China Officially Added to IMF Basket
December 7, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP A new chapter to the global economy story has officially started, with the IMF declaring China’s renminbi a reserve currency: “On Oct. 1, 2016, the yuan will officially be added to the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR) basket of currencies, which previously included only the dollar, […]
Actions Speak Louder than Polls
November 30, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There’s always a poll to support one opinion or another. If you look at MSNBC polls versus Fox News polls, it becomes apparent what their respective viewership composition is, so I take those with a grain of salt. There’s nothing much to glean from liberals want […]
Chinese Capital Controls A Warning for US
November 23, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP With the bombings and their aftermath in France, it’s difficult to find other headlines. Perhaps some people find it insensitive to seek other news in the wake of such a tragedy? I don’t know. For me, I try to find those other stories because events are […]
Crisis & Aftermath
November 16, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The 5th largest economy in the world and 2nd largest economy in Europe, how France handles the recent events will be critical to EU health. It’s true, life doesn’t come with a “user manual”. We are all pretty much winging it. Some of us may have […]
US Debt Ceiling: A Blank Check for Congress
November 9, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Imagine US spending represented as archery. The budget is the target, and coming in under budget is the bulls-eye. The safest place on that field would be the target. Have you ever had someone in your family or your circle of friends who always had some […]
Cashless & Debased
November 2, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP We’ve touched on the issue of negative interest rates a few times on this site: “The People’s QE” and “The USD is Going from Worthless to Imaginary”. It is going from a scary prospect to a dismal reality. It basically amounts to a monetary ultimatum: either […]
Out With the Old AND With the New
October 26, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Through most of school, many of us were taught American history portrayed through a slightly over-romanticized lens. Born out of the bloody battle fields of the New World, was the Great Experiment: a noble new country won on the backs of the common man under the […]
What’s a Money Market Mutual Fund and Why Get One?
October 22, 2015 By: Gordon Haave, Managing Director Agora Trust He thought it was the perfect crime. In fact, he didn’t think there would even be any victims. Curtis De Young, the founder and CEO of American Pension Services in Riverton, Utah thought he could use a staggering $24 million of customer cash to make […]
A State of Control
October 19, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There are quite a few articles on our site that discuss the burdens placed on individuals, businesses, and full industries by the government. Back when we discussed Edward Snowden’s revelations and the various US spy programs, it became all too clear that these programs were not […]
Government: Over Promises, Under Delivers
October 12, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Ever hear, “Ignorance of the law is not an excuse to violate it,” or some derivative of that? While societal laws are often an arbitrary moving target, the laws of economics are about as clear as the laws of physics. They can only be bent for […]