Want to Become a Serious Digital Nomad? (Start Here)

There’s never been a better time to become a digital nomad.  With online work only proliferating, you have your pick of which direction to take.

digital nomad You’re living the true definition of freedom when you aren’t tied down to a specific address, country, or even a 9-5 job. It’s what I call being a “digital nomad.”

The flexibility of operating as a digital nomad allows me to “escape” when greedy politicians, tax officials, or other authorities start grabbing for my time and money.

If you’re already living the digital nomad lifestyle, congrats. 

At the end of this message I will be introducing a few new resources I’ve created that could save you a bunch of time, make your life easier, and allow you to expand your money-making “empire” quickly.

But if you haven’t quite started living the lifestyle of a digital nomad to the fullest, then you’re reading this at the perfect time. Why?

Like I said in my last message: “Ever since March 2020, the U.S. has quickly become a nightmare of increasing authoritarianism, rising taxes, and political insanity.”

That insanity is certainly one reason why now is a perfect time to become a digital nomad. But there are also some positive reasons, too. Like how many income streams you could choose from and start developing, as one example. 

I’m going to share a few potential digital nomad income streams to give you a few ideas. Then I’ll show you how you can legally get started lightning fast

Some Ways You Can Generate Income as a Digital Nomad

In addition to generating income from investments, physical precious metals, or even day trading… There are other ways you can make money from anywhere in the world.

Mobile technologies allow you the freedom to conduct business online, while communicating through email, SMS, and chat.

You can get into affiliate marketing, which allows you to promote other people’s products and services for a cut of the sales.

Or you could sell either digital or physical products via your own website, and have a company handle order fulfillment and shipping for you. Or you could start an import / export business online, so consumers can get access to the products they need.

If all of that sounds complicated (understandable), you can easily set up a dropshipping business or let Amazon handle everything through its FBA program. (Obviously do your own due diligence before buying into any program.)

The potential income options for digital nomads are endless. You might even want to freelance and become a copywriter, manage social media accounts for companies, or build websites for clients.

The choice is yours. But all of the possibilities I’ve shared have one thing in common…

If you want to get serious about doing any one of them, you’ll need to register a business. But filling out paperwork, filing forms, and staying in compliance with tax authorities can be tedious and time consuming… 

So why do any of that yourself? 

Start Registering a Business in Minutes With Just One Form!

Every state has its own rules. And if you want to set up a business in a state you don’t live in, there are even more rules and requirements to comply with.

If you want to travel the U.S., or anywhere else in the world, then you want access to fast business registration and related services that can “travel with you.”

I thought long and hard about this over the last year and finally decided to do something about it. That’s why I created Business Anywhere — a turn-key service for setting up a new business (the right way), staying in compliance, and more.

How it works: You fill out a simple form. Then we take care of all the unique requirements of the state you’ve registered your business in.

Which means you can have a “nomad-friendly” business registered in just a few minutes. Then you can start enjoying location independence, gain tax advantages, and a whole lot more without the headaches.

When you take advantage of Business Anywhere, in addition to lightning-fast business registration, you’ll also gain access to:

  • The services of a registered agent who will handle administrative details and make sure your business stays in compliance. You can then focus on growing your business without worrying about missing a filing deadline.
  • A physical address for your mail that you can access from anywhere in the world. With our state-of-the-art Virtual Mailbox, we’ll scan your physical mail and upload it to your personalized dashboard. (No junk mail).
  • When you need a notary for legal documents, our “pay as you go” remote online notary works from anywhere in the world, by:
  1. Connecting you with a notary online. 
  2. Allowing you to simply upload your documents. 
  3. Then get them notarized from any device, any place, at any time.

Business Anywhere will help you properly structure a digital nomad business in minutes, and give you access to the services you need to begin living a life of freedom.

Check out Business Anywhere today (registration is free)

To living privately,

Bobby Casey

Location Independent Entrepreneur

P.S. To start your own digital nomad business you would normally have to figure out everything on your own, fill out a lot of paperwork, and hope you didn’t overlook some arcane detail buried on the state’s website.

But now you can use the turn-key solution I’ve created… 

Fill out one form from your smartphone or laptop and you’ll be able to register a “nomad-friendly” business in minutes while gaining all the tax advantages you’d expect…

Check out “Business Anywhere” now

(“Done for you” business creation, registered agent, virtual mailbox & notary services.)

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