Kung Fu Steve Goes to Panama

Yesterday I have a very good conversation with one of my business partners. Steve and I are putting together our conference, ‘Global Escape Hatch – Panama 2012‘ coming up in September.

We have known each other now for just a few years, but he is one of the brightest, most energetic guys I know. If you have seen or heard any motivational speakers, Steve is basically a younger version of Tony Robbins.

Steve is in process of closing a big transaction with his other business and once this deal is complete it will free up a lot of his time for other pursuits. He is heavily involved in martial arts with black belts in a couple of styles and very passionate about the pursuit of his art.

He told me his dream was to travel throughout China and Japan and study with some of the legends in the martial arts world. I am 100% convinced Steve will accomplish his dream.

Steve is a smart guy. He built a business that affords him the income to do many of the things he loves and is at the cusp of breaking the geographical chains that bind him. He has a couple of other business interests, including our partnership, that gives him the freedom of mobility to live, work and travel wherever he chooses.

What is your dream? Are you digging an asphalt trench between your house and your office every day? Are you stuck in a rut? Are you living the life to the fullest? Do you sit on the couch watching sports all weekend drinking beer with the same buddies?

I’ve had a few mentors in business and in life over the years and without fail each of them told me in order to succeed, you need to spend time with people who have accomplished the personal and professional success you aspire to achieve.

Take a look around you. Who do you spend time with? A wise man once told me, “You are the average product of your 5 closest friends.”

This can be construed in a variety of ways. Your income is likely the average of your 5 closest friends. Your net worth is likely the average of your 5 closest friends. You most likely have the same hobbies, eat at the same restaurants, go to the same parks, etc. You get the drift.

Are you truly passionate about the life you live? If so, stop reading now. Actually go directly to the bottom of this email and unsubscribe because you clearly are in the wrong place. My readers are actively pursuing more in their lives; more experiences, more income, more wealth, more meaningful relationships, and more adventure.

Consider this our official launch of ‘Global Escape Hatch – Panama 2012‘. If you want to learn how to experience more out of life, this is the event for you.

Our speakers will be discussing various topics like:


  • Second Passports and Geo-political diversification
  • How to secure your privacy and data on the internet
  • International real estate investments
  • Trading futures and options using global macro strategies
  • Private offshore banking
  • Risk management
  • Offshore asset protection
  • Digital currencies
  • and more…


Even more importantly, you will have the opportunity to get one-on-one personal time with the speakers and other offshore specialists in attendance. This event will not be like others you may have attended with a parade of speakers delivering 15 minute sales pitches.

Each speaker is there to provide you with real and immediately actionable information about how you can protect your assets, diversify your life, and make money living anywhere in the world.

These speakers are my personal Rolodex of go-to guys in their field of expertise. You will have the opportunity to pull them aside, buy them a beer and sit around the pool learning from their experiences.

Of at least equal importance you will have the chance to spend time and network with a group of like-minded individuals from around the world. Free-thinking, liberty-minded people who aren’t afraid to step out of their comfort zone to live an adventurous life. I hope you are one of those who live your passion every day, and I hope you will join us and share your experiences.

You can visit the site at ‘Global Escape Hatch – Panama 2012‘. On the site you can register for the Early Bird Notification. We will be offering a deeply discounted price only to those who are on this list. We will have a maximum of 150 attendees at the event so we do expect this to sell out very quickly.

We will only make the deeply discounted ticket available once and only for a short period of time so if you are interested in attending I would suggest you get on this notification list.

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