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Winter is Coming (Government, Too!)

October 15, 2013

By: Steve Hilgart, Director of Marketing and Conference Operations

Winter is ComingHere we are again – the leaves are falling, it’s becoming dark and dreary, and the chill is in there air…

Winter Is Coming

Yes, in a literal sense; and yes, in a metaphorical sense.

With the way the psychotic sociopaths and the murderous thugs are acting, the financial and social winter is starting.

But if we have learned anything from history, winter always shows up – whether you like it or not.

The unfortunate thing is that so many people are unprepared.

Many are waiting on change to do better.  They are waiting for the economy to improve.  They are waiting for the government to improve.  They are waiting for their employer or industry to improve. 

I have bad news – things just aren’t going to change on their own.

For Things to Change for You, You Have To Change

Maybe I’m behind the curve, but when one of my mentors shared that philosophy with me – it blew my mind.  It opened up a whole new world of possibility.

You see, I can’t control the government, the economy, or anything or anyone else… but, me? – I can control me.  I can change me.

A simple change in thought, a change in philosophy, and a change in action can make a world of difference for you and your family.

During John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech so many years ago, he said some important words; “ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

(And don’t we wish that was the current philosophy of the majority?)

Let’s take things to the next logical conclusion and say, “ask not what your country can do for you…”

“…Ask What You Can Do For Yourself

We all know the story of the little ant who worked all summer to store food for the winter – while the unprepared grasshopper starved.

I believe there is a high probability we are entering the next great depression – but it’s no reason to despair.

Sure, some winters are tough.  Some winters are long.  But life goes on.

You can sit, scavenge, and save.  You can hope and pray things turn out okay.  Or – you can do something about it.

“But What Can I Do?”

The first thing the flight attendant says on the airplane is to “secure your own oxygen mask before assisting others.”

It is impossible to help others before you help yourself – no matter what the current socialist administration or anyone else tells you. 

So your first step is to create health, wealth, and happiness for you firstthen you help your family – then you help your neighbor.

Design and create a quality life for you and your family, and once you’ve done that – you must now arm yourself with the trowel in one hand and the sword in the other.

The sword – to defend the fruits of your labor.  The corporations, foundations, and trusts you set up to create walls of protection and privacy around what you’ve earned – so it can’t be stolen away.

And, the trowel, to build an even more abundant life.  The investments, opportunities, and calculated risks you take head on to grow your wealth – even while everyone else is scared.

The great depression created more wealthy people than any other time in history – so this financial winter we’re entering?  This is your chance to become the next Rockefeller or Carnegie.

This is your opportunity to create and secure wealth for generations.  This is your opportunity to make a real impact on the world.  It’s all there for the taking.


It’s Still Winter

And there will be grasshoppers out to take what you’ve stored.  

You can call it Obamacare, call it taxes, confiscation, or stealing – whatever you name it – you would be naïve to think it was anything other than grasshoppers stealing your food to prevent themselves from starving.

And, to be fair, we would probably do the same in their situation.  Desperation makes people very dangerous.

Which is the reason you must protect yourself from the government (by investing in hard assets and foreign currencies for example)…

… and protect yourself from your starving neighbor – who refused to believe winter is coming and thought, if it did – the government would save them.

In a closing thought, I want to say this may have sounded very negative.  Let me re-iterate that I am extremely…

Optimistic About the Future

You can huddle in the dark or you can come out to play. 

Remember, for things to change for you, you have to change.  It’s all in the attitude. 

I, for one, am going to drink my hot cocoa, build snowmen, go sledding, and sing Christmas songs all the way to the bank, because, I’m prepared to take on this financial winter – and I’m going to have a blast doing it!

Won’t you join me?

One Response

  1. Steve Hilgart: No – instead please join me! How about if we become two of the Founding Fathers of a brand new country? = New AmericaLand! where there are no democrats & no republicans & no political elite & no military & no government spying & no government entitlements – New AmericaLand’s manifesto = ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for yourself! – Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that I very well may have thought of this citizens of the world – help yourself concept before you did :) For more info please contact me. Thank YOU!

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