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Project Aurora: The Next Innovation in Financial Privacy Violation

Project Aurora is the next attack on privacy as the surveillance state expands globally and hovers around your financial privacy.

June 5, 2023

B​y: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP

project auroraGlobalists are once again trotting out “money laundering” as this boogeyman for whom we should all be willing to drop our rights to catch.

S​o far, we are meant to be afraid of “immigrants” (only the ones who don’t have papers that make them less terrifying), drugs, a cold, terrorists, the weather, and of course the money launderer.

Each of these has a massive task force, with billions of dollars being pumped into them. The cost of controlling human behavior is such a wasted endeavor of time and treasure, but when people are scared enough, they will volunteer their rights along with everyone else’s for “the greater good”.

A lot of discussions about Central Bank Digital Currency, the cashless agenda, and what that means for financial privacy. Rightly so. An institution that has visibility into your financial goings can freeze your accounts on a whim.

O​f course we aren’t jumping straight to centralized control over all private accounts. We are, arguably, easing our way there instead.

T​hey are also looking for ways to usurp privacy protections on a more global and centralized scale. We are talking about going beyond FATCA or FISA, which unto themselves suck. And we are even going beyond the US SWIFT system.

I​f you recall a few months ago, I told you about Anomaly 6. It tracks people’s phones at a very granular level. So rather than saying John Smith is somewhere in Detroit, it will determine John Smith is on the 6th floor of the Renaissance Center with about 67% of his battery level left on his Samsung Galaxy S23 phone from Verizon.

While its case studies are hit-or-miss, the idea that this can track people down to that level leaves many wondering if it can also track your transactions… specifically, your cryptocurrency transactions.

From the regulators who were super concerned with your privacy when it came to Big Tech companies like Meta and Google, comes software that will literally open up your bank accounts to an algorithm.

Google and Meta have been fined millions if not in the billions by now for privacy violations.

T​his is absolutely a conspiracy, but a theory it is not. The goal of a singular world currency and exchange model are real:

While the IMF is currently gearing up to introduce its new global CBDC system called the UMU (also known as the Unicoin), The Bank for International Settlements has been busy with multiple projects designed to centralize all international banks and central banks into a single umbrella network that allows for quick cross-border transactions using digital currencies. In other words, a cashless society.

One such concept, called Project Icebreaker, dealt specifically with creating a SWIFT-like bottleneck system which would allow global banks to regulate and eventually homogenize all currencies into a single one world exchange model that would give them the power to cut out any nation or company that does not meet their ideological approval.

W​hat is the Bank for International Settlements exactly? It started in 1930 in Switzerland, and according to their website:

Our mission is to support central banks’ pursuit of monetary and financial stability through international cooperation, and to act as a bank for central banks.

W​hen you go to Project Aurora, you see the head of BIS Innovation Hub Nordic Center, Beju Shah, addressing the very serious nature of money laundering and what it will take to tackle it:

Money laundering presents an intricate data challenge, as it is one of the hardest activities to detect in the world of financial crime. Project Aurora demonstrates how technology can provide better tools to face these challenges. However, technology on its own is not a silver bullet and requires new approaches to strong public and private collaboration, supported by a legal and regulatory framework. It takes a network to defeat a network.

You see, t​he problem is, all the information and alerts are siloed due to privacy constraints. And they would like it if an AI could just weave through all of that nonsense and find these nasty money launderers.

T​his would necessitate banks and governments alike across the globe to allow some sort of streamlined process by which to allow access to this AI. Banks are already independently doing this to their own accounts to flag suspicious activity, which it their right to do. But across all banks in the world?

I​f an algorithm can’t be trusted on social media to be privacy compliant, why would anyone believe it could achieve this through this program? If you were to combine this with Anomaly 6, then you have to know the burden of proof is in the hands of programs like these against you the lowly crypto user.

I​t’s important to look past the utility of a given policy or program. Prisons offer security, healthcare, food and shelter. The quality of which is all crap. But if you want those free things, understand you are heading toward a prison-like existence to achieve it.

I​f you want free healthcare, then you are looking at the NHS, Canadian Healthcare, the VA, or the healthcare provided to Indian Reservations. This is what it looks like.

I​f you don’t want to catch cold, then we lock down all of the global economy and no one works and you die of poverty and mental distress instead.

You might not like drugs or immigrants. But the cost of controlling either behavior isn’t just in treasure, but also in liberties.

S​o while the stated purpose might be noble rhetorically, and while the utility of such a policy sounds great at the outset, it never lands close to what we are sold.

You might even argue that its worth it. But to believe rights are inalienable is to believe that they cannot be negotiated away democratically or otherwise, but its very definition.

I​f people want to freak out about a cold, immigrants, drugs, guns, prostitutes, and money launderers, that’s fine. I certainly won’t tell people how to manage their emotional priorities. But none of these things bring down economies. Central Banks, government bloat, a heavy welfare state and a jingoistic warfare state do.

Privacy and protection belong at the individual level. Start thinking about how you plan to preserve that given the coming technology.

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