You Lose This 75 Days After You Set Up a Foreign LLC
June 25, 2015 By: Diane Kennedy, CPA There are a lot of good reasons for setting up a foreign LLC. You’ll have some hoops to jump through, paperwork to complete and there are obviously fees you’ll pay to get it done. And then, you transfer your pension or your money and you’re done, right? No! […]
Greece is Running the Clock
June 22, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher TICK TOCK, GREECE! TICK TOCK! And so here we are nearing the end of June, and I’m asking myself, “Self, what is going on with our little friends in Greece?” You know what this makes me think of? Those plot lines, where the main character embarks on this […]
Billions in Wasteful Spending
June 15, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Amazing how easy it is to burn through someone else’s money. By trade, I’m a media buyer. I buy advertising time and space for my clients. I can blow through several hundred thousand dollars without even flinching. I worked on a $42 million account. I managed $20 million […]
An Unsanctioned Iran?
June 8, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher A while back I did a piece on Somalia. The point of that article was to address some of the mischaracterizations of the country. I’m not in denial that it has its misgivings – all countries do – but since it is often used as a dismissive epithet to […]
Patriot Act Expires, But So What?
June 3, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Parts of the US Patriot Act expired this past Sunday. That doesn’t carry the kind of permanence one might expect when they read the word “expire”. When food “expires” we throw it out and get newer, fresher replacements. When people “expire”, we have funerals and write eulogies. When […]
Race Toward $15 Minimum Wage
June 1, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Where to even begin with this ripe pile of nonsense? As I try to organize my thoughts on the US economy, so-called “trade deficits”, minimum wage, and these godforsaken unions, I can’t help but work myself up into a ball of frustration. Of course the US economy is […]
Greece on Brink of Default
May 25, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher I was going to write something to do with Memorial Day, but decided against it. As they say, don’t look back unless that is where you are heading. And there is so much in front of us, I can’t be bothered to turn my head for a second […]
Britain Seceding from EU?
May 18th, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Confession: my eyes light up like a Christmas tree at the mere mention of secession. When Texas talks about it, despite its myriad misgivings in its way of governance, I get excited. When secessionists talk about breaking California up into as many as 6 different states, I get […]
US Dollar is Going From Worthless to Imaginary
May 11, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Imagine if I offered to sell you something. You decided you needed that good or service, so you agree to purchase it. (So far, so good!) Now it comes down to price. I say a price, but you offer to pay me in pixie dust or genie wishes. […]
Don’t Get Sick of Obamacare!
May 4, 2015 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Has Obamacare become a worn out subject to you yet? I mean, has it just played out from every angle, and at this point it’s so far gone, you’ve thrown your hands in the air and accepted the fact that it’s here to stay? Nothing you can do. […]