Limited Liability Company in any U.S. State
A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is quickly becoming (if it hasn’t already become) the preferred entity for small business ownership. We can provide a full LLC package for LLC formation in all 50 states.
- Initial consultation on proper entity selection
- One year registered agent and registered office service (if necessary)
- A physical business address (if necessary)
- Two different options for your LLC operating agreement
- Optional preparation and filing of a Federal Tax ID number
- Optional deluxe binder with all enclosed documents
Additional benefits for an LLC:
- Charging order protection
- No corporate income tax
- No franchise tax
- No personal income tax
- No stock tax
- No estate tax
- No inheritance tax
- No gift tax
- No inventory tax
- No state tax of any kind
- The only fees for compliance are the annual filing fees
- Can be formed in 24 hours
- Any entity, domestic or foreign, can be an LLC member
- No personal liability by state law
- An LLC can own assets in any state without the necessity of incorporation in that state