The Uniparty’s 3-Word “Magic Spell” that Erases the Constitution

Terms like “safety” and “emergency” tend to make for great work-arounds for the rights otherwise guaranteed by the Constitution. The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution reads as follows: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not […]
Government Uses Private Sector to Expand Surveillance State

The government comes for civil liberties by partnering with large corporations and a private surveillance company to monitor the general public. July 15, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Anyone who has even an small appreciation for liberty winces at the mere mention of his name because he would take the progressivism and amplify […]
Why 33% of United States Now Has Elevated Risk of Power Outages

One third of the US at risk of power outages because the grids are not up to the task of serving the demand. Most people in the United States rely on electricity. Most people also don’t realize how fragile the system that delivers electricity to homes is. This Summer the reliability of that very system […]
Chevron Overturned Part 2: Regulatory Agencies Lose “Agility”

Proponents of the Chevron Doctrine fear the regulatory agencies’ loss of “agility”, but we all know that’s code for loss of power. July 8, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Last week we addressed the overturning of the Chevron Doctrine. This doctrine deferred to the regulatory agencies to interpret the rules if and when […]
Chevron Overturned: Now What?
SCOTUS overturns decades old Chevron case, and businesses will get some reprieve from regulators. July 1, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP When people say they witnessed an accident, their accounting of it might differ in accuracy, but that doesn’t negate the fact that an accident happened. The same is true when people talk […]
What’s Going on in the Economy Will Have Global Implications
The continuing corporate inversion and systemic collapsing of banks will have implications on the global economy. June 24, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Maybe I’m dating myself here, but do you remember playing Tetris, and failing to find a proper place for the awkward pieces, so you’d place it somewhere, and wait for […]
Treasury Invokes Racism for New Tax Rules
The social engineering being read into the tax rules is now trying to impose a form of racial equity, or equality of outcome. Believe it or not, the U.S. government is considering changes to the tax code that would either benefit or penalize you based on the color of your skin. That’s right, the United […]
From Land of the Free to Land of the Tax Slave
The US government is one of two in the world that has tax evasion crimes for non-citizens, and an exit tax for those who dare to leave the tax farm. June 17, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Around 2013, a lot of people got really eager for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to be […]
BRICS Expanding Its Membership
BRICS has not only on-boarded several new countries, they have fifteen waiting in the wings, and another twenty-five who are interested. June 10, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Economic alliances continue to forge across the world. The G7, which was informally started in 1973, consists of the US, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Canada, […]
California Continues to Struggle with Transportation and Infrastructure
California is the laboratory for all progressive initiatives, and they are getting expensive and unrealistic when it comes to transportation and infrastructure. June 3, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Around sixteen years ago, California pushed through a high-speed lite rail system initiative. It would run between Los Angeles and San Francisco. The proposed […]