In many big cities, crime is no longer a political priority, which might leave many people considering an exit plan to emigrate somewhere better.

crime Bad news… violent crime in the U.S. is rising. And neither state nor federal governments are doing much to curb it.

Consider the carnage from a mass shooting in Washington State that was allowed to happen, in part thanks to a law that actually restricts police from being able to pursue criminals in a vehicle…

As well as the rampant crime in major cities all across the country including (but not limited to) Chicago, Seattle, and New York.

As you’d expect, Americans are no longer as safe as they once were – especially if they live in a Democrat-run city. In fact, rising crime is a major concern for 78% of U.S. adults this year, according to Gallup.

On top of that, according to the “State of Safety” report for 2022, people aren’t feeling very safe no matter what state they live in:

Although we were surprised to see a negligible rise in overall concern in 2020, the US rate of high daily concern about safety jumped three points in 2021—from 47% to 50%. Following suit, the percentage of Americans who feel safe in their state fell five points year over year, from 55% in 2020 to 50% in 2021.

The violent crime rate, which rose in 2020 for the first time in years, held steady in 2021—remaining at 4.0 incidents reported per 1,000 people. But the downward trend in property crime continued, falling from 19.6 incidents per 1,000 people in 2020 to 19.3 in 2021.

Despite the minor drop in property crime (only three-tenths of a percentage point), violent crime remains higher than it’s been in recent years. Why? Because it simply isn’t being dealt with properly in many states and cities, which is leading to more smash-and-grabs, more robberies, more random acts of violence.

Just to be clear, I don’t trust the police and I think they get away with way too much bad behavior, but letting violent criminals with lengthy rap sheets run wild is an incredibly stupid idea.

When crime isn’t dealt with properly, it is essentially encouraged. We see this happening right now in San Francisco where street criminals are now committing violent crimes in broad daylight – and getting away with it.

San Francisco Break-In Video Goes Viral Globally

Apparently, in San Francisco you could make the case that things have gotten way out of hand. I suppose that happens when a city has a district attorney (Chesa Boudin) who doesn’t prosecute even the simplest of organized retail theft cases.

But in San Fran, it’s even worse than that…

A recent video showing a couple of hoodlums breaking into a parked vehicle in broad daylight recently went viral.


The reason this video was alarming was because some tourists from Indonesia visiting San Francisco in April owned the car in the video. They were inside eating at a nearby restaurant while the daylight break-in occurred.

The Indonesian consulate even got involved, going as far as preparing a warning pamphlet to hand out to tourists visiting San Francisco.

The brazen type of “in your face” crime happens because it’s allowed and, therefore, encouraged to happen in San Francisco. No other explanation really makes sense.

Hopefully, district attorneys across the U.S. see the fruit of this policy and actually start doing their jobs by prosecuting criminals.

But there’s no guarantee this will happen. In fact, if this Democrat “criminal coddling” spreads, it will get worse across the country. Which is why you should…

Prepare an “Exit Plan” in Case Rampant Crime Becomes the “New Normal” in Your City

If crime gets out of hand across the U.S., there might be some point in the future that you consider expatriation, or the digital nomad lifestyle.

Living the life of a digital nomad is the most fulfilling and free lifestyle there is.

You can live anywhere in the world, and have an instant “exit plan” in case crime increases rapidly wherever you might live.

There’s always somewhere safe to live freely.

But the question I get asked the most is: “How do I get started?”

The answer is: You can schedule the first in a series of unlimited 1-hour consultations with me when you become a GWP Insider.

I can help you find a much safer place to live while keeping your money secure. We can also work together to reduce your tax burden, reduce costs, and implement any other business and wealth internationalization strategies that make sense for you.

People from all walks of life become GWP Insiders, like:

Even though my clientele are diverse, they’re all facing similar challenges.

They all want to live safely, create the right business structure, and optimize it for a low-tax multi-jurisdictional approach in different parts of the world (to stay free).

And I’m the one guy they come to for help!

So if want a rock-solid exit plan, where you can exploit every possible tax loophole, all while avoiding the #1 most common business structure mistake (plus others unique to your situation)…

Then you should join us inside GWP Insiders.

Once you join, you’ll immediately get to schedule your first 1-hour consultation with me. This can be used to discuss your banking situation, ideal locations that aren’t under an information “Iron Curtain,” business structure, or even to make professional introductions for your specific needs.

One consultation would normally cost $445 to $4,000 depending on your situation, but GWP Insiders get unlimited consultations at no additional charge.

You’ll also gain access to the private membership area, which includes a variety of business, life, and wealth internationalization strategies that give you shortcuts to success with the following:

Once you’re a member, you’ll want to immediately download and read the latest edition of my Offshore Banking Report.

Inside this valuable guide you’ll discover safe places to put your money along with my commentary to guide you, plus a whole lot more:

Look, I’ve made joining GWP Insiders and scheduling your first 1-hour consultation with me as easy as taking a walk in the park.

But if you’re still skeptical, let me provide just one example of the potential value that waits for you inside…

This one comes from a recent client case study (I’ve changed their names for privacy purposes of course):

My client, Mike and his wife Sara run a very successful online coaching program. Mike is American and Sara is from New Zealand.

They earn just a bit over $1 million per year in next taxable income. Mike and Sara were paying around $350,000 per year in taxes when they joined GWP Insiders and scheduled their first consultations.

After a few consultation calls, some business restructuring and a bit of creative residency planning, now Mike and Sara pay precisely zero in income tax, all completely legal in the US, New Zealand and their current country of residence.

Of course Mike and Sara had to invest money in addition to the membership program, but let’s just say their net tax savings was several multiples of their total investment to restructure.

That’s because I taught them several secrets that their accountants had no idea existed.

And here’s the funny part: They were so skeptical, they hired their lawyer to review my plan and he had no idea what I proposed was possible, but in the end he confirmed with Mike and Sara that everything was legit.

Not only that, Mike and Sara’s lawyer now refer clients to me.

And now, for a limited time, I have one more surprise for you to get started…

If you go to this special page and sign up you’ll also receive an 80% discount.

To live freely is divine,

Bobby Casey

Location Independent Entrepreneur

P.S. If you don’t feel safe where you live, that’s yet another reason to prepare an exit plan in case you need to “get out of Dodge” fast…

So once you join, go ahead and bring me your toughest questions about setting up your “exit plan,” including exactly where to look for the safest places to live.

I bet I can answer all of them during our first call. Massive financial and personal security for the right person. Hurry, and go to this link to save 80% right now.

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