The Real Take-Away from China

The government of China should be closely watched, and its people supported as both come bearing a foreboding message from a future the West might soon see. December 5, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP China is an interesting place. Much like the US, it has regional diversity in cuisine and dialects. China as […]
How Digitized is Your Next Country?

When thinking about where your (next) destination might be, consider how digitized the country is, and what direction they are taking it in. November 21, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There’s a phrase used to tap into who can relate to a limited reference to a given topic: If You Know, You Know. […]
The Future of Crypto Taxes in Portugal and Germany
The rules are shifting, or maybe the dust is settling, on what the tax guidance is on crypto in Portugal and Germany. October 17, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Perhaps some of you have heard the buzz around PayPal dabbling in some “Social Credit Score” nonsense? Or perhaps the Treasury coming for the […]
US Dollar Further Loses Its Footing to Virtue Agendas
The US dollar is losing its footing, having forsaken its responsibility to defend its gains in favor of virtue agendas that help only themselves. August 29, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP If you watch some of these class warriors online resenting the rich, what you see is people who think life is easy […]
U.S. Democrat’s “Inflation Reduction Act” is Actually This…
The Inflation Reduction Act seeks $30.5 billion in new tax revenue from those making less than $500,000 as the US economy spirals toward stagflation. In another “shocking but not shocking” moment… U.S. President Joe Biden has broken one of his campaign promises and now finds himself among a long list of politicians from both sides […]
Economic Healing Through Honesty: What is Inflation
Politicians obfuscate about what inflation is, once again kicking the can down the road with more empty populist policies devoid of honest and real solutions. August 15, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP One of the things that keeps hope alive is the knowledge that goals are attainable. It’s a psychological vulnerability in humanity. […]
This is a Backdoor Into the U.S. “Social Credit Score”
The US is in the second phase of developing a CBDC as a way to control the people’s assets, actions, and possibly even act as a sort of “social credit score”. Let’s talk about Bitcoin… The underlying technology that Bitcoin (and all cryptocurrencies) is based on is called the blockchain, which helps any type of […]
The Intersection of The Great Resignation & Remote Work
At the intersection of The Great Resignation and Remote Work is an opportunity for employers, employees, and consumers to cooperate and mend some of the damage to the economy. August 8, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I know I’ve said this before, but societies really do run on trust and hope. Sometimes it’s […]
Tale of Two Countries: Argentina and Zimbabwe Edition
Argentina and Zimbabwe demonstrate two different approaches to hyperinflation: one tightened policy, the other expended their welfare state. August 1, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I mentioned earlier that while we aren’t all in the same boat, we are on the same ocean in different boats. The turbulence of the waters will affects […]
Recession Already? Trillions of Retirement Dollars Lost
Retirement accounts have lost over $3 Trillion dollars since the beginning of 2022, and the future doesn’t look so bright for the rest of this year either. Since January 4th, 2022 the U.S. economy has taken a huge hit on multiple fronts… Inflation is soaring, the latest update shows it accelerating at a 9.1% clip. […]