by Adam Wolf, Director of US Operations

Second Passport – Good or Bad?

second passportThere have been several stories in the lamestream media lately of high-profile American citizens renouncing their citizenship, giving up their U.S. passports (or slave cards as Jeff Berwick calls them), and moving overseas. Specifically, the big stories have been about Eduardo Saverin, Denise Rich, and Superman.

The general consensus is that these people, namely Saverin and Rich, are trying to skip out on taxes and don’t want to “pay their fair share.” In Superman’s case, however, he seems to have made his decision more on the philosophical grounds of seeing that the world is “too connected” for him to identify himself as being solely American. (Kinda sounds like Doug Casey, but that’s another story.)

Enough congresscritters are “outraged” (are they ever anything else?) over the fact that wealthy Americans have the gall to give up their slave cards that they have passed more laws to make it increasingly difficult for a U.S. citizen to leave the dirt upon which they were accidentally born. Curiously, our dear leaders haven’t tried to pass any laws to prevent comic book super-heroes from renouncing their citizenship, but I’m sure they’ll get around to it eventually under the guise of national security. We can’t be too careful these days.

We’ve all heard about these stories, and maybe even how wrong-headed the new expat legislation is, so I won’t rehash it here, but there is an unspoken aspect of these stories that I haven’t heard anyone talk about, and that is the ire directed at Americans who choose to acquire second passports in the first place, even if they never renounce their U.S. citizenship.

If you’ve ever gone through the process of obtaining a second passport, or even if you’ve discussed the possibility of doing so with friends and family, you know what I’m talking about. I’d say, anecdotally, 90% of the time when a client of ours tells someone they are thinking of getting a second passport, they are met with quizzical looks, harsh interrogations, and sometimes even open hostility. Something along the lines of, “Why on Earth would you want to do that?!?!” is usually asked, accompanied by a look like the questioner just smelled a fart. You’ve never encountered so much overt, red-white-and-blue, hostile nationalism in your life as when you tell sheeple you’re thinking about getting a second passport. It’s really quite amazing.

Is there a double-standard for holders of a Second Passport?

Like everything else in America, there’s an enormous double-standard.

I picked up an interesting vibe the other day while reading a story on the Communist News Network’s website (that’s, in case you were wondering) about immigrants to the U.S. who have gone through the lengthy process of obtaining U.S. citizenship. It seemed like these people were being celebrated for their courage and tenacity. It felt as if they were being praised for their nuanced worldview and for having the wisdom to look over the fence, see how green the grass was on the other side, and then undertake the courageous actions of actually climbing over that fence to become a U.S. passport-wielding, flag-waving, American tax-slave citizen.

Hoist Old Glory and cue the patriotic music, please.

So let me get this straight. We’re mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, traitorous, ne’er-do-wells when we want to get a second passport, but when some poor sap from Bangladesh jumps through the bureaucratic hoops to get a U.S. passport, he’s a brilliant man of the world who deserves our utmost respect.

How does that make sense again?

The fact of the matter is that there is nothing wrong with anyone obtaining a second passport. In fact, it’s actually one of the smartest things you can ever do for yourself because it amounts to little more than having options.

How are we supposed to take anyone seriously when they say, essentially and while making the fart-smelling face, “Why would you want to have options?!?!”

The correct answer is that we’re not. Anyone who says that you should not have options, or that having options is stupid, paranoid, and/or unpatriotic, is a fool and you need to find better friends. If they’re family members, then, well…sorry, you’re on your own.

Anyone who wants to have additional options for navigating border crossings, opening financial accounts that otherwise might not be available to Americans (that list gets longer by the day), buying property where non-citizens are prohibited from doing so, and a host of other reasons is just plain smart.

Nothing opens up more global options for protecting your ass and your assets than a second passport. Despite all the doom and gloom you read in the lamestream American media, there are a lot of great things happening in the world right now and unbridled capitalism is running rampant in several parts of the world right now, all of them outside of the United States and all requiring that you have a second passport.

If you would like to discuss some very good options for alternative residencies and second passports that will never be advertised on Global Wealth Protection, drop us a line. We promise not to make the fart-face when you tell us you want to have some options with a second passport.

“There are three types of people in this world: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened.” – Mary Kay Ash

PS.  Take a look at the video below where Bobby Casey interviews our favorite passport consultant – Jeff Berwick with Dollar Vigilante.  Jeff is one of our speakers at the upcoming ‘Global Escape Hatch – Panama 2012’, where he will be discussing various options for obtaining your own expedited second passport.

If you are truly interested in learning about getting your own second passport, asset protection, offshore banking and more, we still have a few tickets left.

Register here today – Global Escape Hatch:  Panama 2012


3 Responses

  1. Question: both parents were born in the US but each had parents from the “old country”–my mother from Portugal and my father’s family from the old Yugoslavia (now Bosnia). What are my chances of getting a second passport?

    1. It depends on the country. Some countries will let you get a passport with ancestry from your grandparents while some will only let you get it via your parents. My old man is from Trinidad & Tobago and I just recently applied for a Trinidad passport. It was a rat race of getting the proper paperwork together but, when I get my 2nd passport in 5 weeks, it would have all be worth it.

      1. Congratulations and good for you!!! Yeah, I lost out on my koseki from my mom. She decided to relinquish her rights as a Japanese citizen whereby screwing ME out of any claims for citizenship or residency status in Japan.

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