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Spooks, Kooks, and a Boat Taxi Extortionist

by Bobby Casey, Managing Director

What an amazing week. Yesterday evening we wrapped up our first ever offshore summit – Global Escape Hatch. If you were here, you already know it was a special event.

There were people from all over the world: Americans, Irish, Canadians, Australians, Russians, Germans, and several people from various Latin American countries. It was truly a global experience.

In addition to the amazing attendees, it seems we had some type of spook in attendance. On day one, I found a high-tech audio recording device in the back of the room. After waiting around for a bit to determine the owner, I decided to just confiscate it and remove the SD card.

At the end of the day the owner of the device approached me asking about the equipment and why I would not allow recording. After repeatedly trying to convince me that she was granted permission by me (strange that she would try to argue with me about my own rules), I returned the equipment without the SD card.

Spook or no spook, this girl was nuttier than a bad of squirrel shit. And I highly doubt any of the speakers would want their audio recordings showing up on YouTube. Problem solved.

The closing party last night was a BBQ and cocktail party on the beach with a bonfire and live band. Not exactly your typical conference venue. At the party several attendees told me this was unlike anything they’ve ever attended.

One told me he had been to several offshore conferences from some of the well-known providers and said, “I have now found a group I can connect with.” More than half told me directly they will be attending our spring conference no matter where we hold it.

After 4 days of early mornings and very late nights (this was a very thirsty group…), my body is ready for a recharge (and my liver may need therapy). However, my enthusiasm for this business is stronger than ever.

I spoke to people from all walks of life who are sick and tired of the current state of affairs and overreaching governments from around the world. They are fearful and looking for answers to protect their wealth and create a more fulfilling lifestyle. Some may call us kooks.

Historically though, the fringe groups are the thought leaders of the world that change things for the better. We are the ones that never accept status-quo. We always ask questions.

And we got a lot of answers. Also there were a lot of questions raised.

These types of events are not designed to answer every question you have. The idea is to provide information and ideas that raises targeted questions. This helps you focus your energy on seeking out solutions that answer your specific need.

For example, we heard from Paul Rosenberg from Cryptohippie about the dangers of internet privacy and how to protect yourself. And while Paul’s company offers a complete package product that solves this problem for many, he also offered detailed information on how to utilize free tools on protecting you online identity.

One unnamed speaker refuses to travel with a laptop anymore because of data security issues after having a rather uncomfortable experience at a US airport where the agent recanted this person’s travel for the past few months and even asked about some of his co-workers.

Another speaker, Pete Kofod, has a company that provides another solution to this problem using encrypted cloud computing. This would mean you have no data on your laptop for any parasitic, police-state moron (aka TSA) to steal from you.

For those of you interested in 2nd passports, Jeff Berwick has come up with a couple of very unique and cost effective ways to achieve citizenship in a short period of time. Jeff is also one of the most intense, and eccentric guys I know. He is someone you want to know as well.

As the organizer and one of the speakers, I still found each and every presentation to have some direct value personally. I learned a lot from many of the speakers.

It recharged my mental batteries. I came away with some very interesting ideas after conversations with a couple of the speakers that may offer a unique solution for those of you with US based assets looking to minimize risk and move some of your financial assets offshore. More to follow on this.

This event is the first of many to come. It wasn’t perfect. We fumbled a few times…’tis life. It also isn’t for everyone. The people at this event were not sheeple. They were not complacent. They were exciting. Living life to the fullest. Thought-provoking. And in many ways controversial. But they weren’t boring.

If this sounds like your kind of people, then you don’t want to miss our spring event. Go to the conference site – Global Escape Hatch – to get on the early notification list for details on the event.

As for the boat taxi extortionist, I recommend you always get the price negotiated beforehand in Panama. You don’t want to end up floating just 20m away from your boat dock in water filled with jellyfish with a boat taxi driver demanding an unreasonable amount of money.

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