And You Thought NSA Surveillance Was Bad…
Amidst a war and soaring inflation, pandemic policies have gone unnoticed; but the surveillance state is still expanding in its name. While some U.S. citizens were paying close attention overseas to the Ukraine-Russia conflict, or any number of Biden’s recent “gaffes”… An even more insidious encroachment of human liberties started rolling out. I’m referring to […]
The (Self Imposed) Conundrum of the West
The West painted itself into a corner ecologically as well as economically, and it’s confounding to watch as they worsen their conundrums. March 28, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Plenty of companies have indeed either left or suspended their businesses in Russia as part of a corporate boycott of that country. There are […]
Is the US Moving Toward UBI and Rationing?
The US faces a desperate economic situation that could lead straight to UBI and rationing as they compound their poor choices. March 21, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The US is seeing some terrible economic times. I want to say it can’t catch a break, but that would be inaccurate. The fact is, […]
Is Your Bank Enabling Criminal Activity Like This?
Desperate times have people snitching on the tradition of Swiss banks’ strict privacy policies. Is privacy protection really immoral? Is the cash you keep deposited in your bank account(s) actually safe? That’s a good question to ponder once in a while. One you might even consider asking your bank. Why? There are many reasons. But […]
Is Distrust the New Economic Pandemic?
Public confidence in institutions has waned in the wake of the pandemic. Is distrust the new economic pandemic facing the economy? March 14, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP With Japanese parachuting spiders landing on American shores, the trucker convoy blazing to Washington DC, petty politicians equivocating on pandemic policies, inflation hitting every pocketbook, […]
Independence is NOT Isolation
People are conflating independence with isolationism, and that is a zero-sum approach to a win-win situation. Decentralization is where real freedom is found. March 7, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I’m a huge advocate of decentralization. I tell people all the time to get multiple streams of income from gigs to investments. I […]
Bizarre Reason Your Bank Could Freeze Your Account
Banks’ ability to freeze an account on a political whim should have people concerned about the vulnerability of their funds. In a previous message, I outlined how Justin Trudeau escalated the trucker convoy’s peaceful protest in Canada by calling for the seizure of the trucker’s assets. His tyrannical escalation also included seizing their children. That […]
Navigating These Interesting Times
The global economy isn’t finished with its economic shenanigans as we transition from pandemic to war, the question is how can people navigate these interesting times? February 28, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The world is in quite a mess right now. The global response to COVID-19 made many areas of the world […]
You’ll Be Shocked Who Stole $68.8 Billion From 2000-2020
Police stole billions in a 20 year period because of the profit sharing incentive behind civil asset forfeiture between federal and local governments. Nobody likes it when a burglar breaks into their house and steals their property. No store owner looks forward to a day when someone points a gun at them and steals money […]
Learning from the Emergency
What can everyone learn from what’s been happening the past two years, or more recently what’s happened in Canada? February 21, 2022 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP I’m writing this on the 19th, the anniversary of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s 1942 order to intern all Japanese Americans under an “emergency” executive order. The timing is […]