Why Jobs Suck
Yesterday I had a phone conversation with a friend of mine, Mike, who also was a former employee at a company I sold a few years ago. It had been awhile since we last talked so it was good to catch up. Mike worked for me for several years after I bought his company and […]
The Procrastinator’s Doctrine
Over the past week I have spoken to a few existing and potential clients who still seem reluctant to ‘pull the trigger’ on completing their own asset protection plan. Yesterday, I spoke to a woman who mentioned that she realizes it is something she needs to do, but is struggling with the idea of spending […]
5 Steps to Eliminate Investment Risk
Like many of you, I am an investor and a trader. If you are also in the markets today, you are surely finding it to be increasingly difficult to locate safe places to stash your cash. In the past year we have seen silver go from $16/oz to $36/oz. We have seen gold go from […]
The Great Reset is in Full Swing
If the past couple of weeks have not convinced you that we are living in the age of the “Great Reset”, then nothing is going to open your eyes. Public unions all around the Mid West US are now in full tilt protest. Treasury bond auctions are coming up short. Oil is now at $102 […]
Are You a Beast of Burden?
Reading the headlines over the past two weeks was like riding a roller coaster with no seatbelt – exciting to say the least. We read about the turmoil in Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, Libya and pretty much the rest of the Middle East. In about one week we have seen oil spike from $83 per barrel […]
Can I Buy You a Drink?
Sometimes I feel like we are living in George Orwell’s “1984”. Over the past few weeks we have now heard Obama and Geitner call for a major overhaul of the US tax code with an emphasis on LOWERING the corporate tax rate. Wait a minute. Didn’t we just spend the last few months listening to […]