Doug Casey: The Vicious Cycle Behind Currency Devaluation
Currency devaluation is a vicious cycle brought on by central banks October 19, 2016 (Originally published on October 11, 2016 on by Nat Vein) Shared courtesy of Claudio Grass at Global Gold. Our friend Natalie Vein recently had the opportunity to conduct an extensive interview with Doug Casey, for our parent company, BFI. Based […]
Spain’s Opportunities
Spain has a scant government, but they aren’t worried and have plenty of opportunites October 17, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There is a LOT of bad stuff going on right now. As if the no-talent circus known as the US Presidential election weren’t bad enough, the US recently bombed Yemen not long […]
Obamacare Creating Criminals Out of Thin Air
Whatever the original intention, Obamacare is creating criminals out of thin air October 10, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP If there is ONE thing the government is good at, it’s exacerbating a problem and creating criminals out of thin air. One of the most effective ways of doing that is by an elaborate […]
Passports: Permission to Travel
Passports used to ensure safe passage, but now are just permission to travel October 3, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP It’s funny to think that had history taken just a slightly different turn, Global Wealth Protection wouldn’t exist in the form it does today. I imagine that could be said of everything and […]
Publishing Profits Podcast Interview: Lower Taxes Legally
Learn how to lower taxes legally by going offshore September 28, 2016 Tom Corson-Knowles, host of Publishing Profits Podcast, interviews Bobby Casey about being a digital nomad, and the benefits of offshore businesses as well as being a digital nomad. If you’re considering becoming a digital nomad, starting a business, or taking yourself or business […]
Luxury Property Crackdown
The US is out to crackdown on luxury properties fearful of money launderers. September 26, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP So either money launderers are the new boogey man, the US government is desperate to control and monitor wealth, or both. Headline after headline talks about these money launderers as if they posed […]
One Very Simple (But Often Overlooked) Asset Protection Strategy
A simple asset protection strategy can accomplish a lot without complications. September 22, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, GWP Managing Director One of the biggest issues I find with asset protection planning is that frequently people get overly hyped up about putting some exotic structure in place that they really don’t need. I see it all […]
The Ripple Effect of the Panama Papers
The ripple effect of the Panama Paper revelations could mean stricter financial regulations around the world. September 19, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP When the whole Panama Papers “scandal” surfaced, I knew the purpose was to vilify and “crack down” on offshore banking. There is a cynical part of me that wonders if […]
Abolish Cash or Abolish Fractional Reserve Banking?
Opposition to fractional reserve banking can help to make money more sound, but a more concentrated central bank might still hinder things with the abolition of physical cash. September 12, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Going cashless isn’t just some cocktail conversation heard in some random circles anymore. This is a very real […]
Post Brexit: Finding the New Normal
Finding the new normal after the Brexit referendum will take time and observation. September 5, 2016 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Despite the Brexit referendum passing, nothing has actually changed yet. It’s like declaring and agreeing upon getting a divorce: there’s still the business of moving out, splitting of the assets, and various other […]