Go Paperless as a Digital Nomad
April 3, 2015 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I remember as a kid watching my dad pull out these huge green notepads with horizontal and vertical lines running the length of the paper. These pads were enormous – probably 3 feet by 2 feet rectangles. He would open up this pad on his huge […]
Greater Scrutiny of American Bank Transactions
March 30, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher It would appear we are commemorating Woodrow Wilson’s tattle policies by reinstituting them… with a British twist. What happens when Wilson-era policies (A) and British banking policies (B) give each other a “special hug”? Well, that’s an experiment I hoped would never come to pass given the unethical […]
Ridesharing: A Lesson In Deregulation?
March 2, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Back in October of last year, I wrote about the challenges ride-share businesses such as Uber, Lyft and Sidecar, are facing (“Constipated Economy”). These challenges continue in the more densely populated markets such as San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York. There are small victories that ride-share entrepreneurs […]
How Will Hackers Help Build A Libertarian 21st Century?
February 27, 2015 By: Marco Ricca The debate is raging: what will we make of the information age? Are we moving towards a technological dystopia, whereby Big Brother monitors and regulates our every action and thought? Or, conversely, does the digital revolution contain the promise of a renewed era of liberty? The former view definitely […]
E-Stonia: Wired & Well Ahead of the Curve
December 1, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher I wrote about this over 5 months ago (“Portugal: A Glimpse into America’s Future”), but it looks like Estonia is getting their affairs in order quickly to offer their e-Residency to businesses around the world. In contrast to other countries like Portugal, Estonia is taking several creative and […]
Hong Kong: An Economic Gem
November 24, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher I’m not a big fan of taxes. (I’ll give you a moment to recover from the shock. Ha ha.) But while that might be VERY true, I’m never adverse to measures taken to move away from taxes. Do I like 12% corporate taxes? Absolutely not. Do I like […]
Don’t Trust “Net Neutrality”
November 17, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher We live in some fast-changing times! There are advancements to behold in nearly every industry that are helping people and improving the quality of life for many. My dad was diagnosed with cancer in 1992 or so. They told him he had months to live unless he removed […]
Government Curveballs
November 3, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher What happens when the federal government imposes expensive regulations and jacks up the minimum wage? Local governments and businesses can’t keep up. What’s the difference between a local government being overwhelmed with federal government impositions and a private business? The local government will kick the can down the […]
Interview w/ Jake Desyllas on The Voluntary Life
September 5, 2014 With: Bobby Casey, Managing Director of GWP This is a great rundown on geo-arbitrage! Practical information you can use when assessing what might be right for you. Encouraging information pertaining to the international life. Take a listen… Check out Bobby’s interview with Jake Desyllas on TheVoluntaryLife.com, Episode 170! Click […]
Bobby’s Interview w/ John Lee Dumas
July 21, 2014 Bobby’s recent interview with John Lee Dumas of EntrepreneuronFire.com!