FBI Harasses Americans “Every Day, All Day Long” Over THIS?

While the FBI cannot open an investigation for lawful exercise of rights, it apparently can harass people nonetheless for unacceptable speech. The first and fourth amendments to The Constitution are supposed to protect your free speech and your privacy. But it appears like the FBI is salivating for every opportunity to toss that document and […]
Government Priorities to Solve Economic Problems Are Failing… Again

The solution to crime and poverty are not more government interventions, as government priorities miss the mark again. April 15, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Crimes used to be frowned upon. I can remember when shoplifting and trespassing were crimes with little to no tolerance… not by the state, but by society itself. […]
Poor Policy Leads to Sick Economy

The US economy is sicker than politicians are letting on, and there are policies accelerating this tragedy including regulations, mandates, and inflation. April 8, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP You know the US economy is sick when news breaks that the 99 Cents Only stores are closing down operations, and the Dollar Tree […]
Australia’s Digital ID: Another Piece to the WEF Puzzle
Australia’s Senate passed the Digital ID bill which expands their digital identity verification scheme through a centralized process. April 1, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The inglorious response by some governments during the pandemic is not soon forgotten. It might not have been televised, but it was still memorialized on social media, and […]
The State is Either Neglecting Property Rights or Attacking Them
Private property rights are the cornerstone of freedom; and whether it’s tax liens, eminent domain, or squatters the government is not on the side of the property owner. March 25, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP If you follow my posts or blogs at all, or have engaged my services, you know I’m no […]
Al Gore Attempts to Silence Mainstream Dissidents
In a desperate effort to remain relevant, Al Gore jumps on the censorship bandwagon to fight “disinformation” by defending the mainstream media. The supposed “free market of ideas” – where the best ideas tend to float to the top – is in jeopardy. In fact, if people like Al Gore, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama […]
Surveillance Persists in Common Products
Betrayals to privacy through daily technological conveniences and the surveillance therein is becoming a major issue society will have to face. March 18, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I once spoke to an employment lawyer who was working on a wrongful termination case on behalf of a pregnant woman. Aside from the optics […]
Finding Freedom in an Increasingly Unfree World
The think tank indicators are showing a diminishing level of freedom throughout the world, which requires individuals to carve their paths to freedom more surgically. March 11, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I remember a conversation I had with a non-American, and they were extolling how much freer Americans were in the US […]
Growing Secession Movement Inside the United States
The United States isn’t so united as now Texas and New Hampshire have growing secession movements within them against the DC Uniparty. Texas was, until 2020, what you might call a “staunch Republican” state. After that election, a handful of counties “flipped” to the other side of the Uniparty. Because of this “flip,” and for […]
Inflation Reduction Act Kicks in: Here Comes The IRS
Emboldened by the allocations from the Inflation Reduction Act, the IRS seeks to target millionaires and billionaires as its first order of business. March 4, 2024 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Millionaires and billionaires are dodging nearly $150 billion in taxes! Oh nos!!! The US government spent $6.13 TRILLION in fiscal year 2022. That’s […]