The United States isn’t so united as now Texas and New Hampshire have growing secession movements within them against the DC Uniparty.

secession Texas was, until 2020, what you might call a “staunch Republican” state. After that election, a handful of counties “flipped” to the other side of the Uniparty.

Because of this “flip,” and for other reasons like illegal immigration, a growing movement of people who live in Texas have been pushing for the state to secede from the Union.

In fact, just a couple of months ago the movement (called TEXIT) made it far enough to present its case to the Republican Executive Committee.

The people who started the movement believe that Texas should be an independent Nation, which is why they call themselves “Texas Nationalists.” But they shouldn’t be confused with the corporate media’s own “white nationalist” bogeyman.

As the movement gained steam last year, one member of this still-growing TEXIT movement named Claver Kamau-Imani explained his vision:

“No taxes or Faucis, no speed zones or toll roads. No liberals, no gun laws. No windmills, no poor people. A separate currency, stock market and gold depository. Complete control of our own immigration policy. World-class college football, a farewell to regulators. And unthinkable, unimaginable wealth.”

Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? It’s certainly a lot closer to what “less Government” should look like.

But of all these things, it’s the illegal immigration that Biden keeps allowing at the border that’s got Texans fired up, and is probably the #1 catalyst for the TEXIT movement’s growth.

Which Is Why The Uniparty Is Trying To Squash It!

In fact, in a recent ruling, the Texas Supreme Court wouldn’t even allow the measure to get on the 2024 ballot to allow the people to decide. This comes after the TEXIT movement actually gathered enough signatures for the measure to appear.

But in spite of the Uniparty’s best efforts, this movement slowly continues to gather momentum, according to a Texas Standard article:

Texit hasn’t only gained support from some conservative voters — more than 60 Republican candidates and two dozen officeholders, from city council members to state representatives, have signed the Take Texas Back pledge, showing their “commitment to a contract with Texans, promising to vote and act solely in the best interests of Texans.”

“It seems to me our voters have been absolutely clear on this issue. They want a vote,” said Jack Reynolds, candidate for Texas House District 99, who signed the pledge.

Reynolds, who is endorsed by Attorney General Ken Paxton, said the state GOP is scared to put the secession referendum on a ballot because it would pass.

The President of the TEXIT movement even called the United States a “foreign nation” on X/Twitter. If all states in the Union are supposed to be “united,” a statement like that says a lot about the Federal government (and the Uniparty).

But that’s not all…

New Hampshire Supports TEXIT!

New Hampshire House Representative Jason Gerhard supported the idea of seceding from the Union, and extended the invitation to become allies with Texas should the TEXIT movement succeed.

Here’s part of his statement from a letter he wrote to Daniel Miller, who is the President of the TEXIT movement:

“Freedom is not an abstract notion; it is a way of life, and the federal government continues to overlook the freedoms of both Texas and New Hampshire,” stated Rep. Gerhard. “We believe that the shared principles, desires, and plights of Texans and Granite Staters highlight the importance of maintaining a relationship with one another. As New Hampshire makes its efforts to secure independence, it promises to strengthen the voices of both regions. Together, both states can uphold the principle of freedom and autonomy.”

New Hampshire even has two bills (CACR 20 and HB 1130) that are scheduled for a full legislative vote in November. The legislation’s aim is to explore the idea of seceding from the Union.

So that’s two states that are serious about declaring their independence from the Uniparty. Of course, it will be an uphill battle for both Texas and New Hampshire.

But whether they succeed or not, if the United States has decayed enough to seriously entertain the secession of two states, then you need to be on your guard…

Now Is The Time to Prepare Your Exit Plan

(In Case You Need to Get Out of Dodge!)

It would look really bad for the Uniparty if two states managed to win the long uphill battle and eventually declare their independence from the Union.

But no matter what happens, the tension between states and the Federal government isn’t likely to cool off any time soon.

The bottom line in this case for ordinary people like you and me: The Uniparty hates the idea that you might want to live your life free from their grasp.

That’s why you NEED to prepare an exit plan before tensions escalate to the point where the United States government might take more extreme measures (including keeping you in the country).

So Here’s The Good News…

There’s always somewhere safe in the world to live freely, make good money, and keep your private life private.

The best way to do all of that (and more) is to become a digital nomad.

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This one comes from a recent client case study (I’ve changed their names for privacy purposes of course):

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To live freely is divine,

Bobby Casey

Location Independent Entrepreneur

P.S. If Texas and New Hampshire are both signaling that they want to leave the United States, perhaps you should take that as a hint to form an exit plan that would allow you to do the same thing if things start going south…

Once you join us, bring me your toughest questions about leaving the U.S. and pursuing the lifestyle of a digital nomad. I’ll answer all of them on our very first call, from the perspective of an insider who is doing it right now.

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