Cost of Living vs Cost of Leaving
Between the life people grew accustomed to over the past two years and the economic shifts afoot, the cost of leaving might have the cost
Between the life people grew accustomed to over the past two years and the economic shifts afoot, the cost of leaving might have the cost
There’s no better time than the present to opt out of the old and new normal and pave a new path forward. November 22, 2021
The desperation is starting to show on the federal level, as they seek to tax unrealized gains as a money grab at the uber rich.
The media spin on inflation is trying to pacify those most adversely affected by it claiming it is fine or at worst a problem for
People want to blame everything from the pandemic to horrible wages and bosses for the worker shortages. Who is right? The intellectually lazy are always
Police can seize assets, under a presumption of guilt; and they are incentivized to do so under a federal equitable sharing program. Imagine a police
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