A major credit bureau like Equifax handles private financial info, suffers a data breach, and then sells this information to those willing to pay, leaving individuals with no recourse.
Keep the Government out of private businesses, and let businesses sell their products and services the way they want (so long as they don’t harm anyone).
That said, when a private company starts acting like a government might, that grabs my attention. Here’s what I mean…
What if you found out that the IRS was packaging your most private information up, including your Social Security number, and selling it to the highest bidder?
You’d be furious, and so would I.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the IRS doesn’t “want” to do something like that. In fact, about 700,000 people have already had their most sensitive data mishandled by the agency in a 2016 data breach.
So they don’t get a free pass here.
But there is at least one private monopoly that acts a lot like a “second IRS” when it comes to storing private financial information and then exposing it…
Equifax: Profiteering from Your Private Data
In September of 2017, Equifax announced a data breach of its own that exposed the personal information of 147 million people.
So it beat out the IRS when it comes to egregious mishandling of sensitive data. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there…
Equifax has a division called The Work Number (started in 2017). And it’s through this division that Equifax sells your salary, earnings, and work history to anyone willing to pay for it.
According to Matt Stoller, who reported on this division of the credit giant, Equifax charges on an escalating price scale that starts at $54.95 for a record of where you currently work.
But if you want to get a copy of what they have on you, it’s hard to do so. Many people have complained about it to no avail.
You can also try to “freeze” your employment data, but through the verification process, you could end up coughing up even more private data, or verifying what they already have on file.
Who knows if you’d be successful in getting the data freeze, or if another data breach would expose the additional info you provided for verification? The process might end up hurting you more than helping you.
On top of that mess of a program, according to a New York Times article from 2010, another Equifax program called TALX was used to “automate” unemployment claims.
The problem is, it automated denials, too, which has ruined some people’s lives. Take for example Gerald Grenier, 47, who according to the Times piece:
[…] spent four years as a night janitor at a New Hampshire Wal-Mart and was fired for pocketing several dollars in coins from a vending machine. Mr. Grenier, who is mentally disabled, told Wal-Mart he forgot to turn in the change. Talx, representing Wal-Mart, accused him of misconduct and fought his unemployment claim.
After Mr. Grenier waited three months for a hearing, Wal-Mart did not appear. A Talx agent joined by phone, then seemingly hung up as Mr. Grenier testified. The hearing officer redialed and left an unanswered message on the agent’s voice mail. The officer called Mr. Grenier “completely credible” and granted him benefits.
Talx appealed, claiming that the officer had denied the agent’s request to let Wal-Mart testify by phone. (A recording of the hearing contains no such request.) Mr. Grenier won the appeal, but by then he had lost his apartment and moved in with his sister.
Equifax handled this case (and others) much like any government would. And they used their position of wealth and power to harm a disabled individual over a few dollars in coins.
The truth is, Equifax does not care about you or any of the millions of people they keep data on. They care only about the bottom line. Which is why your private data will continue to be collected and sold to whoever pays.
And it’s because of repeated privacy invasions like this that you might consider forming an exit plan now – so you can leave if and when you want to. That means getting expert advice based on your situation so your exit (should you need it) can go as smoothly as possible and ultimately enhance the quality of your life.
How to Create Your Digital Nomad Exit Plan
Being a digital nomad means living a life truly free from worry, with minimal expenses, and without credit-monitoring agencies following your every move. A place where you can grow your wealth, away from governments and any companies that act like the government.
Your new home could be Mexico, somewhere in eastern Europe, or another “hidden paradise.”
If the lifestyle of a digital nomad sounds like something you want to pursue, then I’ve got even more good news…
When you become a GWP Insider, you can schedule unlimited 1-hour consultations with me to help you reduce your tax burden, reduce costs, and implement any other business and wealth internationalization strategies that make sense for you.
In just one call, we could put together an exit plan to help you escape the IRS, higher taxes, and companies like Equifax that sell your private life for profit.
People from all walks of life become GWP Insiders, like:
- A Canadian ecomm entrepreneur living in Portugal making 6-7 figures net. He needs to know where to register his company and how to get out of the Canadian tax system without owing much (or anything) in Portugal.
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- A Brit who is nomadic with a digital marketing agency.
- An American with a digital products business living in Mexico.
Even though my clientele is diverse, they’re all facing similar challenges.
They all want to create the right business structure and optimize it for a low-tax multi-jurisdictional approach in different parts of the world (to stay free).
And I’m the one they come to for help!
So if you’d like to exploit every possible tax loophole, while avoiding the #1 most common business structure mistake (plus others unique to your situation)…
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One consultation would normally cost $445 to $4,000 depending on your situation, but GWP Insiders get unlimited consultations at no charge.
You’ll also gain access to the private membership area, which includes a variety of business, life, and wealth internationalization strategies that give you shortcuts to success with the following:
- Offshore companies,
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- Real estate,
- 2nd passports,
- Discounts on offshore structures
- And so much more.
As a bonus, the insiders-only content includes the 2022 edition of my Offshore Banking Report where you’ll discover more helpful information:
- The 9 best licensed offshore banks for 2022, plus my commentary on each.
- How to start banking in the US without visiting a single branch.
- How to leverage “Fintech” institutions like the wealthy elite do.
- How FATCA could “trap” you even if you aren’t a U.S. Citizen.
- The Top 5 Traditional U.S. Banks that accept non-residents.
Look, I’ve made joining GWP Insiders and scheduling your first 1-hour consultation with me as easy as taking a walk in the park.
But for a limited time, I have one more surprise for you…
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To live freely is divine,
Bobby Casey
Location Independent Entrepreneur
P.S. The IRS is bad enough. But knowing there are companies willing to profit from your private life makes the problem that much worse. But not for digital nomads. That’s why I strongly encourage you to become a GWP Insider right now.
When you do, bring me your toughest questions about setting up your digital nomad “exit plan” to get away from it all.
I bet I can answer all of them during our first call. Massive financial and personal security for the right person. Hurry, and go to this link to save 80% right now.