What is Asset Protection?
For many, this conjures images of the stereotypical Colombian drug lord laundering money in some offshore bank account in the Caymans. For others, it may bring forth images of former Enron executives with their money stashed away in Bermuda. And while this may be true for some, there are many legitimate entrepreneurs and investors at […]
The Best Essay Explaining Obama’s Agenda I’ve Read
I will not overburden you with too much explanation here, but suffice to say, the article in the link below is one of the best articles I have read about Obama’s agenda. I aligns with my belief that we are witnessing a historic change in American politics and potentially a world shift in power. The […]
The IRS is Buying Guns…
The following is an excerpt from the IRS specs on sources new armaments for the officers. Hmmmm, now why would IRS agents need to be so well armed? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to purchase sixty Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12 gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division. The Remington parkerized […]
Keynes vs Hayek rap – pretty funny
I found this video on the internet and thought it was pretty humorous. Let me know what you think.
Swiss Private Banks Refusing US Clients
This week I am attending an investment conference in Zurich called Fonds 2010. I spent the day walking through the exhibitor area speaking to Swiss private banks, investment firm managers, hedge fund managers, and most any other type of investment professional you can think of. I approached one unnamed banker and asked if his company […]
State of the Union – protect your assets now
I am currently living outside of the US, 7 hours ahead of the east coast so I watched Obama’s State of the Union speech this morning on youtube. I considered staying up until 4am last night just to watch it because his speeches, whether you agree with them or not, have significant impact on the […]
The Perverse Tax System in the US
In the US, you have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, one of the highest progressive personal tax rates, tax on your savings, tax on your dividends (after they have already been taxed!!!), and tax on every other productive activity I can think of. Here in Estonia, there is no corporate tax, 21% […]
2 ways to move assets offshore without reporting – pt 2
As I mentioned in my previous post, there are two ways. The other is holding precious metals in an offshore vault. Gold has historically been a consistent use of money and will continue to be used that way long after we are gone. Paper money no longer has any value and is only guaranteed by […]
Currency controls – Part 2
In the future, we may be restricted from wire transfers, cash transactions, owned foreign businesses, or many other controls policymakers can conjure up. There is already discussion about any transfer of funds over $1,000,000 requiring approval from the US Treasury Department. What if they decide to block your transfer of funds? A more serious threat […]
US citizens need to prepare for currency controls – Part 1
There has been some talk lately about future currency controls in the US. What we don’t realize is that we already have currency controls. Have you ever flown outside of the US and had to fill out that form asking you to declare any currency over $10,000? Do you know why they want to know […]