An American Warning Part 2
March 28, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher I was chastised on the thread of “An American Warning” for advising folks that the treatment of the Native Americans is how we can expect to be treated as we socialize necessary services like health insurance or care. I was told I was “fear mongering”. Fear is based […]
Money Grabbin’
February 17, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher On the near anniversary of the Cypriot bank account seizures, the Eurozone is toying with the idea of dipping in once again. Both the EU and now Italy are making some plays for people’s capital and it ain’t pretty. This isn’t the behavior of a stable economy, or […]
Fear Mongering VS Awareness Building
February 4, 2014 By: Kelly Diamond, Publisher Have you ever made a decision to do something… and later realized that you would’ve done things differently had you known about X, Y and/or Z? The decision you made was based on the information you had, and you needed to make a play one way or another. […]
#1 Reason To Transfer Money Offshore
September 24, 2013 By: Brian Mahany, Tax Attorney Ordinarily our blog posts dispense general advice on how to comply with complex IRS offshore reporting rules and avoid large civil and criminal penalties. Unfortunately, we are not living in ordinary times. Today’s story is one that largely escaped the mainstream media. It’s message, however, which should […]
Nuts and Bolts of Asset Protection

This week I will take a break from the usual rants about government stupidity and my philosophical discussions about how people should act and the world should look. Instead, we will discuss some nuts and bolts of Asset Protection Planning. For the purpose of discussion, I will share with you a couple recent client (names […]
The United Corporate Statism of America
In today’s asset protection newsletter: Discussion about 2013 federal budget proposal and its implication for your wealth Reminder about today’s webinar discussing real estate asset protection strategies Travel plans for those interested in meeting face-to-face Early notification about our offshore conference “Global Escape Hatch – Panama 2012” New product for Real Estate investors seeking asset […]
Who Really Owns Your Shares
by Jeff Berwick Do you own stocks in a brokerage account? You may be surprised to find out that you don’t. Your brokerage owns them. It is one of the dirtiest little secrets in the brokerage business. And 99.9% of people have no idea it is even being done to them. It’s called “street name […]
Economic Doomsday? Or Opportunity of a Lifetime?
After two weeks, I am finally home from my eastern European road trip. It was a whirlwind trip with visits in Lithuania, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Poland. The trip was mostly pleasure, but there were a couple of meetings along the way. In future articles I will discuss some of the opportunities that arose […]
Protect Your Assets Like the Uber-Rich
Asset Protection for the Real Estate Investor In my consulting business, I frequently work with real estate investors who are interested in creating a bulletproof asset protection plan to shield themselves from predatory litigation. From my viewpoint, real estate investors have one of the highest risk profiles of any business person. Clearly the world is […]
Asset Protection for Your IRA and 401K
Over the past year I have written several times about the potential for the US government to nationalize private retirement accounts like IRA’s and 401k’s. If you aren’t including your retirement accounts in your asset protection planning, you are fooling yourself into thinking they are safe. Of course I know you all think, “That […]