August 23, 2013

By: Paul Seymour, Director of Client Services GWP

current events police stateBack again kids, this time absent RFLA.  Two reasons for that.  1) Upon re-reading my petition for the division of marital assets, I’m reminded that all good things come to an end.  All bad things for that matter, and 2) I’ve received a few disturbing inquiries about the RFLA broadcast schedule, and even some advice on how to modernize the broadcasting method.  It’s led me to question my originally noble concept of re-educating the brain-washed masses up there behind the curtain.

I did, however, already have a Lead-in tune selected, so will continue with that tradition for this time.  Take the children and yourself And hide out in the cellar By now the fighting will be close at hand Don’t believe the church and state And everything they tell you Believe in me, I’m with the high command.  Swear allegiance to the flag Whatever flag they offer Never hint at what you really feel Teach the children quietly For some day sons and daughters Will rise up and fight while we stood still.  Can you hear me, can you hear me running? Can you hear me running, can you hear me calling you?”   For some reason, my first wife told me many times back when this song was popular in 1985, and we were just 22, that she felt that I was singing this song to her.  Hmmm.  I never knew I was emitting such vibes back then, but evidently I was.  About ten-fifteen years later I’d be “running” for my life, Snowden style, and here I am almost 30 years later “calling you”.

It’s current events time people.  There’s so much to write about, it’ll be another long one, so settle in. 


First, big news down here a couple of weeks ago after an 18 year old Colombian boy was murdered by jackboots up behind the curtain in Miami. “Israel Hernandez passed away early Tuesday after being transported from police custody to a South Florida emergency room. He was pursued by the police after caught spray-painting an abandoned McDonald’s restaurant and was apprehended once a cop fired an electric charge from his Taser gun.”  In the right column of this page are related stories such as “police kill 95 year old man with bean bag rounds”, “Cop shoots 10-year-old boy with Taser for refusing to clean patrol car”, “12 year old girl tased in Victoria’s Secret”, and “Florida cops use taser on a man for jaywalking”.  I’m not kidding, go take a look. 

Trust me, this only happens in the broken society that was once America.  The Russians no longer resort to such harsh control measures.  If a Chinese cop ever tased a 12 year old girl in a shopping mall, I’m guessing that he’d be quietly executed, and the story covered up by the government in order to avoid the associated national disgrace and shame.  Even the British police, who have Julianne Assange under effective arrest for the crime of disseminating the truth, and as seen below are trying to further suppress freedom of the press, wouldn’t use a taser on a guy for jaywalking.  I would imagine that if a Colombian cop ever used a taser on a 12 year old girl at the mall that he’d be immediately overwhelmed and pummeled to near death, and then fired in permanent disgrace.  The US sheeple, however, read the story and shrug their collective shoulders.  Maybe even mumbling to themselves, “they must have deserved it”.  I’ll continue observing from a safe distance, ashamed of my birthplace, and shake my head.  For the silent majority, you need to consider what this means to your potential future freedom, or lack of it.

While police killings in the US do get reported by the corporate-controlled press, it seems unbalanced with other similar reportings.  The story doesn’t receive adequate follow up, and therefore is quickly forgotten as the cop gets a slap on the wrist.  In contrast, if a single DEA agent gets killed in Colombia, it’s a shocking event and major international news.  The killer must be brought to justice, swiftly and at any cost.  Never mind that he was in the business of putting businessmen in jail for life, just for meeting the insatiable demand of Amerikens for cocaine.  Did you realize that Amerikans happily spend significantly more for cocaine than they’re willing to spend for the same amount of gold?  Do the math.  Hint: there are over 28 grams in an ounce.  No wonder the savings rate in the US is the lowest in the industrialized world.  Here in Colombia, a gram of cocaine costs less than a 6-pack of beer due to the almost non-existent demand.  One idiot (a deranged Gringo) actually said it was due to the high supply levels here, while failing to recognize that there is no restriction on supply up there.  It’s certainly more readily available than gold, for example.

So I got the idea to do a little statistics gathering myself.  Here is a Wikipedia page showing that 587 citizens were killed by non-military US law enforcement officers in 2012.  In the first paragraph they readily admit that the list is very likely incomplete.  On another Wikipedia page, here, we see that kidnappings in Colombia for 2010 were 282.  That includes those by the notorious group FARC, and other criminals.  That’s just kidnapping.  The number of (non-military) people killed, we could assume, would be lower.  What does that say about balanced reporting up there?  You’ve all heard about the FARC, and Colombian cartels, and the mere mention of them strikes fear into your hearts.  But paradoxically, the cops in Amerika whacking an average of 1.6 people per day (if the list is complete) doesn’t tase you?

I even knew a guy that got killed by a cop.  We played college ball together in Tennessee.  He was an awesome athlete.  His name was Stephon Moore, and he was from Cleveland.  He had his choice of playing either in the NBA or the NFL.  He was that good.  He played evenly against his buddy Charles Oakley in high school, but decided on football.  I was playing middle linebacker, and was known as the team’s “hitter”.  Stephon hated getting hit, and quickly made friends with me.  In the opening game against Kentucky, Stephon had 3 carries for 121 yards and 2 touchdowns before they put in the 2nd stringers.  No kidding, he averaged 40 yards per carry against an SEC opponent.  He could make an NFL cornerback look foolish in the open field.  I was leading tackler in that game, and we won easily.  Ok, I can now here the Springsteen song glory days starting to resonate in my head, so I’ll be moving on.

Here’s the story of how he was killed by cops after destroying his shoulder and knee and not making either, the NFL nor NBA where he belonged.  He was a very cool guy, and the cop that killed him was later, after killing a white veteran, thrown in jail for a few years, but received preferential treatment as a cop. “Stephon was known among family members for his gift for quashing beefs.

“He was able to put people together who may not have wanted to be together,” says brother Johnny.  “He was a peacekeeper,” adds sister Jennifer Tilley.   Stephon was always inviting neighborhood kids into his mom’s kitchen near Wade Park. As a child, he was a star in football and basketball, often jousting with a young Charles Oakley, who went on to the NBA.

By the time Stephon graduated from East High, he had settled on football as the sport that would propel him to greatness, so he took a scholarship to play running back at the University of Tennessee.  But in his sophomore year, disaster struck: He was permanently sidelined with injuries to his shoulder and knee. He dropped out of college and came back to a life in Cleveland, far from the fame he envisioned in the NFL.

If it bothered him, Stephon didn’t burden anyone with his disappointment. He worked odd jobs, fixed bikes. He dropped by youth football practices, where his legend remained undiminished, to counsel kids on the fragility of athletic glory and the importance of getting an education. He had four children, the oldest of whom was particularly attached to him. “He used to sleep on his dad’s chest as a child,” Johnny says.” 

His family later received a $250,000 settlement.  Is that what Stephon’s life was worth?


In other local news, Spain announced that it will formally request that the EU no longer require visas for Colombians.  There are reports that Uruguay will legalize drugs in the near future.  That was met by a thank you note signed by 60 Mexican Congressmen.  When that trend gains momentum, there won’t be any more Colombian drug lords to be so frightened of. 


I was reminded by a few people/clients this week that “IRS Issues Draft Form for FATCA Reporting”.  It’s infuriating to me.  People point at the article, swallow the media spin, and say “see, FATCA is imminent”.  Well, no, it isn’t.  The imbalanced reporting, omitting the facts that there’s a movement to repeal FATCA, and a moratorium placed on their illegal unilateral negotiations with sovereign governments, is intended to lead you to believe just that.  Use your head, people, and stay informed here at GWP.  Critical thinking is not only allowed here, but actually encouraged.  FATCA will not get implemented, at least not in any form remotely similar to its current one.  That won’t stop the Treasury Department from trying to convince world banks that they need to report anyway.  If they’re stupid enough to log into an IRS website, and incur the cost to comply with an act that hasn’t been allowed yet by Congress, I’m sure the IRS will be glad to have that information. 


The fact remains that even without FATCA, the US reporting requirements are idiotic and unconstitutional.  I still believe that the whole FATCA debacle will give well-funded groups like American Citizens Abroad the momentum to get the US in line with the rest of the world, and tax based on residency rather than citizenship.

In fact, there’s more help on the way.  In addition to Senator Paul and Rep Posey (Fl), here’s a statement that Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York made last week:

 “It’s not always easy being an ex-pat American working overseas, yet still voting and paying taxes and maintaining ties here at home,” she said in an email. “That’s why I’ve long been an advocate for overseas Americans and why I’ve reintroduced my bill establishing a federal commission to examine how U.S. laws, policies, and bureaucracy affect this hidden constituency.” Maloney argues that whether or not ex-pats work for American businesses overseas (I’m not sure how that’s relevant), they help increase exports of American goods and services because they traditionally buy American goods, sell American goods, and create business opportunities for U.S. companies and workers (again, completely irrelevant, but she’s at least trying). She says their role in strengthening the U.S. economy, creating jobs in the United States, and extending American influence around the globe (hegemony?) is vital to the well-being of our nation. “We’re up to 16 co-sponsors from all parts of the country, so there’s momentum behind the ‘Commission on Americans Living Abroad Act’ and I’m optimistic about its prospects,” said Maloney.   Has anyone seen this in the mainstream news where they’re reporting the FATCA compliance measures?  I haven’t, and I’m actively looking for such news.  See more unreported, but relevant news at: IRS Unfairly Targets US Citizens Abroad. First paragraph teaser – “Until she divulged her husband’s financial records to the IRS three years ago, Genette Eysselinck was a proud American, born on an Army base in North Carolina, and living in a small city in southern France.”

Then, Eysselinck, 66, was trying to comply with U.S. tax law requiring her to provide bank account numbers and balances for her and her spouse – a Belgian citizen – who lay in the hospital recovering from vascular surgery. Once her husband discovered what she had done, he was incensed.

“He felt that I had robbed him of his privacy,” she recalled. “He said he had no reason to give them that information. He is not an American, he’s never lived in America and nowhere in our marriage contract from 1981 did it say that he had to give that information to marry me. So he was not very happy with my giving it over.”

Ultimately, Eysselinck decided there was only one way to save her marriage – by renouncing her U.S. citizenship. She did so on February 6, 2012.” 

For some reason there’s always more credibility if the offended party has ties to the US military.  Go figure, but you really need to read that one.  Very informative and thorough.


Genette is just one of an ever-growing number as US citizenship renunciations, which are up 600% this year.  Although the absolute numbers are small (and very possibly grossly under-reported), it’s very telling, as we all know that there are several million US citizens who’ve left the land of free looking for that freedom where it can actually be found.

Here’s one that caught my attention: IRS Seeks $2 Billion Estate Tax from Former Detroit Pistons Owner’s Family.  I mean, just at first blush it passes the sniff test doesn’t it?  According to Forbes there are 442 people in the US who even have $1 billion in total assets, so asking for $2 billion in cash on those assets sounds normal.  Especially in a city where an influx of venture capital is badly needed, to say the least.  Morons.

More about the lack of freedom of the press: Britain Detains Partner of Reporter Linked to Snowden.  Pretty self-explanatory.  Tell the truth and die.


A client informed me this week that US banks are now starting to refuse foreign clients.  I have to presume that it’s due to the DATCA requirements that are part of FATCA, i.e. US financial institutions being required to rat out all foreign account holders to their respective governments.  That is the $billions in compliance costs which will be passed on to US account holders that Rand Paul referred to in his motion to repeal FATCA, and the resulting $25 trillion in foreign investment which is now at risk related to this moronic legislation.  Good for the offshore industry, ironically, as some of those displaced account holders will be contacting me for new accounts in free countries.


Also last week another client informed me that the IRS was now refusing to issue TIN’s for single member LLC’s which are owned by an IRA.  Can you smell what is coming down the pike if that’s true?  I personally have not been refused a TIN so can’t verify it.  I can say that if it’s true, it’s another case of unelected public servants intentionally evading the constitutionally provided balance of powers.  They simply don’t have the legal authority to make that policy decision, and it could now be legally challenged.  But the fact that they’re trying indicates that it’s time to move your IRA offshore immediately before Congress slips that authority through, buried in some gigantic bill.  We can set up a fully qualified (as of today, and grandfathered in, in case of changes to the IRC) self-directed IRA complete with LLC in Nevis, Cook Islands or Belize, and a bank account in a similarly privacy-respecting jurisdiction, all for a one-time fee of $2,900.  With an SD IRA you’ll be able to legally invest in practically anything you want, and your IRA will maintain its qualified status.  Foreign real estate, physical precious metals, private brokerages in foreign equities, and even more importantly, any currency out of the US dollar.  Send inquiries to me at [email protected]


Along the lines of privacy respecting jurisdictions, I had a conversation yesterday with a banker at a small, private bank in one of those jurisdictions, and we laughed at the irony that the US and EU governments are our most important allies.  He is not a US citizen, by the way, but is equally shocked and disgusted by the arrogance of these unelected public servants.  For example, he told me that he had recently received a letter from the, I don’t remember, the DEA, FTC, IRS, DOJ, FBI, CIA, ATF, ICE, or maybe it was the federal board for creating superfluous federal agencies with 3 letter acronyms.  Anyway, it arrogantly stated that they had learned that a list of defendants in an ongoing federal case might have money at his bank.  They listed the courts and case numbers etc. and asked that the bank kindly freeze the money of these unfortunate saps. 

Now think about what I just said.  The 3-letter agency didn’t say that these people were convicted of anything, nor that there was even a civil judgment against them.  They have merely been accused of something, and the US government wants their money???? No due process?  I guess that would increase their odds of “victory” in the court case, as the most likely, wrongly accused, would then be effectively denied competent legal counsel, as lawyers tend to not work for poor people if they can help it.  Secondly, this agency stated they had become aware of the potential accounts because the defendants had transferred money from an American bank to this bank.  Really?  That means that one should really consider having at least 2 offshore bank accounts, in my opinion.  The remainder of this little story will tell you why you want an offshore bank account.  This brave and principled banker, proudly dashed off a reply to whatever 3-letter acronym agency, stating that essentially: “Dear scumbag, Sorry but the US government has no jurisdiction here, and we have what is known as due process, whereby you will have to file a case in our court system, and obtain a judgment before we could legally act upon such a request”.  What do you think the US banks said to the 3 letter agency?  I’m guessing that those whores couldn’t hit the “freeze account” button fast enough for their effective employers.

We can set up a bank account in such a jurisdiction for fees ranging from $600.  You should really open the account in the name of an LLC, IBC, Foundation or Trust, also established in such a privacy respecting place.  Note that US banks, which can count on a government bail out with your money, or worse, a Cyprus style bail in, as it’s a more efficient way of you paying for bad bank management, routinely maintain only 2-5% cash to deposits ratio.  The rest is invested in sketchy derivatives.  Small, private, foreign banks like the ones we do business with, maintain cash to deposits of 60-100%, and some don’t make loans.  You’ll pay some higher fees because of that, but how much are your life savings worth?

Time to wind up.  Let’s all bow our heads…no to hell with that.  Go get the bottle of Stolichnaya, a shot glass, and fill said glass.  Now say a toast to Mr. Edward Snowden, and down that baby while pondering his words:

The greatest fear I have regarding the outcome for America of these disclosures is that nothing will change.  People will see in the media all of these disclosures.  They’ll know the lengths that the government is going to, to grant themselves powers, unilaterally to create greater control over American society, and global society, but they won’t be willing to take the risks necessary to stand up and fight to change things, to force their representatives to actually take a stand for their interests.”

Hasta la próxima muchachos, y mucha suerte.

Paul is an escaped Big 4 CPA and Corporate Controller/CFO who found a natural home in the offshore industry with Bobby Casey and the gang at GWP.   Contact him here to learn more about the realities of economical offshore asset protection. 

An offshore company and bank account can be established for as little as $1,797, including my advice and assistance throughout both processes, and in both privacy-respecting jurisdictions, apostilles required to open bank accounts, and courier charges to send original documents to you.  There’s never any need to visit the jurisdictions personally, although they’re very nice places, and I recommend a visit.  With our established agency agreements, we can do everything via e-mail.  We maintain long-term relationships with our clients, and remain available for consultation on an ongoing basis.

4 Responses

  1. Hey Paul, did you have to lump my suggestion about taking your reeducation program to the internet with the “disturbing inquiries” about your show schedule? LOL!

    As far as the “police state” is concerned, I agree with you. I’ve been a police officer in the ghettos for almost 25 years now. I’ve never tased nor shot anyone and only used my pepper spray once. We have alot of itchy trigger fingers out there in uniform.

    I would suggest you not miss the forest for the trees, however. Take a look @ DHS, etc., their massive armored vehicle orders along with millions of rounds of ammunition and thousands of rifles. Preparing for WWIII @ home, are they? It reeks of tipical big-government incompetence. The armored trucks are so large and heavy, the can’t turn around on all but the widest of streets and are much to heavy for secondary streets. The rifles, AR-15’s, are caliber .223. Wrong caliber for an urban environment. They should be AK47’s which are caliber .308. Any who, just something to keep on eye on.

  2. I found this paragraph of particular interest:

    [“So I got the idea to do a little statistics gathering myself. Here is a Wikipedia page showing that 587 citizens were killed by non-military US law enforcement officers in 2012. In the first paragraph they readily admit that the list is very likely incomplete. On another Wikipedia page, here, we see that kidnappings in Colombia for 2010 were 282. That includes those by the notorious group FARC, and other criminals. That’s just kidnapping. The number of (non-military) people killed, we could assume, would be lower. What does that say about balanced reporting up there? You’ve all heard about the FARC, and Colombian cartels, and the mere mention of them strikes fear into your hearts. But paradoxically, the cops in Amerika whacking an average of 1.6 people per day (if the list is complete) doesn’t tase you?”]

    Of course I trust that you realize that, given the relative populations of both Columbia and the US, that the RATE of kidnapping of citizens in Columbia is over 3.3 TIMES HIGHER than the RATE of killings of citizens by US law enforcement. (As a former CPA I’m sure you can do the math. Both crimes are unconscionable, but both are relatively rare.)

    Not exactly making your point. Try a different statistic.

    (Not to defend US law enforcement at all………..I hold them in VERY LOW regard. But if you’re going to try to make a point, try to make it more effectively.)

    Additionally, I think that the word you are struggling to find at the end of the paragraph is FAZE, not TASE.

    Such simple and obvious errors unfortunately lead me to believe that you are not really a person that ought to be taken seriously, but are rather merely some shill trying to make a fast buck.

    Perhaps you should consider upping your game a bit.


    Fred Scott

  3. There is only one word to appropriate to describe the work that Paul does, Amazing! He made what seemed to be a complicated process seem easy, but I’m sure it was nothing but easy behind the scenes.

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