What Is Happening in Australia?
The world should pay very close attention to what is happening in Australia and their Machiavellian zero-tolerance policies. January 3, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP We’re rounding the corner to the second year of frenzy over COVID-19. The two camps of fear and skepticism still exist, but there is also a growing group […]
Subscription & Membership Based Businesses
The digital nomad lifestyle is catching the attention of industries, which has them shifting toward either a subscription or membership based model. December 20, 2021 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP In general, subscription-based business models are taking off! Be it on a monthly or semi-monthly or even quarterly basis, people are signing up for […]
Canada Has Gone Insane – Other Countries Close Behind
Tyrannical precedent in Canada being set with climate change, compelled speech, and vaccine passports, creating villains out of thin air. Let’s talk about Canada for a minute… Because the little tyrants running that country have gone totally cuckoo. COVID-19 has naturally become their raison d’être. But when it comes to imposing draconian restrictions on the […]
Post Pandemic Outlook
The post pandemic outlook is promising with new businesses cropping up in great numbers; now to ensure their success. December 6, 2021 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I’m not sure when we will officially hit the “post-pandemic” era. Politicians are milking this thing dry around the world, with a delusional fixation on cases and […]
Cost of Living vs Cost of Leaving
Between the life people grew accustomed to over the past two years and the economic shifts afoot, the cost of leaving might have the cost of living beat. November 29, 2021 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP When you swing a pendulum it never goes back to where it started, it falls just a little […]
Why the Worker Shortages?
People want to blame everything from the pandemic to horrible wages and bosses for the worker shortages. Who is right? The intellectually lazy are always desperate for that one silver bullet explanation for everything. They want it to be like some cartoon mystery reveal or a board game where it’s one person, with this one […]
Regulations Targeting Middle Class – Part 2: Intergenerational Wealth
Intergenerational wealth is how the middle class grows, and ascends economically. The Biden Inheritance Tax puts that all at risk. One of the biggest gripes you’ll hear from the class warriors, is the matter of “intergenerational wealth”. They claim that some people have that advantage while others don’t, and that’s what keep people down. I […]
Look at This Ridiculous Biden Tax on U.S. Drivers
With fuel efficiency going up, people buying electric cars, and more people working from home, the government isn’t receiving as much fuel tax revenue as it used to. Gas prices have skyrocketed since Biden took office and shut down the Keystone Pipeline on his first day in office. In most major cities gas is now […]
Regulations Targeting the Middle Class: Part 1
Government regulations are aiming to help the middle class, but are actually hitting them instead with their agenda. October 18, 2021 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The two major agendas in the US are: Eat the Rich, and Green New Deal. And they are coming hard for those things. The big distraction is the […]
What You Can Do About Biden’s “Tax Crackdown”
The Biden Administration is looking to crackdown on taxes with his new and larger IRS army, but small businesses will likely get caught in the crosshairs. After 2020 came to a close, many people expected an end to the madness of forced lockdowns, mask mandates, and “warp speed” vaccines. But so far in 2021, the […]