The story is not what the FBI is investigating; it’s the behavior (or misbehavior) of the FBI itself that is the bigger story.
September 12, 2022
By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP
“Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.“
Stupidity in this case is probably equivalent to that of coincidence, but would require it to be a one-off rather than a pattern. If you do something stupid, with minimal consequence, you feel a sense of relief and are probably cautious not to repeat that as you wouldn’t expect to get away with it again.
Malice, on the other hand, is less satiable. It has a trend and a pattern or recurrence. If you do something malicious, and you get away with it, you believe you found a loophole and a backdoor to something, and will likely exploit that.
I think we are long past giving the government the benefit of the doubt when it comes to their hijinks. They aren’t just out-of-touch politicians. They are pulling a large grift.
Jeffrey Tucker once said: “Someone asked me the other day if I believe in conspiracies. Well, sure. Here’s one. It is called the political system. It is nothing if not a giant conspiracy to rob, trick and subjugate the population.”
As trust in media institutions and government continues to wane, and the scales start to fall from the eyes of the average American normie, the news stories start to hit a little differently.
The FBI has been busy obfuscating in recent years.
1. Russiagate was facilitated by the FBI. It accused Donald Trump of being a secret Russian agent aided and abetted by the Kremlin. Turns out, it was unfounded, and the FBI helped to string the public along:
In fact, the FBI had already established that the root source was US-based former Brookings flunky Igor Danchenko’s utterly speculative gossip with an ex-girlfriend and a Democratic Party hack.
That, plus publicly reported info, was all Christopher Steele (a retired British spy who doesn’t even speak Russian) ever had to back up his “dossier.” And the FBI knew it since at least January 2017, when it interviewed Danchenko.
Comey hid all this during his meetings, and after. Yet the public only learned it years later, once the Durham probe began.
I don’t have a problem with the FBI investigating a lead on a potential president, and doing so with vigilance, but I do have a problem when they cherry pick.
2. There were shootings with clear indications leading up to them, that the FBI did nothing. Coming out of Columbine, the United States was given the impression that all levels of government would be on high alert for these kinds of shooters.
There have since been several shootings, where the FBI had prior knowledge of these individuals, but did nothing about them. The most shocking is the Parkland shooting where the FBI settled on $127.5 million pay out to the victims and their parents.
3. The kidnapping plot for Michigan governor, Gretchen Whitmer is also one where the FBI is conspicuously present. It was supposed to be a slam dunk against militia extremists who opposed Whitmer’s Covid 19 policies, but has now become a case about the FBI creating crimes where there were none.
Several FBI informants infiltrated the Wolverine Watchmen, and militiamen’s defense is now accusing them of entrapment. The FBI are calling one of them a “rogue double agent“, but that seems rather convenient to disavow someone who went too far.
4. Meta’s Mark Zuckerberg recently told Joe Rogan that his part in suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop story was because he received communications from the FBI instructing him to do so. Out of which came the October Surprise of 2020 where Tony Bobulinski testified to the FBI Joe Biden’s profiteering from Hunter Biden and Bobulinski’s international deals in China and Ukraine.
FBI’s Timothy Thibault, who recently decided to “voluntarily retire”, suppressed this testimony during the 2020 elections by declaring the matter closed.
5. Then there is the matter of unprecedented raids. Think what you will of Donald Trump, but the FBI raid in Mar-a-Lago seems a bit of a too-little-too-late response to what they believe to be sensitive information. Not even Richard Nixon, who was formally impeached and resigned from office, was subjected to this.
It’s a bit dubious to think that the entire time Trump was in possession of this information nothing of any consequence happened, but suddenly after two years of being out of office, the security of the nation hangs in the balance.
If it was that urgent and threatening, why wait two years? And why haven’t we seen anything happen in that time involving that information?
This case is still ongoing, and a Special Master is being selected to review what was seized from Trump’s home.
I said unprecedented raids. Plural. Let’s assume that the raid on Trump is an eyeroll. This one should not be: The FBI raided the home of James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas.
Project Veritas is an investigative reporting company that has exposed such organizations as ACORN, Planned Parenthood, and more recently the public and private school teacher agendas. They send in undercover reporters who infiltrate these types of organizations to video record their candid responses to pressing questions.
People will criticize their tactics, but at the end of the day, it elicits truthful insights from inside these organizations. Remember, John Stossel also conducted investigative reporting, and so did Chris Hansen in his famous “To Catch a Predator” series. No one denies the journalistic bone fides of either of these individuals on the grounds that their tactics were surreptitious or devious in nature.
Remember it was the very salacious National Enquirer that exposed the John Edward’s affair. So get mad at the source or tactics all you want, but it doesn’t make any of these things less true.
James O’Keefe came into possession of Joe Biden’s granddaughter, Ashley Biden’s diary. The claim is that he stole it. But he did not. Someone might have stolen it, but it wasn’t O’Keefe. As a member of the press, he is protected Constitutionally against any criminal activity if he comes into possession of stolen goods.
He cannot himself steel it. Nor can he conspire or commission others to steel something. But if someone steels information or evidence, and sends it to him, he is not criminally liable for that. And the law is clear on this point.
Yet, the Biden administration sent the FBI to raid his home in search of this diary. The diary was in Florida, O’Keefe is in New York, and there is no evidence that O’Keefe was in Florida at the time nor that he had any communications with people who were to obtain it. In fact, despite having possession of the diary, O’Keefe never published anything from it as he couldn’t verify it’s authenticity (although the raid would indicate that perhaps the diary was in fact authentic after all).
The issue here being: FBI raids on the press are bad news. Loathed as they are to defend Project Veritas, even the ACLU condemned the raid:
“Project Veritas has engaged in disgraceful deceptions, and reasonable observers might not consider their activities to be journalism at all. Nevertheless, the precedent set in this case could have serious consequences for press freedom. Unless the government had good reason to believe that Project Veritas employees were directly involved in the criminal theft of the diary, it should not have subjected them to invasive searches and seizures. We urge the court to appoint a special master to ensure that law enforcement officers review only those materials that were lawfully seized and that are directly relevant to a legitimate criminal investigation.”
6. Mislead a judge for a warrant to seize 100s of safe deposit boxes in Beverly Hills:
The FBI told a federal magistrate judge that it intended to open hundreds of safe deposit boxes seized during a March 2021 raid in order to inventory the items inside—but new evidence shows that federal agents were plotting all along to use the operation as an opportunity to forfeit cash and other valuables.
Reason goes on to explain:
the raid on U.S. Private Vaults resulted in federal agents seizing and attempting to forfeit more than $86 million in cash as well as gold, jewelry, and other valuables from property owners who were suspected of no crimes.
It’s difficult to see this as anything more than a fishing expedition on the part of the FBI after a frustrating five year investigation into the company U.S. Private Vaults.
The story isn’t the fake story about Russia collusion, the shootings, the kidnapping attempt, Ashley’s diary, or even the potential criminality of safe deposit box holders.
The story is the behavior of the FBI in all these cases. This is what foments the distrust toward this agency. In the same way ATF conduct during the Ruby Ridge or Waco raids left a horrible taste in the mouths of Americans… not because Randy Weaver was or wasn’t a white supremacist or that David Koresh was a cult leader. It was the behavior of the ATF that was the real story.
There’s nothing extreme about questioning federal agencies. In fact, it would be odd not to in light of all the headlines.
It would appear that individual freedom is pitted against government agencies fighting to say relevant. We are each pawns in the careers of ambitious government stooges. Protect yourself, your freedom, your privacy, and your assets.
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