There are more effective ways to reclaim your freedom and look out for your best interests than participating in an election.
You’ve probably seen, heard, or read something about the upcoming 2024 elections in the United States.
It’s a bad soap opera that repeats itself every four years. And we’re already in the midst of the drama that will culminate in November 2024.
No matter how you vote, the ruling establishment only elects more members of the Uniparty (Republican and Democrat) who are supposed to “represent” the people.
But they don’t actually represent the interests of the average person. Rather, they represent the wealthy businessmen and corporations that funded them. So even if “your guy” wins, you still might end up feeling like you lost.
Who are the ringmasters of this circus? Front and center are the Mockingbird Media who work for the six largest media companies. They control the narrative, while continually striving to promote division among the populace for political clicks and attention.
They do their best to appear relevant; they act like they are “informing” you. But really they’re distracting and disinforming you so that you’ll be easier to control.
To illustrate, here are just a few examples of how the circus operates while leading up to the general election. Look closely, and you’ll see that these examples appear to follow the same pattern from almost every previous election cycle:
- Outsiders like Robert F. Kennedy Jr., that the establishment doesn’t want to succeed, are framed as downplaying corruption (whether he actually does or doesn’t) by corporate outlets like Fox News. The same is true for the other side.
- Billionaires shove exorbitant sums of money towards their favorite candidate, which is sometimes Democrat, or sometimes Republican, to influence elections.
- Pollsters create drama surrounding the upcoming election, while at the same time using their biased sampling to create or promote narratives in an attempt to steer the outcome. (And usually end up horribly wrong).
- Opposing media and certain hyper-partisan organizations (like the RNC, DNC, etc.) dig up dirt on opposing candidates to manufacture doubt about their campaign. Or in Trump’s case, indict him over and over again without a conviction in a court of law (whether he is guilty or not).
- The Super PACs pick their favorite candidate (on both sides of the aisle), and flush with cash, run propaganda campaigns that mislead and omit important parts of the truth to promote those candidates.
- Various political pundits go on corporate media shows or produce op-eds to stir up drama about things that “may ” happen, “could” happen, or end up “calling for” things to happen. But almost none of it actually
- Of course, the Presidential incumbent (in this case, Biden) usually gets a negative media storm around them that only serves to distract from their performance in office.
Like a popular meme says: “It’s all so tiresome.”
The same political soap opera plays out during the run-up to every election cycle. Almost every major network airs it on TV, billboards display it, social media talks about it, and digital ads are everywhere online.
The pattern repeats itself, endlessly, and especially in the United States. And unless your business is politics, it can drain your energy, your attention, even your bank account.
Want to opt out of this political circus? One way to do it is to ignore the election and refuse to vote. Refuse to consent to their meaningless charade. But if that doesn’t go far enough for you, another option is to…
Skip Out of the U.S. Entirely!
Living the life of a digital nomad is, hands down, the absolute most fulfilling and free lifestyle there is.
You can live anywhere in the world, and still have an instant “exit plan” in case things go crazy wherever you might choose to live.
There’s always somewhere safe to live freely, make good money, and keep as much of that money as possible. The best way to do that is to become a digital nomad.
But the question I get asked the most is: “How do I get started?”
The answer is: You can schedule the first in a series of unlimited 1-hour consultations with me when you become a GWP Insider.
On the very first consultation, you’ll get an insider’s perspective from someone who is actively and successfully living the digital nomad lifestyle…
Prepare your best questions for the first call, and we will:
- Help you find a much safer place to live while keeping your money secure.
- Work together to reduce your tax burden and reduce costs.
- Implement the business and wealth internationalization strategies that make sense for you, offered from an “insider” perspective you won’t find online.
People from all walks of life become GWP Insiders, like:
- A Canadian ecomm entrepreneur living in Portugal making 6-7 figures net. He needs to know where to register his company and how to get out of the Canadian tax system without owing much (or anything) in Portugal.
- A German SaaS company owner living in Thailand.
- A Brit who is nomadic with a digital marketing agency.
- An American with a digital products business living in Mexico.
- People who are escaping an authoritarian central banking system.
But even though my clientele are diverse, they’re all facing similar challenges.
They all want to live safely, create the right business structure, and optimize it for a low-tax multi-jurisdictional approach in different parts of the world (to stay free).
And I’m the one guy they come to for help!
So if want a rock-solid exit plan, where you can exploit every possible tax loophole, all while avoiding the #1 most common business structure mistake (plus others unique to your situation)…
Then you should join us inside GWP Insiders.
Once you join, you’ll immediately get to schedule your first 1-hour consultation with me. This can be used to discuss your banking situation, ideal locations that could help you “get away from it all,” business structure, or even to make professional introductions for your specific needs.
One consultation would normally cost $445 to $4,000 depending on your situation, but GWP Insiders get unlimited consultations at no additional charge.
You’ll also gain access to the private membership area, which includes a variety of business, life, and wealth internationalization strategies that give you shortcuts to success with the following:
- Offshore companies,
- Trust planning,
- Tax planning,
- Real estate,
- 2nd passports,
- Discounts on offshore structures
- And so much more.
Once you’re a member, you’ll want to immediately download and read the latest edition of my Offshore Banking Report.
Inside this valuable guide you’ll discover safe places to put your money along with my commentary to guide you, plus a whole lot more:
- The 9 best licensed offshore banks, plus my commentary on each.
- How to start banking in the US without visiting a single branch.
- How to leverage “Fintech” institutions like the wealthy elite do.
- How FATCA could “trap” you even if you aren’t a U.S. Citizen.
- The Top 5 Traditional U.S. Banks that accept non-residents.
Look, I’ve made joining GWP Insiders and scheduling your first 1-hour consultation with me as easy as taking a walk in the park.
But if you’re still skeptical, let me provide just one example of the potential value that waits for you inside…
This one comes from a recent client case study (I’ve changed their names for privacy purposes of course):
My client, Mike and his wife Sara run a very successful online coaching program. Mike is American and Sara is from New Zealand.
They earn just a bit over $1 million per year in next taxable income. Mike and Sara were paying around $350,000 per year in taxes when they joined GWP Insiders and scheduled their first consultations.
After a few consultation calls, some business restructuring and a bit of creative residency planning, now Mike and Sara pay precisely zero in income tax, all completely legal in the US, New Zealand and their current country of residence.
Of course Mike and Sara had to invest money in addition to the membership program, but let’s just say their net tax savings was several multiples of their total investment to restructure.
That’s because I taught them several secrets that their accountants had no idea existed.
And here’s the funny part: They were so skeptical, they hired their lawyer to review my plan and he had no idea what I proposed was possible, but in the end he confirmed with Mike and Sara that everything was legit.
Not only that, Mike and Sara’s lawyer now refer clients to me.
And now, for a limited time, I have one more surprise for you to get started…
If you go to this special page and sign up you’ll also receive an 80% discount.
To live freely is divine,
Bobby Casey
Location Independent Entrepreneur
P.S. The political circus in the U.S. is already underway, which means 12-18 months of insanity. But you can skip it all and live in peace…
So once you join us, bring me your toughest questions about leaving the U.S. and becoming a digital nomad. I’ll answer all of them on our very first call, from the perspective of an insider who is doing it.
Massive financial and personal security for the right person. Hurry, and go to this link to save 80% right now.