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MyID Pilot In East Palestine Ohio

While East Palestine made the headlines when a Norfolk Southern train derailed spilling toxic chemicals, another company called MyID started a pilot of its medical id fobs.

February 27, 2023

By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP

MyID N​o one knew where East Palestine, Ohio was until a train carrying a toxin known as vinyl chloride derailed, and underwent a controlled detonation earlier this month. It has a population of 4,700 people and sits right on the border of Ohio and Pennsylvania.

T​he way in which this catastrophe was handled left much to be desired. It took nearly 2 weeks for the Director of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the Ohio Senators to go and address the people there. It took a few days after that for FEMA to get out there. It took nearly 3 weeks and a lot of badgering to get the Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, to go out there.

A​s you know, I’m not a big fan of the Main Stream Media. However, their mere coverage of this event put it on people’s radar which resulted in them demanding action from all tiers of government. The media’s portrayal of public officials is generous to say the least, but the event itself is undeniably terrible.

You can’t threaten to ban gas stoves in the name of environmental protection, then blow off a toxic spill and explosion, and expect people to still take you seriously. You also can’t have a fleet of private jets and caravans haul you off to Davos for a retreat of lavish food and hookers, and demand people adjust to eating crickets and owning nothing afterward.

The disastrous mismanagement of the pandemic, questions on election integrity, and the prioritization of Ukraine over American citizens is not helping.

T​here’s an adage that says: “You’re preaching to the choir”.

Metaphorically speaking, that’s the point right? You speak to the people IN the congregation, not cater to those outside it. If you don’t speak to the people inside, they will feel like you don’t care and will leave.

I​’m not a religious person, but the analogy works. The US has prioritized a bunch of global issues, and has neglected its own people. It has destroyed its own economy on false pretenses, lied to its people, and covered up some shady stuff. Their trust equity is fading at a precipitous rate. The ambivalent, if not apathetic, treatment of the train derailment in East Palestine only worsens this tenuous relationship between government and its people.

East Palestine, however had another news-worthy headline coming out of it in late 2022, and a launch just this January. The pilot of a medical fob offered by a company called MyID. It’s a bracelet with a QR code leading to a cite which can access all your medical information.

T​he stated purpose being: if there was an emergency requiring medical attention, the responders could access important information like medical allergies, prescriptions, and medical condition histories to better treat the individual.

Certainly, if you’re allergic to penicillin, knowing to avoid it makes sense. If you are taking medications or suffer a particular condition that might be contraindicated for certain treatments, knowing that would be helpful in an emergency where you might not be able to tell the responders.

Defenders of this program say it’s easier than trying to make out an engraving on a medal bracelet or someone’s writing on a piece of paper. That’s all fair enough. There might be some folks who could potentially use this. MyID makes a similar product for pets.

There is no tracking device in it, which seems to be a major concern for those discussing the product and are skeptical of any government — no matter how small — offering it. Especially after smacking down covid tracking and vaccines passports.

Lest we forget how Massachusetts installed Covid Tracking spyware into phones:

Mass. health officials worked with Google to covertly install COVID ‘spyware’ into 1M phones, lawsuit claims

T​he skepticism is justified. But take the tracking mechanism out and you still have issues.

A​ recent public hearing in Arizona was released, where a team of auditors who initially set out to look into money laundering cases in real estate, found massive corruption in all layers of state and local governments. That unto itself is bad, but what they found beyond that was much worse: the state level database is incredibly compromised, and was designed that way with multiple back-doors.

I​n this scandal, people that didn’t exist were just added to the system. Nonexistent students, nonexistent home buyers and sellers, nonexistent notaries… all of whom traced back to two people who are tied to drug and human trafficking cartels.

T​he issue isn’t the money laundering or the drugs. Money laundering doesn’t really affect any of us. If it happens or it doesn’t really won’t disrupt your day to day life. Whether someone does drugs or not only matters if it’s you or someone close to you. Otherwise, you’re unaffected by it.

But government systems with deliberate back-doors IS a problem for you. This is one case out of one state, with implications in other states.

System vulnerability in general when it comes to databases has affected many people, private and public sector. Major telecom corporations like T-Mobile and Verizon had data breaches. Banks have suffered them as well. So it’s not unique to government databases. It’s part of the risk in centralized data keeping.

But when we share our information with third parties, government or otherwise, we do make ourselves vulnerable. Here’s just a few cases:

  • Edward Snowden revelations about the NSA tracking American citizens’ metadata. The NSA and DHS would later buy GPS location information from marketing firms and use it to track people.

  • Propublica’s expose on Whatsapp: WhatsApp has for years downplayed how much unencrypted information it shares with law enforcement, largely limiting mentions of the practice to boilerplate language buried deep in its terms of service. It does not routinely keep permanent logs of who users are communicating with and how often, but company officials confirmed they do turn on such tracking at their own discretion — even for internal Facebook leak investigations — or in response to law enforcement requests.

People worry about some dungeon dwelling hacker getting their information, but those who weaponize it most are found in government buildings, violating your rights in the name of safety.

I don’t write all this to get everyone off the grid and camping in the woods anonymously. I write all this to make you aware of well-meaning technology and the risks involved in constant centralization of information.

Blockchain and torrents are touted for their decentralization of data. These other centralized data-bases are touted for their good intentions. They are not the same.

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