We need 250 politicians like this
This is a must watch video. While I rarely come across a politician I can support, this is the type of congressional canidates we need more of. Lieutenant Colonel Allen West from Atlanta speaks from the heart and not from a teleprompter.
The war on offshore rages on
Last week the US House of Representatives passed a bill that contained the “Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act”. This act was passed without a hearing or without any chance for opposition to be heard. You can view the entire bill here. Below are the highlights of the bill: Impose a 30% withholding tax on payments […]
US Senate sends budget increase to the White House
According to this article that appeared today in the Yahoo Finance pages, the Senate has approved a $1.1T spending bill that includes big increases in many government programs including health, education, law enforcement, and veterans’ programs. Apparently our policymakers don’t understand basic economics. What would happen in your business or household if you continued to spend […]
Huge surge in Government salaries
At a time when private sector unemployment has topped 10%, the number of highly paid government workers has soared between 14%-19% according to a recent article in the USA Today. There has been a 46% increase in the number of workers earning over $100,000 from December 2007 until June 2009. The increase for workers earning […]
Do you think your safe deposit box is safe?
Do you think your valuables are safe in a US bank’s safety deposit box? Think again. The state of CA, and others, has been aggressively seizing the contents of safety deposit boxes and keeping the funds for the state’s general fund. The state of DE lists unclaimed property as its 3rd largest source of revenue. […]