US Faces Crushing, Albeit Foreseeable, Consequences

The US and its dollar are getting crushed by US monetary policies, China’s strategic moves, and cryptocurrency. March 27, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Every day, the United States move further away from relevance, and it only has itself to blame. For years, I’ve been talking about how China was the country to […]
Considering and Reconsidering Fiscal Policy

People might not care about politics, but politics cares about people; and it’s particularly clear in fiscal policies made by central bankers. March 6, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There’s an interesting trend on social media that presents really stupid advice cloaked as healthy psychology. It’s strange because one side will say, “Get […]
Cryptocurrency and Money Laundering… Again
Once again, money laundering has reared its head to conjure fear and curry favor for new regulations and controls in the crypto world. January 23, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Our good friend Money Laundering has resurfaced because of course. Every time this comes up, my eyes roll further back. As if the […]
The Ghost of Snowden Past Present & Future: Anomaly 6
The Snowden revelations not only told us what happened in the past, but what’s brewing in the present and what’s coming in the future. December 26, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Government spying is not a new thing. In the top ten most surveilled (measured as cameras per 1,000 people), London is the […]
The Future of Crypto Taxes in Portugal and Germany
The rules are shifting, or maybe the dust is settling, on what the tax guidance is on crypto in Portugal and Germany. October 17, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Perhaps some of you have heard the buzz around PayPal dabbling in some “Social Credit Score” nonsense? Or perhaps the Treasury coming for the […]
US Dollar Further Loses Its Footing to Virtue Agendas
The US dollar is losing its footing, having forsaken its responsibility to defend its gains in favor of virtue agendas that help only themselves. August 29, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP If you watch some of these class warriors online resenting the rich, what you see is people who think life is easy […]
This is a Backdoor Into the U.S. “Social Credit Score”
The US is in the second phase of developing a CBDC as a way to control the people’s assets, actions, and possibly even act as a sort of “social credit score”. Let’s talk about Bitcoin… The underlying technology that Bitcoin (and all cryptocurrencies) is based on is called the blockchain, which helps any type of […]
Interesting Opportunities with Your 401k and Crypto
With all the mayhem resulting from previous administrations, a recent opportunity in 401k investments has emerged. May 9, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP We are living in quite a clown world. But what is happening now isn’t all because of something someone did in the last couple years. It’s a culmination of insanely […]
Bizarre Reason Your Bank Could Freeze Your Account
Banks’ ability to freeze an account on a political whim should have people concerned about the vulnerability of their funds. In a previous message, I outlined how Justin Trudeau escalated the trucker convoy’s peaceful protest in Canada by calling for the seizure of the trucker’s assets. His tyrannical escalation also included seizing their children. That […]
Navigating These Interesting Times
The global economy isn’t finished with its economic shenanigans as we transition from pandemic to war, the question is how can people navigate these interesting times? February 28, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The world is in quite a mess right now. The global response to COVID-19 made many areas of the world […]