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Who Are Your Five Closest Friends?

by Bobby Casey, Managing Director

March 6, 2013

A recent casual conversation made me reflect on my sphere of influence.  I may just be an amalgam of my five closest friends!

Your Five Closest FriendsThis morning I was having breakfast with one of our Global Escape Hatch speakers – Tres Knippa, and we started talking about our associations. Tres recently read the book, “4 Hour Workweek”, and in the book the author mentions that every person is the product of their five closest friends.

If you think about who you spend the most time with, you are most likely the average of those five friends. I don’t just mean money, but in all areas of life:

• Income and/or Net Worth
• Philosophy
• Belief System
• Politics
• Hobbies

For me, this was an eye-opening realization a few years ago. I think Tres already understood it, but when reading the book it confirmed what he already knew.

Take a look at your own life. Are you happy with your financial situation? Do you have meaningful conversations about things that matter with the people you spend time with? Does your own code of ethics mesh with your peer group? Do you have political confrontation with those around you? Do you have FUN with your friends? If you answer any of those questions in the negative, then you should really consider upgrade your personal sphere of influence. Life is too short to be surrounded by negativity. You only get one ride on this roller coaster called life. Why spend it with people who don’t make you a better person?

If you are truly content with a life of mediocrity, then so be it; but my gut tells me that you are reading this newsletter because you want more out of your own life. Maybe you are looking for more money. Maybe you are looking to KEEP more of your money. Maybe you are looking for adventure. Maybe you are just looking to connect with a group of like-minded people who think the way you do.

Today is the kick-off party for our Offshore Spring Conference – Global Escape Hatch. I am typing this article sitting on the front porch of my villa looking at the water. Take a look at the view from my Belize “office” (i.e. the front deck of my villa):

Five Closest Friends GEH BelizeSteve and I arrived in Belize a few days early to get all the conference details sorted (read: find the cool bars), and have a few meetings with some of the speakers. These are the people I want to associate with. I love our speakers and clients! They all do interesting things and live exceptional lives. They constantly push themselves, and me, forward toward improvement. No one remains stagnant.

Already, in the past two days, Steve and I made two business deals that will have huge implications for Global Wealth Protection. I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag yet, but soon we can offer our U.S. offshore clients a full compliance package for their offshore companies, trusts and foundations at a price you couldn’t touch domestically! Also some real estate investment projects and a VERY unique offshore banking option that will offer a huge amount of value to our clients are both in the works. (If you want to be alerted once we make this available, email me HERE).

We host two offshore conferences per year. Additionally we attend and speak at a handful of other events because we want to continually upgrade our sphere of influence. Take a look at the pictures below:

Five Closest Friends

Five Closest Friends GEH Belize 2


These are images of our meeting space for tonight. We start with cocktails at 5pm, then a beach barbeque at 6pm. The remainder of the evening will be spent beachside, networking with some of the most interesting and well-connected people on the planet.

If you are not here, you are truly missing out on something very special. This event is unlike anything you’ve ever attended. Even our speakers say this is the only event of its kind. We had nearly one HUNDRED people asking to speak because they wanted to be part of this.

We only have the 15 best speakers.

Think about your sphere of influence. Do you want more out of life? Do your friends share your ambitions? If not, it may be time for an upgrade.

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