What to do with Your Cash Now?
July 30, 2015 by Bobby Casey We live in some strange times. Governments around the world are drowning in debt and yet the media portrays the global economy as recovering. Stock markets are like riding a roller coaster, drunk and on acid. Currency markets are wild with the US Dollar showing mystical strength and one […]
Save $18,130.50 on Self-Employment Tax in 2015
July 13, 2015 by Bobby Casey Would you voluntarily invest $18,130.50 per year for the next 15 years with virtually no chance of any reasonable return and a higher than average risk of a total loss? According to the CBO (congressional budget office) the Social Security fund will be exhausted in 2030 unless income exceeds […]
Is the Estonian E-Residency a Bunch of BS?
June 11, 2015 by Bobby Casey Earlier this week I read an article from one of the other offshore newsletter writers titled, “Estonian E-Residency Makes No Sense”. I read a lot of newsletters and articles everyday to keep myself informed about what is going on, as well as others’ opinions of the offshore world. The […]
Offshore Strategy: Step One
June 9, 2015 by Bobby Casey Nearly every day of the week I get a call or email from readers asking me, “I am just starting out with internationalizing my life – what do you think I should do first?” I cannot answer this question in broad strokes as everyone’ situation is different. We consider […]
US Treasury Inherits $847,215 from World’s Dumbest Couple
by Bobby Casey Today, I want to introduce you to what may possibly be the world’s dumbest couple. Last month, a cashier’s check totaling $847,215.57 was made out to the US Department of the Treasury. Peter and Joan Petrasek had drafted identical wills naming “the government of the United States of America” as their sole […]
One Simple Trick for Asset Protection and Estate Planning
May 13, 2015 by Bobby Casey In my teens through my early 30’s I used to race motorcycles. Even before that and up until this day I continue to ride motorcycles. However, when I raced I was always my own mechanic. I remember one day working on a motorcycle that wouldn’t start. I was dumbfounded. […]
Is My 401k or IRA at Risk?
by Bobby Casey In short, yes. Your 401k and/or your IRA is at great risk. If you have significant savings in your private retirement accounts, there is a very real risk of hugely diminished returns or even confiscation. Who here reading this article believes the government is the best allocator of capital? ….crickets None of […]
Become an Offshore Real Estate Mogul….and Live for FREE
April 6, 2015 by Bobby Casey A couple of weeks ago I was chatting with a client of mine, Frank, about his travels. Frank is a good friend and a hugely successful entrepreneur. He runs a company with an 8 figure net profit margin, but remains very down to earth. Frank was recently in the […]
World’s Largest Tax Haven
April 24, 2015 by Bobby Casey There has been a lot of drama in the news over the past few months surrounding billionaires and multimillionaires who have stashed cash offshore to avert taxes or legal issues back home. The fourth branch of the American government, also known as “mainstream media” has been on a rampage […]
Playing By The Rules
March 23, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher I cannot be the only person in the United States who has asked themselves – with regards to many government activities – “Is this really legal?!” Not that legality has anything to do with morality or what’s right and wrong, but it does have something to do with […]