Gig Workers Unite
More politicians have their sights on restricting and regulating gig work, and they are coming for it during the worst possible economic times. May 18, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Provided governments don’t have the global society regressing back to some dark age, the days of professional career monogamy are waning. Keeping options […]
TRACE is in the House
The House of Representatives has a bill called TRACE which will begin the efforts of monitoring people with or those who came in contact with people with COVID-19. May 11, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP If I were to look at the response to COVID-19 so far, here’s what I’ve observed: People became […]
The COVID-19 Panopticon Could Be Permanent
Letting no crisis go to waste, COVID-19 is being used as a Trojan Horse for all sorts of invasive policies, trampling your privacy in the name of safety. The COVID-19 virus isn’t just a pandemic in the viral sense, it has also created a privacy pandemic. In fact, the U.S. could be on the verge […]
The Decentralized Solution
While the government centralizes its power and control, individuals will find more solutions by fragmenting and decentralizing their lives. April 20, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I see a lot of fringe arguments about the insidious “psyop”. While I don’t indulge rabbit holes like that, there is something about a system reliant upon […]
From Purge of Status Quo to Surge in Opportunities
Economies are suffering, but was this the purge from a terrible status quo that could lead to a surge of new opportunities? April 13, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP This situation isn’t totally unprecedented. Many of us watched the world after 9/11, and are still living with the legislative artifacts of that time. […]
Police Using This Doorbell to Violate Your Rights
Buyer beware: The doorbell app, Ring, tracks and packs your personal data. Imagine if your doorbell rang, and suddenly, your personally identifiable information (PII) was sent straight to analytics companies, marketing companies, and other companies — including Facebook. Now stop imagining, because this exact scenario is happening right now. The company I’m referring to is […]
Due Process is on the Chopping Block
The TSA has worked around due process. Here comes the DHS and the EU Police following and looking to do the same. February 24, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP One of Lysander Spooner’s greatest criticisms of the US Constitution was: But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is […]
Podcast Interview: Bobby Casey & Jeremy Ong of Hustlr
February 5, 2020 By: Jeremy Ong, CEO What is up hustler nation, today I have Bobby Casey who’s a digital nomad for the last 20 years. His company specializes in helping digital nomads structure their business and residency for tax minimization and asset protection. As the world becomes more and more globalized, navigating these […]
The Death of Privacy: Part 1
From science fiction novel, to outlandish foil-hat conspiracy theory, to public policy: how the government convinced hundreds of millions of people to willingly kill their own privacy. January 27, 2020 By: Bobby Casey Managing Director GWP A variety of initiatives from the federal government of the US, that once seemed benign, and proving to be […]
Gig Workers Could Be Blacklisted
Legislation meant to help contract workers really hurts and limits them, yet many states are following this tragic example which cripples the gig economy. December 23, 2019 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Technology has come a long way in making life easier and better for more people. It’s become affordable, as more people have […]