Government instructs banks to conduct key-word searches on their account holders for “extremist” transactions.

bank Your bank could be spying on your private transactions, right now, at the behest of a seemingly-fascist United States Government.

If you shop at a few notable sporting goods stores, or have recently bought a bible, you could even be labeled an “extremist” in the Government’s eyes. (Even if you aren’t.)

Ironically, this is all being done under the guise of “upholding the law.”

This operation is mostly being conducted on “conservative-leaning” (MAGA) people, for now. But as you’ll soon see, the scope of any operation could be expanded to include anyone the Uniparty deems to be out of line, now and in the future.

Here’s what I mean…

Introducing FinCEN: Another “Public-Private” Power Lever

This particular bit of extreme government overreach started with a letter that ordered banks to do the unthinkable, with who knows how many private banking transactions:

The letter states that investigators ordered banks to search through their customers’ private transactions for key terms such as “MAGA” and “Trump,” while also claiming that the purchasing of “religious texts” were a sign of “extremism.”

The federal government also demanded that banks search for transactions involving conservative-leaning businesses, including Cabela’s, Bass Pro Shops, and Dick’s Sporting Goods.

Now I don’t know about you, but I think a few Biden supporters shop at these places, too. Some might even have a Bible laying around the house.

But in this specific case, the investigators were sending banks on a fishing expedition, trolling for information that would help them catch people who were in or near the capitol on January 6th, 2021.

So what source is handing this sensitive information over to the authorities, you ask? That would be FinCEN, according to the Epoch Times:

FinCEN shared such documents with banks and law enforcement agencies via a series of events on FinCEN Exchange. This is a public-private information exchange platform established by Congress in 2020 for the purpose of disrupting money laundering, terrorism financing, and other crimes.”

It’s that “other crimes” part that worries me, especially when the Uniparty and its law enforcement foot soldiers are involved. In this case, those “other crimes” could be weaponized against political opponents from either side of the aisle.

Which brings me to my next point…

The Danger Extends Way Beyond the “January 6th MAGA” Pretext!

When Fox News broke the story, the operation in question was focused on MAGA movement protests (peaceful or otherwise, supposedly).

With the exception of rioting and actual extremism (which is hard to pin down), most of the people who were at the Capitol on January 6th acted peacefully. That means their banking transactions should remain private unless a specific warrant is issued and presented to a person first.

That didn’t appear to be the case here, however:

“In other words, FinCEN used large financial institutions to comb through the private transactions of their customers for suspicious charges on the basis of protected political and religious expression,” Congressman Jim Jordan wrote.

Apparently, the scope of this political witch hunt will extend way beyond the January 6th rioters to include “other stuff”:

[…] None of the documents the committee has obtained reveal any specific time frames or limitations for banks searching customer transactions with the terms. The source said the federal government used the information for investigations beyond Jan. 6.

That means anyone the federal government deems as having the “wrong political opinions” could be subject to investigation later on. I certainly wouldn’t trust the government to have that information without cause.

Here’s what all of this boils down to…

Their Pretext No Longer Matters: You NEED An Exit Plan

No matter what pretext the U.S. Government might be using, or which agency is doing the surveillance: The Patriot Act, FinCEN, fishy IRS audits, FBI witch hunts, or a handful of “public-private partnerships”…

These fascists appear to be using all of those pretexts to spy-by-proxy, build dossiers on innocent people, and sidestep the Constitution.

The bottom line in this case for ordinary people like you and me: The Uniparty doesn’t like their authority challenged, even if it’s protected under the 1st Amendment!

That’s also why it also doesn’t matter who gets elected into office, the rest of this email warning applies to you.

Even though the Constitution is supposed to protect your rights from any overzealous government officials and their fishing expeditions…

Right now, that entire system appears like it’s “Out of Order.”  That’s why you NEED to prepare an exit plan before time runs out.

So Here’s The Good News…

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This one comes from a recent client case study (I’ve changed their names for privacy purposes of course):

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To live freely is divine,

Bobby Casey

Location Independent Entrepreneur

P.S. The U.S. Government appears to be working hand-in-hand with banks to fish for more political prosecutions. The good news is you can form an emergency exit plan even faster…

Once you join us, bring me your toughest questions about keeping your financial transactions out of the view of government officials, and becoming a digital nomad. I’ll answer all of them on our very first call, from the perspective of an insider who is doing it right now.

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