.” ~ Voltaire The privileged political […]
Podcast Interview: Bobby Casey & Jeremy Ong of Hustlr
February 5, 2020 By: Jeremy Ong, CEO What is up hustler nation, today I have Bobby Casey who’s a digital nomad for the last 20 years. His company specializes in helping digital nomads structure their business and residency for tax minimization and asset protection. As the world becomes more and more globalized, navigating these […]
Copyright & Cronyism: How Telcom Bullies Keep Small Competitors Down
Large, established corporations love the protections they receive from cronyism; as evidenced by the major telcom companies in Canada. December 30, 2019 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP A lot of people like to conflate capitalism with cronyism or corporatism. I can’t tell if it’s ignorance or willful rebranding, but there is a hard line […]