Digital Nomad Visa: Spain Edition!
While the EU does its level best to discourage any economic prosperity, individual countries like Spain are still trying to recuperate from the pandemic, or at least weather this global recession. October 2, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP No matter how beautiful someone tells you Spain is, it could never do it justice. […]
Has President Biden Crossed the Rubicon?
The “Dark Brandon” speech had Joe Biden calling 71 million Americans “extremists”, and turning the FBI on Americans for aligning with Trump. Historically, authoritarian governments have generally followed a certain pattern. Capitalize on a crisis, get public buy-in, and install the regime. One of the things that happens during the “crisis phase” or while “getting […]
Update on Costa Rica’s Digital Nomad Visa
Costa Rica recently passed its bill to make way for Digital Nomads to extend their stays to up to two years. July 25, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The more I look around, and the more headlines I see, the more I’m convinced that this is a new Nomadic Era. Obviously, I’m here […]
Evaluating the Offshore Situation
Whether you’re considering a move for yourself or an offshore move for your banking needs, it’s good to check in on how different countries are doing. July 18, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Regardless of whether you are settled in one place, considering expatriation, or a nomad, it’s important to track the economic […]
4th of July Reflections
The 4th of July like many holidays has become sanitized and commercialized into a nationalistic trope, but that’s not what it is at all, and it’s time to reclaim the day for its intended and historic purpose. July 4, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director of GWP The 4th of July is an interesting holiday. […]
Indonesia Offers New Opportunities for Digital Nomads
Indonesia joins in with their digital nomad visa offering, and it’s one of the best ones yet if you like warm beaches and no taxes. June 27, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP It looks like the pandemic was only the beginning of the remote opportunities! While some companies have certainly returned to the […]
Americans Still Opting Out
Americans are opting out any way they can, and the numbers across the board are proving it both in the political shifts as well as migration. May 23, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP We have mentioned how the trust equity the US has with people is waning at a precipitous rate. People across […]
The Danger of Physical Cash Being Replaced By CBDC
There are risks in central banks eliminating physical cash in favor of a digital currency. Your wealth is on a government controlled switch. You might think that after two years of ineffective measures the political elite and experts said would “keep you safe” from a virus, things might return to normal. You thought wrong. Things […]
And You Thought NSA Surveillance Was Bad…
Amidst a war and soaring inflation, pandemic policies have gone unnoticed; but the surveillance state is still expanding in its name. While some U.S. citizens were paying close attention overseas to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, or any number of Biden’s recent “gaffes”… An even more insidious encroachment of human liberties started rolling out. I’m referring to […]
5 Ways the US Surveillance State Invades Your Life
What you think is benign information, can be cobbled together to depict a very different story and image by the surveillance state. “I’ve got nothing to hide, so who cares if the Government collects data on me?” This is a popular sentiment anytime the subject of privacy or government overreach comes up. In fact, it […]