A pre-crime feature is buried in a piece of Biden-approved legislation Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act, and it appears to be a vehicular kill-switch.

legislationImagine this…

You’re driving down the road one day in your brand-new car or truck, and on the way home the engine cuts off.

Your vehicle won’t restart. It’s totally unresponsive. And you’re stranded on the side of the road in a potentially dangerous situation.

You think to yourself, “It’s a new vehicle, less than a year old, so there shouldn’t be anything wrong with it.”

You try to think about what the problem might be. If it’s not mechanical, what else could it be?

A couple days ago you attended a political rally. One of the speakers talked about government overreach and how they were going to ever greater lengths to shut down dissent.

Slowly you put two and two together. You get a creepy feeling that the government might be involved in your roadside crisis. Maybe your name is on a list now. Maybe you’re being targeted.

Does this fictional story sound crazy? It probably does right now.

But in the United States after January 2026, this fictional story might become a very real nightmare. Here’s why…

New Vehicle “Kill Switch” Law Contains Wording that Allows for “Other Purposes”

You ever wonder why some legislation that gets passed is hundreds or even thousands of pages long?

It’s because lobbyists write these bills to sneak in political favors they want to obtain. Or because politicians want to sneak in phrases that seem harmless (but actually give them a lot of discretionary power), knowing that no one will read the entire bill before it’s passed.

That’s precisely what happened with Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, as explained on the Muscle Cars and Trucks website and quite a few other places on the web:

Deep within the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that was signed into law by President Joe Biden is a passage that will require automakers to begin including what can be best summarized as a “vehicle kill switch” within the operating software of new cars, which is described in the bill as “advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology”. The measure has been positioned as a safety tool to help prevent drunk driving, and by 2026 (three years after the enactment of the Act, per the text) the kill switch could be mandated on every new car sold in the United States.

The idea of a vehicle “kill switch” to shut down drunk drivers is bad enough. But it gets worse…

In this case, it’s due to a seemingly insignificant connection to another piece of legislation appropriately called the “RIDE Act,” which was passed in 2021. Here’s the relevant part:

To require the Secretary of Transportation, acting through the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, to prescribe a Federal motor vehicle safety standard for advanced drunk and impaired driving prevention technology, and for other purposes.

See those last four words, “and for other purposes?” The Biden Administration wants you to trust that they won’t abuse these new vehicle “kill switches” even though they’ve been given legal authority to use such switches for “other purposes” besides drunk driving.

Trust the Government? HAHAHA Yeah Right!

I’m sure you can see how this new technology is already ripe for abuse.

The Ehline Law firm explained exactly why you shouldn’t ever entrust the Biden Administration (or any politician for that matter) with something like a kill switch:

The kill switch would be an open program that would allow government and law enforcement access to do whatever they want with your vehicle. To do such things, they may not even require a warrant! […]

Giving government agencies remote control of your vehicle could seriously shake up the legal world and lead to all sorts of issues, from a severe invasion of what little privacy we have to sexual assaults or murder when the kill switch locks up the engine after detecting behavior that it may recognize as drunk driving.

In our fictional story above, you had recently attended a political rally. Did you say (or Tweet) something that “those in power” didn’t like? Or maybe your presence at the rally made you automatically guilty of “thought crime”? These are legitimate concerns.

In the near future, the government will have the power to shut your vehicle down, even if you’re not drunk. Maybe because of your political leanings. Maybe because you’ve been labeled a “domestic terrorist” for owning a gun.

You might never know the real reason why either. Because the government will also have plausible deniability. “Oh, the vehicle must have thought you were drunk, sorry about that (wink, wink)!”

The bottom line is, this is a terrifying development and a massive invasion of privacy. And what they say is for our safety will do harm to the rights of all Americans.

Of course, you still have a little while before 2026. And you don’t have to buy a new “kill switch” equipped car if you don’t want to. Nevertheless, the US government is becoming more tyrannical by the day. Which means now might be a good time to…

Prepare Your Digital Nomad Exit Plan!

Living the life of a digital nomad is, hands down, the absolute most fulfilling and free lifestyle there is.

You can live anywhere in the world, and still have an “exit plan” in case the Uniparty decides they don’t like your politics (and could control you by restricting your mobility).

There’s always somewhere safe to live freely, make good money, and keep as much of that money as possible.

The best way to do all of that (and more) is to become a digital nomad.

But the question I get asked the most is: “How do I get started?”

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But even though my clientele are diverse, they’re all facing similar challenges.

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Look, I’ve made joining GWP Insiders and scheduling your first 1-hour consultation with me as easy as taking a walk in the park.

But if you’re still skeptical, let me provide just one example of the potential value that waits for you inside…

This one comes from a recent client case study (I’ve changed their names for privacy purposes of course):

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To live freely is divine,

Bobby Casey

Location Independent Entrepreneur

P.S. In the future, you could be driving down the road and have your vehicle shut off for no other reason than your political position. The good news is you can implement a “go where you want to, whenever you want” plan even faster…

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