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Social Engineering and Wealth Transfers

There is a direct correlation between social engineering programs and transfers of wealth; and the politics around the pandemic has highlighted this fact.

December 7, 2020

By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP

wealth I shared an article on my Facebook account about the wasteland New York city has become since losing tourism. It’s sad to see. I see these uber liberal governors in this rapid race to the bottom: which one can run their economies into the ground fastest?

I see these pictures and video clips of people… fumbling with their masks, waiting 6 feet apart in lines, so resigned to the job loss and strain of entering a business where some employee is heard saying, “SIR! You need to wear a mask!”

Just prior to all this pandemic stuff, the overall market was shifting away from material things toward experiential things. People were getting what they needed online, but shifted more of their discretionary funds to going out for the experience of painting ceramics, or eating out, or traveling.

The experience is gone for everyone. Air travel is horrible, and there’s still talk of mandating vaccines prior to getting on a plane. Routes are being cut. The hospitality industry in general is in shambles.

Experience based industries like hospitality and hands on tutorials are either out or have become cumbersome to the point of not even being worth the hassle.

You don’t want to take it out on the clerks, but it speaks to something much bigger than the poor schlep who has to be “that guy” who calls out those who don’t wear masks.

The social engineering has heightened. Back when Barack Obama was in office, a book that made headlines was “Nudge: Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness”, written by none other than Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler. It made headlines because then President Obama liked it.

It is a book about social engineering, but subtly. Leveraging people’s livelihoods to get them to comply. If people reach a high enough level of desperation (either economically or emotionally through fear), they will be ripe to go along with just about anything.

Right now, so many people are forcibly unemployed from the lock-downs that unemployment is over 14 million in the US. People are waiting in line for food boxes from pantries in greater number. And there’s a moratorium on delinquent rent that is about to expire come the end of this month.

The pandemic didn’t do this. Politicians did. And they screwed their cities, counties, and states to such a degree that it’s not just their constituents coming with their hands out, but the politicians themselves looking for the federal government to bail them out of their irresponsible choices.

President Trump passed a stimulus bill with a one-time payment of up to $1200 to each American. It also came with myriad emergency loans for businesses. That dried up rather quickly. No one wanted the loans because how do you pay them back if there’s no guarantee you’ll be back in business soon?

Trump refused to pass another stimulus bill because the first one was crap, and he knew it. There are now talks about another stimulus under the Biden administration.

Former congressman John Delaney has a “bold” plan, or at least that’s what all the articles I see on my feed are saying.

Side note: when I hear that a politician has a “bold” plan, I’m pretty sure it’s expensive, manipulative, and ineffectual.

And my gut was right: the plan is to coax the poor and unemployed into getting a vaccine by dangling a one-time $1500 check in front of them. Imagine being made poor by the government, and not being able to afford to be reticent toward a vaccine.

Government created desperation will lead millions to become guinea pigs for this new vaccine. I don’t mind that people take it or don’t. I mind the duress though. If you would’ve taken the vaccine regardless of financial circumstances, then that’s fine. If you otherwise wouldn’t have, but can’t afford not to because your’e not allowed to work, that’s not okay.

But evidently it’s okay because it’s been okay before and elsewhere:

In the U.S., we already have measures to encourage people to get vaccines, such as requiring them in order for children to attend school.

It’s not like we don’t pull levers to get people vaccinated,” Delaney said. “We do that now.”

Some other countries already reimburse people for vaccine compliance, Delaney noted. In Mexico, the government pays people to get their children immunized. In India, one program provides food and household goods once kids are vaccinated.

Look how third world countries do this to their people! Should first world people be heartened by this? Because saying you’ll feed hungry people for a jab should offend every first world sensibility you have! This is not to be snobbish. It’s that countries that use the poverty and destitution of their constituents to control their behavior is reprehensible.

The ability to turn down a vaccine should not be a classist thing.

Check out the verbiage behind this:

“We have to create, in my judgment, an incentive for people to really accelerate their thinking about taking the vaccine,” Delaney said.

“It’s an interesting idea,” said Bill Hoagland, senior vice president at the Bipartisan Policy Center and a former Senate staffer. It’s a nudge factor.

The transfer of wealth comes is many forms.

The first is from the future to the present. I look at the kids today and think, “Your kids are paying for this.” Mortgaging future generations is still a wealth transfer. American taxpayers now are paying for programs from decades ago.

Then there’s the transfer of wealth from small businesses to large. The mom-and-pop stores couldn’t pivot as quickly as big box stores to accommodate all the new regulations. The traffic they relied on was cut off, and they couldn’t afford to keep their doors open. 60% of US businesses will not reopen when this is all over.

Finally, there is the transfer of wealth to the pharmaceutical industry. The secondary headline from Bloomberg reads: “The Warp Speed program’s budget is as large as $18 billion, far bigger than the $10 billion cited by the government“.

According to an article from USA Today back in August, they break down how $9 billion has already been allocated to seven drug companies:

  • Sanofi and GSK: $2.1 billion

  • Pfizer and BioNTech: $1.95 billion

  • Novavax: $1.6 billion

  • Janssen: $1.5 billion

  • AstraZeneca and Oxford: $1.2 billion

  • Moderna: $955 million

  • Merck and IAVI USA: $38 million

This is how much a “free vaccine” costs by the way.

Here’s the larger picture: this whole ordeal has created a structure where politicians are brokering liberty for liberty. Put another way, your rights are conditional. You can travel, if you get a vaccine. You can shop, if you wear a mask. You can go back to work if you follow all these rules. You can see your family if you follow these guidelines. I realize there are those who are not bothered by this trade off. There are others still who condemn those who complain about it. We are currently learning a very interactive lesson in the subjective theory of value. I’m not here to tell you what you should think is or isn’t important. I am saying, if you don’t defend the rights of those you disagree with, there will be no one left when your values are under assault. That’s the plan. And so far, it’s working.

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