Theft By Any Other Name Is Still Theft
October 27, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond Between taxation and inflation, you’d think the government would have maxed out on plunder. Nope. Civil Asset Forfeiture is finally making the news. “If you have nothing hide, you have nothing to fear.” “If you just follow the law, you’ll be fine.” I hear those two phrases far too […]
Constipated Economy
October 22, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher By now, Lyft, Uber, and Sidecar are all fairly well known in metropolitan areas like San Francisco and the Greater Los Angeles area. It’s a smart phone application based service that is turning the taxi and private transportation industry on its ear! They are drastically undercutting the taxi […]
Boom And Bust Cycles Are Created By Central Banks
October 17, 2014 This micro-documentary is brought to you by our friend Claudio Grass at Global Gold Inc. A very informative 15 minutes explaining the boom and bust cycles of our economy and how they are the inevitable product of central banking practices. Share with those who you think could use this valuable information! For more […]
The Double Irish
October 16, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Ireland got creative with its tax regime: businesses loved it, the EU… not so much. Condemning tax competition by a country doing its level best to recuperate from bailout conditions only 5 years ago is cruel, to say the very least. Back in August I wrote a piece […]
How Our Monetary System Works and Fails
October 14, 2014 This micro-documentary is brought to you by our friend Claudio Grass at Global Gold Inc. A very informative 10 minutes explaining what money, fiat currency, and fractional reserve banking are. Share with those who you think could use this valuable information! For more information on precious metal ownership: Claudio Grass, Managing Director Global Gold Inc. Herrengasse […]
China v the US = Strategy v Tragedy
October 13, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher While the United States is fixated on some new tribe of rebels in Iraq and Syria, China just swooped by and surpassed the United States twenty-seven ways to Sunday. As I’ve mentioned in nearly every single article to do with China, they are and have been playing a […]
“Exit Visas” in Canada?
October 6, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Over thirteen years after 9/11, and we are now, more than ever, under heightened security measures. Insofar as the War on Terror is concerned, I would say it has been an abject failure of epic proportions. The reason being: Westerners are STILL terrified. We’re told to freak out […]