Net Neutrality is Making a Comeback
Net Neutrality is rearing its ugly head again, and nothing about it serves the general public. So what’s this about? October 23, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Yes, much like Hollywood, we’ve run out of new plots and story lines, and we’re just doing remakes now, but with greater inclusivity and intersectionality. Net […]
Corporate Death Penalty?
While rarely applied, corporations can be sentenced to the “death penalty”, and one such adjudication just landed in New York. October 2, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Part of what we do here is corporate structuring. We offer a simple, turn-key solution to setting up your own LLC. Corporate structuring is one of […]
US Loses Talent to Countries with Talent Visas
Countries offering talent visas stand to gain from the United States’ broken immigration system and inability to create a path to residency for their highly skilled and highly educated foreign born population. July 3, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The US struggles at being consistently good at something. It’ll get something right — […]
Be Your Own First-Responder
Despite what authorities and the media might say, you are the first-responder to your life; and you are capable of profound problem-solving. April 10, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I offer some ideas, solutions, and tactics that work for some people. Becoming an expat and entrepreneur have been the two biggest choices to […]
Is This the End of the “American Experiment”?
If the American Experiment, built on free markets and enterprise, is buckling under the weight of heavy debts, what is your escape plan? The Roman Empire lasted approximately five centuries before finally collapsing in 476 AD, following a century of slow civilizational decline. Fast forward to the modern age, and the American experiment that started […]
Reasons to Expatriate… Even Just for a Little While
To expatriate is to choose a life of flexibility and freedom that maximizes the professional, tax, and cultural opportunities offered around the world. February 6, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The world has become a smaller place because of common-man accessibility to any place on it. Can we take a moment and just […]
Is 2023 The Year of the Expat and Nomad?
The way in which we adapt even to contrived problems is truly remarkable. Post pandemic recovery is no exception. This is why I think 2023 is the year of the expat and nomad. January 16, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Nothing will ever replace supply and demand as the key market indicators and […]
US New Year Resolution: Reversing Downward Trend in Innovation
If the US doesn’t reverse it’s downward trends in innovation, economic freedom, civil liberties, and passport value, the people with the means to leave, very well might. January 4, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Something I’ve heard repeatedly as an American who is quite critical of the United States is: If you don’t […]
The Cost of Compliance
If taxes and regulations are the price we pay for a civilized society, there are some things you should know regarding the cost of compliance. November 7, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Taxes can be a huge burden on businesses, no question. But equally miserable are the cost of compliance and regulation. As […]
Considerations for Digital Nomads: Ready to Make the Leap?
If you are considering location independence, here are a few things to consider in preparation for being a digital nomad. October 31, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP If you’ve been following my blogs for a while, you know I often write and speak about the digital nomad lifestyle. I call myself an “expat […]