Smart Cities?
Hold some skepticism for the Smart Cities as they reek of “greater good” egalitarianism and have the potential for devastating authoritarianism. February 13, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I’ve been seeing a lot of rumblings around Smart Cities, or “15-Minute Cities”. I read the below Wikipedia definition of a “Smart City” and immediately […]
Cryptocurrency and Money Laundering… Again
Once again, money laundering has reared its head to conjure fear and curry favor for new regulations and controls in the crypto world. January 23, 2023 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Our good friend Money Laundering has resurfaced because of course. Every time this comes up, my eyes roll further back. As if the […]
The Ghost of Snowden Past Present & Future: Anomaly 6
The Snowden revelations not only told us what happened in the past, but what’s brewing in the present and what’s coming in the future. December 26, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Government spying is not a new thing. In the top ten most surveilled (measured as cameras per 1,000 people), London is the […]
The Twitter Files & The Unquestioning NPC
People blame less than 1% of the population, but the majority who enabled the past 3 years and every atrocity in history is the unquestioning NPC. December 19, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Where is our privacy and information going? The short answer is a slow swirl down a nasty public gas station […]
The Real Take-Away from China
The government of China should be closely watched, and its people supported as both come bearing a foreboding message from a future the West might soon see. December 5, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP China is an interesting place. Much like the US, it has regional diversity in cuisine and dialects. China as […]
How Digitized is Your Next Country?
When thinking about where your (next) destination might be, consider how digitized the country is, and what direction they are taking it in. November 21, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There’s a phrase used to tap into who can relate to a limited reference to a given topic: If You Know, You Know. […]
FBI’s New Focus Is Bad News for Americans
The FBI has found new purpose in coming after people on some sort of fishing expedition in hopes of finding a crime or charge after the fact. Recently, whistleblowers from inside the FBI have come forward with a couple of startling revelations. First, according to one of these whistleblowers, the U.S. agency appears to be […]
Has President Biden Crossed the Rubicon?
The “Dark Brandon” speech had Joe Biden calling 71 million Americans “extremists”, and turning the FBI on Americans for aligning with Trump. Historically, authoritarian governments have generally followed a certain pattern. Capitalize on a crisis, get public buy-in, and install the regime. One of the things that happens during the “crisis phase” or while “getting […]
Or-Else Clause Made Clear
Things that were once common place or even benign now come with an ultimatum and the Or-Else Clause is becoming rather clear. September 19, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP If we could look back at the real-time radar of the Titanic moving toward the iceberg , what would you say? You would see […]
What is the FBI Up To?
The story is not what the FBI is investigating; it’s the behavior (or misbehavior) of the FBI itself that is the bigger story. September 12, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP There’s an adage called Hanlon’s Razor. It says: “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.“ Stupidity in this case […]