Publishing Profits Podcast Interview: Lower Taxes Legally
Learn how to lower taxes legally by going offshore September 28, 2016 Tom Corson-Knowles, host of Publishing Profits Podcast, interviews Bobby Casey about being a digital nomad, and the benefits of offshore businesses as well as being a digital nomad. If you’re considering becoming a digital nomad, starting a business, or taking yourself or business […]
Digital Nomad Mindset – Interview
How do you transition from domestic entrepreneur to digital nomad? August 29, 2016 Erica Blair interviews Bobby Casey to get at how he made the leap from domestic entrepreneur to digital nomad as part of a larger project she is compiling for a book down the line. Being a digital nomad isn’t just a job. It’s a […]
Regulation Nation: The Economic Black Hole
July 25, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There are countless ways in which the economic black hole we know as government destroys and robs wealth. You are familiar with taxes, I’m sure. For some people it’s as much as 4 months of labor per year. I heard one person suggest that the reason […]
Regulation Nation: The Death of Opportunity
July 18, 2016 By: Bobby Casey GWP Managing Director While I listen to government advocates tell me how the police and regulations protect me and my family from the dark underbelly and dregs of society, I can’t help but wonder who comprises that felonious population. When I think about that from which a reasonable person […]
Nomadtopia Interview: Personal & Financial Freedom
July 14, 2016 Interview with Amy Scott of Nomadtopia Bobby Casey does an interview with Amy Scott at Nomadtopia regarding personal and financial freedom! In this episode they discuss: How he caught the travel bug and eventually became location independent Why minimizing taxes and protecting […]
Symptoms of Distress
June 13, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There are so many distress signals going off, I hardly know where to begin! These signals, however, all come down to one thing though: government failure. It’s like if you had a sore throat, body ache, and a fever… chances are they are all symptomatic of […]
Does Political Class Want Economic Calamity?
June 6, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There’s a reason why I’ve opted out of US politics. It’s entirely predicated on scapegoating. Blame the democrats, blame the republicans, blame racism, blame sexism, blame the previous administration, blame the rich, or blame the immigrants. Always finger-pointing, but never solving anything. The reality is, the […]
Cultural Marxism and the Birth of Modern Thoughtcrime
May 6, 2016 By: Claudio Grass, Contributor from Global Gold If a person has no philosophical thoughts, certain questions will never cross his mind. As a young man, there were many issues and ideas that never concerned me as they do today. There is one question, however, which has intrigued me for the longest time, […]
More of the Same
April 18, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Over the course of just these past couple years, we’ve been pointing out events which indicate an escalating desperation in government. They are grasping at control and money, and clutching so tightly, that full economies are slipping through their fingers. Can the United States afford more of […]
“Free Trade” & Protectionism
March 28, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP What makes the truth so irrefutable is that there is observable evidence to verify its existence. One need simply point out that X is true and then present the evidence, and the case is generally closed. Economics is one of those disciplines that are based on […]