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Open Letter to South America

July 8, 2013

By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher

In light of recent events, where the US government called for the forced landing of the Bolivian flight carrying President Evo Morales — whereby detaining his cabinet, crew and him for hours while officials in Austria conducted an illegal search of Bolivian sovereign space — I have a value proposition for Bolivia, Ecuador, and all South American countries.

This proposition is 100% peaceful.  It does not call for any acts of aggression or violence.  It does not call for any trickery or fraud.  It is both humanitarian and legitimate.  Most of all, it is your best play to respond to the unacceptable behaviors of the United States government.

Open Letter to South AmericaThese are the words engraved upon the symbol of liberty on our Eastern shore:

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless,

Tempest-tossed to me

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

We had an altar call, an open cry for any and all to come to our country to unleash their true potential and reap the fruits of their unbridled ethic. The response was countless disenfranchised individuals from all corners of the world, of all walks of life, of all religions and cultures and economic status, showed up. They took that risk with their families in tow…

In turn the geography known as the USA was the benefactor of migrant industry. The ethos imported by that open call created such a boon for the US economy, the likes of which have never been duplicated.  THIS was the great experiment. 

Over the course of one hundred years or more, our government has systematically quelled that. With no regard for its own laws. With no regard for human or civil rights. And while the world watched, it behaved in a manner which disgraced humanity itself with utter impunity.

People mistakenly look to America’s history in revolution, as if we were the discoverers of such a thing.  Revolution has been happening throughout the history of man.  But our Revolution, while it may initially have been about secession and freedom, has since become a historic artifact.  Ironically, those who participated in the Revolution are still regarded as heroes, but those who espouse their beliefs today are condemned, marginalized, and ultimately targeted by our government as “domestic terrorists”.

America has violated the trust of every other country.  It has taken the lives and liberty of countless innocent individuals.  It called for the temporary kidnapping of the Bolivian President, Evo Morales, and his cabinet, and violated his sovereign space.

South America, do you seek an impactful stand against this juggernaut? The imperialistic brute of the world? Do you think closing an embassy or denying trade is enough? It is not.

What can one or any country do against such a seemingly unstoppable force like the United States?

Deny it trade. Fine.

Close the embassy. Okay.

Don’t just stop doing business with the government, START doing business with the citizens. The business of expatriation. There is a population that is listening…

What if you opened your borders to disenfranchised Americans? Give the productive population a legal and swift path to citizenship. You would essentially be receiving the US’s tax base and work force. The lazy won’t come to your country: because they are lazy. The rich may very well come if the terms are right. The middle class… the most industrious of us all… the innovators and the workers… we begin to trickle over. We will answer the call.

First a few will come.  They will establish themselves.  They will call their relatives and tell them of how wonderful it is in your country.  Those relatives will come.  You can have the same prosperity the USA once enjoyed from this very experiment! 

People are a zero-sum game.  Your gain is the USA’s loss.  You would literally be using the free market forces to pull the rug out from under the USA.  Without force, without invasion, without one shot fired or one life taken: you will have peacefully used your own means from where you reside to conquer the USA.  Our vulnerability has never been in might.  It’s always been economic.

Some have used the tactic to scare the United States into spending itself into an economic stupor.  They failed to anticipate our endless line of credit.  But now that they are spending like drunkards, go for their revenue source: Its People.  Simply offer your country to all of us… with a simple affordable process. 

Full industries have flourished in other countries who’ve seen the desperation of Americans to disassociate from their broken system. 

Two years to establish ourselves and prove to be a citizen in good standing. First two years we’d be legal residents. By the end of the 2nd year, we can relinquish our US citizenship and receive one from you. In that two year period, offer us your diplomatic protection with a non-extradition agreement (with the exception of violent crimes) and a means to earn under your country’s name.  Protect our privacy.  Do not share our financial information with the US, as countless EU nations have done. 

We cannot starve the beast, if we are complicit in feeding it funds.

Why do I think this will be effective? Because in the last election, of the entire voting population, the one who received the MOST popular votes was NO ONE. That’s right. NO ONE. NADIE. The majority of the voting public has all but given up on our system, and simply did not vote at all.  They would rather have no one at all, than the pathetic choices our system offers.

There is a market for freedom, and we are looking for a country who isn’t just riding on the coattails of an expired reputation. Those who are loyal to this nonsense will stay here. Those who are loyal to this nonsense tell those of us who dare question it to leave! 

It doesn’t matter if the entire continent participates or if only one does.  It only takes ONE.  THIS is your leverage, Bolivia.  This is your leverage, Ecuador.  You think you are powerless against the United States?  You are wrong.  Either the United States will watch us leave, or it will close down its borders and deny its own citizens the right to freely travel.  So either you will gain our productivity, OR you will expose to the world that the Emperor in fact has no clothes.

Starve the beast.

With my best and most sincere regards,

Kelly Diamond

P.S. To all our readers, if you want to start voting with your feet, learn how you can globalize your assets (and even yourself!) at our Global Escape Hatch conference in Panama this September.  Our speakers go into great depth on how you can get started and will create a custom plan for you.

49 Responses

  1. Kelly,

    Where and for how long have you lived abroad?

    I’ve lived in and built businesses from scratch, married and raised three children with three passports each outside the US the last 40 years. Brazil, Australia, Costa Rica.

    It’s easy to suggest many of your readers will “just go”. They may dream, but more than a tiny fraction of your readers won’t..

    Your newsletter won’t change that. If it won’t change that, why bother?


    1. fr. Bobby – I’ll let Kelly reply, but she has lived abroad before as well.

      I live in Eastern Europe for many years now. I completely disagree with you however as I have had more than a dozen readers email us saying they decided to move abroad and our newsletter was not only an inspiration, but a source of info.

      I have also had dozens upon dozens of readers emails us saying that they already live abroad and our newsletters have been very helpful in helping them chose their next home.

      We “bother” because we believe that internationalizing your life can be truly enriching for your life, as you have stated. Our job is to educate our readers about the how and why.

    2. I think there is a good market of people who are looking to expatriate but are daunted by the process. If the receiving country lightened the burden, I think MORE people would take the plunge. Granted, I think the USSA would soon become the next North Korea if such an offer ever actually was made by South America, by locking down its borders both ways.

      People freely move between the states namely because the biggest hassle is packing and unpacking… perhaps transporting. But what isn’t that big of a deal is residency. One trip to the DMV to switch the cars over and and a couple hundred bucks in licensing and registration and you’re good to go. Perhaps there are some personal issues that prevent some from taking the plunge immediately, but I would expect quite a few folks to take advantage of a lightened financial and bureaucratic burden.

      If you recall quite a few people answered the call when America made a similar offer to oppressed individuals in other countries. My great grandparents being among them. Language barrier be damned, left other family behind, no job… I dunno. Why bother? I guess I haven’t reached the cockroach level of existentialist regard toward my efforts just yet.

  2. Kelly,

    Bravo! Simply marvelous. Forget that I have been saying the same for 10+ years. The “golden passports” can be bought even today, with enough financial resources. Nothing wrong with that. Good option for the wealthy. However, most of those economic citizenship programs start at $500,000 and up. The middle-class, however, hasn’t had a realistic option in likely 20+ years. I have been saying and concur, if one country had the gumption to simply declare itself a “zone welcoming foreign expats for citizenship and a passport”, with reasonable regulations in place (your 2-year plan is brilliant), the flood gates would open. Instant economic success! In fact, how economic basket cases like Honduras have not jumped on this, or a Paraguay, I am at a loss. Even reasonably successful countries – if one eschews the Western media – like Ecuador could benefit greatly from the model you propose. Thank you for the brilliant article!

  3. I know of several entrepreneurs who dream of a new homeland for their ideals but, in reality, I doubt they will find a nation-state in today’s world where individual liberty and aspiration is as prized as it was in the former USA. Names I hear tossed around include Chile, Uruguay, the Philippines, even Botswana and Rwanda, and tiny states like Hong Kong, Singapore, Panama or hypothetical Honduran charter cities. Each has some appeal for resourceful foreigners but none of them offer anything like the liberties of America’s abandoned Constitution, yet. There will be another American-style revolution somewhere in future, but who knows when it will come?

    The best hope for future freedom is the kind of information-assisted, post-national existence promoted by sites like this one. We might not be able to get our freedom in one big hit but we’ll have to find little pockets of it across various jurisdictions. This might not help you if you’re an NSA whistleblower up against the US politburo and it won’t be available to the masses, but for the time being liberty will involve research to achieve and some hard work to maintain.

    1. Fair point. By no means would I contend that expatriating is the ‘silver bullet’ solution to our tyrannical woes. But it’s one piece in the puzzle to decentralizing and disassociating. I would still advocate the use of cryptographic technologies on phones and computers. I still think diversified holdings and stores of wealth is better than having all your eggs in one proverbial basket. But there are some things that even the countries south of the equator can’t do simply because they lack the money or resources to pull them off. I mean, we’d never see the type of nonsense being perpetrated by the NSA down there (like the enormous compound they are building in Utah, for example, for more extensive data mining and storage)! They aren’t drowning in war debt, and have no intention of invading countries half way around the world.

  4. Dear Kelly,
    Your editorial was troubling, to say the least. Like you, I was simply flabergasted when I learned about the forcing down of the Bolivian government jet. The fact that it was searched makes it a clear violation of national sovereignty. Imagine Air Force One being forced to land in North Korea and then searched by the army; it would mean war between the US and North Korea. But hey, it’s just Bolivia. They don’t have oil there; that explains a lot.
    Where I have problems with your idea is not the premise: American individuals leave their country to find shelter and a new home in a South American country. I’m sure that these people would be law-abiding, hard- working citizens. The real problem is the life conditions these expats might face.
    Let’s be honest: democracy in South America has a lot of “nuances”, so to speak. It’s a polite way to say that our vision of democracy is not the same as a lot of South American countries.
    Over the last 50 years, democracy floundered in many countries south: Brazil, in the 1960s, Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile, in the 1970s, Peru, in the 1980s, and Venezuela, from the year 2000 up to now. Can you seriously think leaving to go live in these countries ?
    I know that quite a few Americans would like, using an old expression, to vote with their feet. Fine with me, I might even join them, but they should thread softly and check their back, but also their front.
    Thank you for the thought-provoking idea !

    1. While I realize that South America isn’t known for stability, per se, they also don’t have the credit line or resources of the United States. Simply put, they don’t have the bandwidth to be as oppressive as the United States. There are countless expats who will attest to the comfortable living and reasonable culture of South America. I had the recent pleasure of meeting quite a few of them this past week at our Freedom Fest convention in Las Vegas. Political instability isn’t necessarily tantamount to door-to-door raids and oppressive tax structures.

  5. I have one comment some of southerns after the civil war left the united states and move to brazil.

  6. Thank you Kelly,
    Excellent and uplifting letter, though sometimes I might have the concern that the “brashly ignorant” might just cause trouble in some nicer place or even ruin it!. (like the human race did this planet)
    I’ve lived in a few foreign nations and had a culturally more enjoyable life than
    in the past 30 or so years of the land of my birth (whatever this place is now, I hardly recognize it)
    I would love to do it one more time…..for forever, but am older so don’t know what I might have to offer,
    except my cheerfulness, ethics, experience and integrity in terms of supporting myself once the USA puts capital controls on Social Security (I’m a year away). I keep dreaming of it, and maybe from that a plan!
    Even if 1% of the USA sees the sordid scam it has become, ninety percent of that is probably cowed for financial
    reasons, etc.
    All the best to those who can have their liberating little adventure, and of course, learn the local language ….and a word of great caution….be sure enough of the local food agrees with you…I lost twenty pounds in one year because I really didn’t feel like eating often (and I’m not super picky and I don’t like fast or chain food)!!

  7. Thanks Kelly for another outstanding blog post…this was one of the best yet. As an American who has lived much of my life abroad and who now lives overseas permanently, I am freer than ever I was while living in the USA. Pushing my 60th birthday, I live in a South American country where opportunity is all but unlimited. Contrary to what Michael Manville says, Americans and the American way of life, remain the envy of much of the world. Where I live, the overall tenor of thinking regarding America is still that it represents the ideal of a promised land, abounding with opportunity and know-how. Foreigners in general, regardless of their economic station in life, are eager to know more about America and how I rate it in comparison to their country.

    While Michael comes off a tad like the arrogant Americans he detests, I find most foreigners eager to know how Americans achieve labor productivity 4 – 5 times higher than most of the developing world and about 25% higher than Canada, by the way. I guess we’re not all a bunch of lazy slackards and I guarantee you, those of us who’ve managed to fly the coop and establish ourselves abroad, have done so with hard work, without the use of coercive force and without the unbridled arrogance Michael regards as our national trait. Of course, those were the same traits we attempted to capitalize on in the USA, while working against the coercive forces of a government hellbent on reducing us to slavery, through policies increasingly guaranteed to diminish the return on our production.

    While corruption levels in developing countries remain a stumbling block for some, it is useful to know that market forces are capable of rendering the cost of corruption untenable in the long run. Quite simply, those economies plagued with corruption, will ultimately be unable to compete in a free market with less corrupt economies. Education in free markets and the power of less government will render some economies more successful than others. Consultant rightfully alludes to the intellectual capital which is the birthright of those born in America, especially, when that includes the realization that ideas are the base on which all social activity takes place.

    While born an American, for me it is in the unfolding realm of ideas that the battle for civilization and progress is ultimately taking place. While developing countries offer certain inconveniences for those used to their first world comforts and way of doing things, one would be well-advised in looking at trends before dismissing them outright as good places to live. Many an uninformed person would be surprised to know that many developing economies are moving toward more economic freedom while their governments are increasingly sensitive to the ideas of classic liberalism. I believe Americans in general have been lulled to sleep under the illusion that that civil society and government would necessarily continue to accept and perfect the ideas of its founders. However, the reality is the twin-headed monster of coercive power and government intervention in the markets have spawned a seemingly never-ending war between interests.

    My takeaway from being born and raised American is an unmitigated aversion to big government, a strong preference for self-determination in as much as it is possible, and an abhorrence of collectivist ambitions to equalize us all. I prefer the rough and tumble freedom of the wild, woolly, unyet developed world to the staid acquiescence characteristic of the silent majority to their increasing enslavement at the hands of the State. Where Consultant sees havoc, vertical integration, and poor quality as bars to widespread immigration, I see them as opportunities for anyone possessed of an entrepreneurial spirit and the vision to produce or provide a better service or product. Certainly, where so much is lacking, those willing and able to meet those demands will benefit handsomely. Kelly’s got it right and I foresee in the near future a mass exit of human capital from the USA as more and more people wake up from the stupor of broken dreams, false promises, and a government whose actions repudiate everything good that once was America.

    1. I was likewise fortunate to be able to travel and live elsewhere. My mom is Japanese, and while there are considerably things I take issue with culturally out there, there are several things I wish we had here. But the fact that I have experiences that dispel the whole “America is the best of everything anywhere the end” is great. I mean, I’m grateful that I didn’t realize this too late in life, but rather grew up with the understanding that there is no “great nations” only great individuals who dare to do great things… and it’s true of many geographies other than that of the US.

    2. Mark, you got MY attention. You going to cough up WHERE the SoAm country is that you’re doing ok in?

      I would also agree with your characterization of MY characterization of “issues” when they disguise opportunity.

      Your comment that countries with high levels of corruption are slitting their own throats is right on. Having lived in a few of those I know you speaketh the truth. The problem is that you can pick one of these countries by accident and watch your efforts produce nothing. Like many of the people commenting on Kelly’s post, I’m older. I’ve been fleeced fair and square in places. I don’t want to make more mistakes and yet I’d like to . . . go.


      1. Sure, I live in Brazil and would not trade my life here to live anywhere else in the world…at least for the time being. However, South America in general, is full of opportunity; Chile, Uruguay, Brazil & Argentina all offer outstanding opportunities especially for those willing to live and work here. You are right on with many of your comments:

        “… the counties culture, commercial sectors, and bureaucracy are not really set up to do what needs to be done…”

        ” It takes many tries to find a competent, let alone honest, lawyer. And then you are faced with judicial corruption.”

        If you find such defects unacceptable and have grown attached to a land where things are predictably more to your taste (USA), you will most likely continue as you are. Quite frankly, I have always believed in the premise of “caveat emptor”. Due diligence is an advisable practice anywhere, especially, when you are a foreigner abroad. However, I take exception to the gross characterization that, “It takes many tries to find a competent, let alone honest, lawyer. And then you are faced with judicial corruption.” That has not been my experience and it seems now you ought to be citing specifics to justify your position.

        Conditions do not favor the gullible or uniformed anywhere and in South America why should it be any different. A fool and his money are soon parted no matter where he is. South America is a little like the wild west and certainly not for everyone. However, for those with the grit to make it here, it offers in my opinion, a standard and quality of life much of the American middle class can only dream of. But for those who see only its defects, living in Brazil and or any other South American country will only confirm what they already know!

        1. Mark —

          You points are well taken. I admire your moxy and grit.

          Do you have favorite “areas”? Do you live in one of the large cities or more rurally? Way rural or within driving range of a serious city?

          There’s an areas just north of Uruguay that I’ve always thought looked promising. I’ve live all over the U.S. but the area that my body liked best are the westcoast. Whether SoCal up to the Washington border with Canada. I think that would put in Chile to find similar climates.

          Thanks for taking the time to respond.


  8. no reason to leave US soil..just grow a set,prepare to engage…..and be all you can in a Army of One….imho

    1. I like your attitude, but there is no “engagement” possible. I don’t see the U.S. government being taken down with guns. We can piss them off but we can’t win that way. With over 50% of the voting population somehow receiving benefits or jobs from local, state, federal governments, we ain’t going to vote bureaucracy out. With the level of surveillance they have, there is no “leave for the hills” strategies that will save us.

      Kelly’s right. If you believe it is out of control, as many responders here seem to agree with, then it’s time to fade. I don’t see anyone being a martyr for the cause. It’s not unpatriotic to set up a second front and wait for events to take their course. No need to give up your passport. Just live somewhere else “for a bit.” We ALL believe in the ideals of “America” but we dont know where it went or even if it ever was.


  9. I’ve been saying for several years that the US is going to experience a measurable brain drain over the next decade. Perhaps that’s what those in power want — after all, it’s much easier to control an ignorant, less intelligent population and government has been working hard for several decades to undermine the quality of education throughout the country. Having an easier path to citizenship and a passport elsewhere would certainly accelerate the process.

  10. Kelly ~ Nice editorial. As a kid from Longmeadow, Mass you must know of Shay’s rebellion from your comments above…

    I’m not sure Francisco d’Anconia would have embraced Correa’s (Ecuador) recent policies to destroy the mining industry (then again he received his “education” from the University of Illinois) but I hear the people and surf is excellent there…

    If you come down to Manantiales, Uruguay check out Café Kona cerca de Velas de La Bellena or Un Altra Volta…. Calle Maldonado. Gaucho Surf is not up yet but you can find some of us stand up paddle surfers who have a philosophy of objectivism up off a few unique islands off Valizas (Uruguay). We’re kinda like the Rosa Parks of investors and paddle surfers… We’re not going to sit at the back of the bus anymore.

    Best ~ C

    1. Sorry for the grammatical errors… As an owner and traveler in South America it is interesting to see some of the comments. I was fortunate to be in Montevideo Uruguay in 2001/2002 to see how the people reacted to economic collapse… Very insightful. It’s interesting to see the comments from people who define themselves along a political country… Even on this site. The one thing I can share from a “waterman” perspective is us surfers are a unique tribe with no passports in the water… It may sound corny until I had some unique experiences being the only SUP surfer 8 years ago in Punta del Diablo, Uruguay… I don’t know the entire history of Danny Mac but you guys may want to look up the history of this guy for your conference in Costa Rica. I surfed with Danny here in Del Mar (People’s Republic is correct) and he is intense…

  11. The term “Americas” encompasses many countries south of our borders. We Americans should read not only the words written but the essence of what is being written here. To combat a nation being impaled by/from big Government, walk with your feet and your money to other lands where prosperity is fertile. Become a global entrepreneur, diversify. Toiling away, at a duel income, 9 to 5 job all to pay your mortgage, car loan, student loans (yours or your funding kid’s education) credit card debt on and on. Where will it get you, nowhere? Think outside the box a little. You do not achieve freedom living in one state controlled Government, confiscating, tax burgeoning social society. BUT, you can achieve some independence by moving about as with your feet and your income and bank account. Moving off shore in that you move around the world, educate others, seek out life’s adventures, enjoy the world GOD created and simple begin to smell the roses, look past the trees to see the forest. Open one’s eyes to other opportunities that exist out “there”! In doing so, we do not move permanently or leave our once great Nation, a Nation founded on individual ideas. We begin to understand that there is more in life then to dwell in a 9 to 5 job to pay bills and seek out an existence were all we do is watch the news which is filtered news and bitch about something and then do nothing about it. We may not be able to change a society in one generation. Look at the statistics on who is coming into this country, legal or illegal. It will open your eyes to see what we are becoming. The masses want social services and want to be a part of the social experience the USA is becoming. We can however make our way of life more productive, creative, and self reliant and rewording by thinking outside the box.
    Again read between the lines.

  12. Not a bad idea, but you are assuming other nations actually want Americans living within their borders. Up here in Canada, your friendly neighbors to the North – we don’t want them. If I were “South America” responding to your letter, I would be saying something along the lines of thanks but no thanks. For every “industrious, hard working and innovative American” as you put it, there are four arrogant, “my way is right”, gun toting Americans who wouldn’t even bother to learn our language and who would attempt to Americanize and thus ruin our societies. This plan may have worked in the 1950s when Americans were still morally good and truly hard working, but today, I don’t think you could pay a country to take Americans in mass quantities. Whatever “tax base” they would contribute would not be worth dealing with your people who, many of whom, act precisely like your government does on the world stage – bullying, dictating, arguing, and capitalizing. Maybe the rich would be acceptable to some countries, which is exactly what is reflected in most immigration policies of South America. My apologies to the minority of Americans who are well educated, refined, and aware of the delicacies of foreign cultures, who don’t think their nation is the greatest, and who recognize the limitations of their singular perspective.

    1. Well, I doubt you’d have American arrogance joining in the exodus to South America LOL People who think America is this fabulous paragon of freedom and liberty would never think to go elsewhere. In fact, I dare say that such people are the very one’s who’ve never been outside the continental US and are the ones who would love to see people like me leave! Why would they go to South America? They’re too cowardly to own up to the crap America has done under the cloak of “freedom”, and they are likewise too cowardly to face down their own fears and ignorance. They wait for our government to intimidate the crap out of everyone and like the bully in the school yard claim some sort of credit for being an imperialistic jerk.

      Nah… they aren’t going anywhere. It’s going to be the people who see no borders. It’s going to be the people who see no Us VS Them. It’s going to be the people who are just looking for something better. People who are loyal to the US geography will remain your neighbors. LOL People who are loyal to their own principles will find another home when the opportunity presents itself.

      Do you really think that the squeaky wheels are the majority? No. The majority of Americans, I would say are silent and politically apathetic with no particular loyalties to anyone. They aren’t vocal because they are so discontented with the whole damn thing, they’re just trying to keep their head above water. What YOU see are the political jackwagons from our left and right who allow their asses to do the talking.

      I don’t blame you for having the opinion that you do of America or Americans. They brought it upon themselves anyway. I certainly don’t have any pride of country to lay down a defense for that crap. LOL The only thing I take exception to is the “gun toting” jibe: Nothing wrong with toting a gun. Self defense is and always will be an inalienable natural right.

      1. Sounds like a great practical idea. And, it’s just the thought that counts. I guess in one sense we could apologize to our Canadian friends–and would criticize them at the same time as take a little of their prosperous and free condition for granted. Hate to sound to patriotic, pals, but if it were not for the blood and gold the USA spent in at least WW1 and 2, Canada may not be riding so high on their mounted police units. Oh sure, sure, we can not prove that, but please, spare us the chill critical northerly breeze. (It’s not like I would invite every Canadian either.) Like Kelly said, some Americans are so and so, and some are ripe for migration; those are the ones that would be a benefit to a welcoming country. As suggested, the principles of freedom and our Constitution transcend country, time or place. People definitely have flaws and bad habits, but who says we have to throw out the baby with the bathwater?

        As you also said Kelly, the building up of smaller communities could provide intense catalyst for industry growth in these other countries. Brilliant!

        1. “but if it were not for the blood and gold the USA spent in at least WW1 and 2, Canada may not be riding so high on their mounted police units.”

          World War I and World War II were corporate/banker/arms manufacturer profiteering exercises.
          The American continent was in no danger of invasion. We would NOT have been speaking German or Japanese.

          Read “War is a Racket” by Major General Smedley Butler – head of the US Marine Corps. (It’s free online).
          He names the corporations that benefited from his warmongering.

          “I spent 33 years and four months in active military service as a member of our country’s most agile military force — the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. During that period I spent more of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected that I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. I was rewarded with honours, medals and promotion. Looking back on it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three city districts. I operated on three continents”. — General Smedley Butler, head of the US Marine Corps. Commandant,1935

          1. I wish someone would tell the folks who have signed up for military service now these truths… I’m sure this book is banned from the barracks.

    2. Very well written piece, Kelly. Thank you. I can’t begin to tell you how many of my family members and friends have already made that decision to leave. Or have left. I was going to say that I can’t tell you, because that would raise the attention of Big Brother….but that’s a moot point. The NSA already knows. I’ll be exiting as soon as I can and will appreciate the open (or even partially open) arms of whatever country will have me/us. America, and being an American, has become an embarrassment. There was nothing to celebrate on this past Fourth, except what once was. Wherever I move to, believe me I wouldn’t have the gall to also import the hubris that so many Americans express. Like the immigrants (my mother, and grandparents) who came here decades ago, I want to become assimilated into my new home and its people and offer my skills and determination to bettering my life and the lives of those around me. Where liberty is, there is my country. Adios, America

      1. My sentiments exactly, Bea! I’m more concerned with living free than I am about WHERE that takes place. Whatever country is willing to take me and otherwise leave me alone, I’m happy to integrate myself into their culture and language :) New adventures and good times… why not? Being in a country too poor for NSA grade surveillance almost guarantees that it won’t be as bad there, as it is here. LOL

      2. To Adios America — Nice Benjamin Franklin quote: Where liberty is, there is my country. I’m afraid that my sentiments lie along the same line as yours: I want a home. And our PT friends would say that is naive. That there is no such thing. The state of liberty is always in flux no matter where we land. The U.S. seemingly had the mechanisms to self-right if things got out of hand. Well, things are out of hand, have been out of hand, and are likely to stay out of hand, and there doesn’t seem to be anything we can do except leave.

        And yet, as soon as we drive a stake in the ground of new country de jour and call it home, we are captive. As we buy or build infrastructure, our investment becomes illiquid. Our ability to pack up and leave goes way down — for both financial and psychological reasons (we don’t want to leave home).

        My grandparents were immigrants. In, what, two/three generations I want to move on. But the idea that we’ll find a place for a long generational home? I am leery. The first wave of immigrants are usually taken advantage of and we are all novices in South America. As a whole, the cultures have created enormous ways to finesse us out of all we are will to be fleeced of. It takes many tries to find a competent, let alone honest, lawyer. And then you are faced with judicial corruption.

        I’m not saying it’s not time to go. I’m saying it’s not as easy as just going. I have an instinct that there is opportunity in SE Asia but I’m not a fan of the climate. But I don’t hear the same anguish coming from emigres that I hear from those who went to So Am. With the exception of Chile which I’ve never heard too much bad about. But Pinochet and Allende were not that long ago. It’s the WHERE that’s the big deal. And it would be nice for folks who have an idea of WHERE to speak out. And make their case.

        Some of us have dual citizenships due to our parents or grandparents that would allow us to head back to the EU. I know the EU is in for a drubbing economically but that doesn’t bother me. In trouble there is opportunity. And, due to the current 27 state structure of the EU, it’s possible to lead an “off the radar” life over there if you have an EU passport. But as soon as you have created “home” in the EU, you have signed aboard some country’s voyage. And that troubles me.

        You seem to be awash in people “leaving” — help us with WHERE, ok?


        1. Indeed the dilemma of planting oneself in any country is a risk, all government is corrupt, it is the belief in authority that must change in order for humanity to progress.
          I had been planning to buy a piece of sand in central america for my bolthole, banking on the fact, as Kelly mentioned, that these countries don’t have the resources to track us. While this is true, it is changing and technology is getting less expensive every day. In addition, the primary goal of the psychopaths in charge is to increase their control over others, which means that they are driven to obtain the power that tech will afford.
          My plan has changed to living life as a cruiser aboard a sailboat in the caribbean, at least for a couple of years. If anchorage at one location gets dicey for any reason I can haul anchor and move on.
          Granted, this is today’s plan, at 57 I’ve got a couple more years before I can pull it all together, who knows what tomorrow will bring.

          1. Technology is an interesting animal. The free market has done a marvelous job of keeping us one step ahead of government in terms of innovation. Much like the Google search algorithm, they are constantly optimizing to ensure genuine lead generation as opposed to the contrived ones often generated by those who figure out the algorithm they are using. The stuff that gets cheaper is the outdated stuff. But your bottom line is indisputably correct: all governments are corrupt. It’s just a matter of finding one that is either too weak to act on their tyranny or one that isn’t as bad as ours. (Voting always amounts to a choice of lesser evils… but at the end of the day, it’s all evil.)

  13. Kelly, a wonderful, refreshing idea …….. and its time has really come.
    Enough of this hypocrisy where the Constitution is mere toilet paper & the laws are written only for the 1%.
    The search for liberty may well lead us to Latin America.

    1. EXACTLY! Rules are only for the law-abiding and harmless… not for the violent control freaks in government…

  14. Who is John Galt? Is John Galt a synonym for Kelly Diamond? Someone told me that they were just about ready to go to Galt’s gulch.

    1. Indeed, more folks are stepping forward and identifying with John Galt than Rand probably ever expected… Be well! kd

  15. Kelly, my similar sentiments: free movement of people should be the experiment that must follow the way of goods and money. My perspective comes from becoming a legal U.S. resident (for familial reasons) and staying such as I survey the global retirement landscape.

    We differ in that while I talk myself hoarse you have a platform to float the idea. To your success!

    1. Thank you! And yes, that is the gist of this letter: allowing people to vote with their feet is far more effective than a vote at the ballot box for the lesser of two evils. kd

  16. Well Kelly Diamond, i suggest that you remove yourself from this great though flawed land of ours and make The USA a better place. You disgust me and all those that have read or received the memorandum. Believe me we would be far better off if you simply vanished into the atmosphere. You are what is destroying this great nation. It is indeed flawed and imperfect but no better place on the face of this planet exists. it is one of but a very few that would allow you to do what you are doing without government retribution. or even imprisonment. Pack up and leave.

    1. Put your money where your mouth is and sponsor my expatriation. I happen to be loyal to principles. You seem to place your loyalty in symbols, geographies, and governments.

      You won’t be better off without me. I represent the last and dying vestige of free market capitalism. Kick me out, and you’re left with a bunch of warmongering fascists who will take your guns, silence you, and monitor your every move and tax you to death to fund the extermination of your freedoms.

      My leaving won’t make the USA better, but it would certainly make my life better. Let me know when you’re ready to sponsor me though. If you think it’s a worthwhile investment to get me out, I’m willing to accept your charity, regardless of how wrongheaded your intentions may be.

      Live free or die. I choose life…

    2. David,

      “Imperfect” is one thing. Point well taken. “Cancerous” is quite another. An economic shambles, so indebted that only a complete debt default, the utter devaluing of the USD, or an even dramatically higher increase in the tax rate can possible stave off the current levels of insolvency. A USA where civil rights are no longer respected. Where basic Constitutional freedoms, such as the Bill of Rights, have been obliterated. A place so devoid of human value that the very fact that we are handing over an economically and morally bankrupt nation to our own offspring – children and grandchildren – no longer even stirs the passions of “Americans” to act…but a mile long line will form to buy the latest “cronut”. This is the new “American heritage”. Kelly simply offered an option for those unhappy with this sad state of affairs and rightly mentioned that all a South American nation would have to do is open its doors and the masses would come. And, before you bother…already left. Over 30 years experience working within the political system for change…and all I saw was a worsening not an improvement. I saw valiant “new political leaders”, hopped up on emotion about “changing Washington”. Two years later, Washington had changed them. Enough was enough…I left…4 years ago…and am very happy in my new home in Ecuador.

  17. Well spoken. Long overdue. I wish we could get it into the hands of the “power structure” in such countries.

    If a country with the stability of Chile were to do this, I think it would start a landslide of arrivals. Having lived in a few Central and South American countries, the counties culture, commercial sectors, and bureaucracy are not really set up to do what needs to be done. The entire culture is endemic with short term aspirations of eating the foreigners. I cannot tell you how often someone will steal $200 at the cost of a long term profitable relationship. Business is more a ponzi scheme than what we’re used to. Cheating everyone up and down the ladder of vertical integration is a way of life. Quality control is not in the language.

    I get the dream. But I’m not sure such countries are ready for us. Nor are we ready to put up with corruption at every turn. Would we really want to do business in Argentina? Real business men there just want to get out. There seems to be a cultural antagonism with Chile, so they’re not heading across the border. Perhaps to Uruguay.

    Specifically, Ecuador is a socialist government that gets to power most like our elected, by promising things they can never produce. It’s on the U.S. dollar so it can’t print money to pay for stuff it cannot afford. There is terrible corruption at the ministerial levels and petti corruption flows downhill.

    Most of the governments want our money but not us. They are fearful we will take over. That once there in numbers will demand cessation of taudry ways of dirty economics that keeps so many of its population dirt poor. Estonia had a good deal going and blew it. U.S., Canadians, Japanese — doors are open. But I guess they got the shakes and stopped the program. Some folks took the easy residency and left Estonia. But there were things Estonia could have done to keep them interested. Instead they passed new laws to make it harder.

    Kelly Diamond is so right that simply by virtue of being Americans, we know how to get stuff done. We carry more useful information in our heads than most countries’ bureaucrats or professors.

    They interface may have to be a well-empowered “integration task force” that has the ability to cut through red tape instantly. We’re tired of the red tape that’s growing in America but we’re surely not going to sign on for stupider hinderances to enterprise.

    Thanks for you fine writing.


    1. You do make a good point that perhaps the South American countries may not be ready for an influx of Americans or if Americans are ready for the culture shock of South America. But at some point such trepidation will play second fiddle to the need for subduing US imperialism.

      If you look at the fomentation of the United States, it was all one big corrupt conspiracy from the beginning! George Washington was a manchurian candidate, the Constitution was drafted by folks other than who we know today to be the “founding fathers” and it happened behind closed locked doors. It was a bunch of lawyers and bankers who’s very first acts were to impose a whiskey tax that favored Washington’s production and killed his competition; and stealing the farm properties of returning soldiers weary from having just fought the Revolutionary War.

      If a society can work with that, we can work with just about anything. LOL

  18. By far, one of the best articles on current state of affairs and how to peacefully and tactfully, change not only the course of our dying culture, but for sure, light a new fire of hope in the individuals who see it, feel it, live it…and by geographical association only, are slowly “dying” themselves.

    Hip, hip, HOORAY Kelly….long live the true “American”….whoever many there are left.

    God bless….and hope to join you soon.

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