US Passport Takes a Major Hit
Holders of US passports took a hit as a result of policies surrounding COVID-19. Not only are they banned from traveling to some countries, they have restricted access to states in their own country! July 27, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I’m willing to bet the most popular wish of 2020 is “GET […]
CBP Blurs Scope of Surveillance State
As the surveillance capabilities continue to expand under the guise of national security, one of the beneficiaries and participants is the CBP. July 20, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Last week I talked about countries like China moving toward a digital currency, and the US entertaining that idea. It will inevitably propel the […]
Race Toward Digital Currency: US vs China
While the US tries to adapt digital currency to its welfare state and otherwise avoid it in the global markets, China spent the last five years working on the digital yuan. Ben Franklin once said: I am for doing good to the poor, but I differ in opinion about the means. I think the best […]
Policy Experimentation: Florida vs New York
The state level experimentation in policy during and after the pandemic gives insights into what works, and what does not. This contrast is clear between New York and Florida. By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP July 6, 2020 Liberty is an ironic concept in the modern world. Individuals who call for it, are at once […]
Congress Pushes to Police Internet
Struck down for being unconstitutional, congress revisits a bill to police the internet which would make platforms and end users both liable for content. June 29, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The United States has become a sociological tinder box. Lock downs ushered in depression level economic hardship. The portrayal of the pandemic […]
A Small Reprieve in Surveillance
The United States has been under the jackboot of the surveillance state for quite some time; but recent events have brought about some reprieve in the facial recognition. June 15, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP It looks like there’s been a slight armistice in the brokering of our private data. I’m pleasantly surprised […]
The Destruction of COVID-19 Response and Aftermath
COVID-19 has done some harm to people around the world, the but the toll of the response and the aftermath are much worse. June 1, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The COVID-19 is bad. For many, it has been deadly, and for others a tough recovery. We can dispute how the numbers are […]
The Crypto Economy Has Arrived & Not a Minute Too Soon
Cryptocurrency has been around for about a decade, but it’s becoming normalized and its application more commonplace and streamlined. By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP It used to be, bartering was the only form of economic transaction. You have cows, I have tomatoes. We determine a quantity of cows that equal the value of a […]
The Immortality of the Patriot Act
Like a bad case of herpes, the Patriot Act is flaring up again in the halls of the Senate, and there were some hits and misses, with the main casualty being privacy rights. May 25, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The sun set on Section 215 back in March around the same time […]
Gig Workers Unite
More politicians have their sights on restricting and regulating gig work, and they are coming for it during the worst possible economic times. May 18, 2020 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Provided governments don’t have the global society regressing back to some dark age, the days of professional career monogamy are waning. Keeping options […]