Layers of Protection
March 3, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Regardless of what you think about J.D. Rockefeller as a person, or the things he did, please don’t allow that to assuage you from the truth and wisdom in this statement he made: “Own nothing and control everything.” We have this quote on our website and for very […]
Obamacare and You
January 31, 2014 By: Andrew Aldridge Tax Director, US Tax & Financial Services When Congress passed President Obama’s healthcare reform, also known as the Affordable Care Act, which guaranteed a minimum amount of health coverage for all Americans, it was received with mixed reviews. For those living overseas such as the United Kingdom, who have […]
Global Reset is Upon Us
January 6, 2014 By: Bobby Casey, GWP Managing Director My 14 year-old son and I went to see the movie, “Snowpiercer” this past weekend. It was a very thought-provoking movie: something very different from anything else I’ve ever seen. I won’t spoil it, but if you are looking for a futuristic dystopia film, this certainly […]
Sticky Note: Why Go Off-shore
December 17, 2013 By: Paul Seymour, Director of Client Services I typically receive about 8-10 inquiries per day from potential clients who are interested in getting their assets out of harm’s way in the US or EU. Many of them start with the phrase, “this is somewhat new for me, so please explain…..” So, as […]
The Two Little Pigs (One was Eaten)
July 29, 2013 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Today, I want to share a comparative case study between three business partners: two of which are asset protection clients of mine, and one who decided asset protection planning was unnecessary. I am not telling you this to say that if the third little pig chose […]
Cook Islands: STILL Your Assets’ Best Friend
March 15, 2013 By: Kelly Diamond, Editor The Cook Islands go out of their way to protect your assets and otherwise leave them alone. The US seems to go out of its way to get those assets. Cook Islands — and other off-shore locations — prove time and again their loyalty to their trust clients, […]
The Cook Islands: Your Assets’ Best Friend
March 8, 2013 By: Kelly Diamond, Editor Individuals have best friends. Your assets need one too: the Cook Islands. The Cook Islands are your assets’ best friend, because they constantly evaluate and fortify the measures by which they protect your wealth. Here at Global Wealth Protection, we write a LOT about laws initially created to […]
Destruction of Perpetual Wealth – 40 More Days
by Bobby Casey, Managing Director In 40 days, massive changes occur in regards to estate taxes. For 2012, you can give $5.12M gift tax free to your heirs. If you are married, you can give $10.24M. This threshold equates to the non-taxable portion of your estate when you die. The estate tax is currently set […]
Asset Protection – Dispelling the Myths
Common misconceptions about Asset Protection by Bobby Casey, Managing Director Asset protection can sometimes be a confusing and often misunderstood topic. In today’s newsletter I will attempt to dispel many of the myths surrounding asset protection. An excellent definition of asset protection comes from Investopedia; The concept of and strategies for guarding one’s wealth. Asset […]
Nuts and Bolts of Asset Protection
This week I will take a break from the usual rants about government stupidity and my philosophical discussions about how people should act and the world should look. Instead, we will discuss some nuts and bolts of Asset Protection Planning. For the purpose of discussion, I will share with you a couple recent client (names […]