Interview: Entrepreneur Decoded
September 15, 2017 Interview with Bobby Casey & Siimon Sander of Entrepreneur Decoded Being an entrepreneur absolutely has its perks; otherwise Bobby would not be one. But there are difficulties, too. While he absolutely encourages people to take the plunge, it’s equally important people consider the advice and experience of those already in the pool: be honest about the […]
ObamaCare and the Republican Failure to Repeal
Republicans fail to deliver on the primary promise they made to the voters: Repealing ObamaCare. The cost of that failure will fall squarely on the shoulders of taxpayers. August 14, 2017 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The ONE issue that got Republicans elected was the promise of repealing ObamaCare; and that turned out to be a […]
How is MAGA Working Out?
The path toward MAGA doesn’t seem to be very “great”. July 24, 2017 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP Donald Trump ran on the promise of MAGA (Making America Great Again). While I may be very cynical toward the United States today, I don’t deny that there were several great aspects of the American experiment […]
Innovation and Adaptation are Key to Surviving Market Changes
Market forces insist that businesses and people remain vigilant in their innovation and adaptation to new conditions and advancements. July 10, 2017 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP The market is calling for innovation and adaptation. Some creative destruction is afoot, and it is necessary. Something needs to come along and shake the complacent inert […]
Non-Bank Private Sector Lending Solutions
Private sector is clutching up to deliver free market lending solutions: this time with small businesses! June 12, 2017 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP As a small business owner myself, I’m always heartened when I see an alternative to government hoops offered by the private sector in the form of free market solutions. Amid all […]
$2.4 Trillion in American Corporate Offshore Wealth
With $2.4 trillion in wealth sitting in offshore accounts, the United States government needs to reevaluate it’s 35% corporate tax rate. May 8, 2017 By: Bobby Casey, GWP Managing Director Large corporations are reluctant to repatriate $2.4 trillion to the United States because it still has the highest corporate tax rate in the world of 35%. Is […]
Profit Incentive – Earning VS Stealing
The incentive to profit has the private sector meeting demand, while that same incentive has government penalizing these consumers and businesses. March 27, 2017 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP One of the greatest criticisms I see about unfettered capitalism is the “profit incentive”. Of course the same people who make this criticism are some […]
Interview with Reed Harvey – Freedom as a Digital Nomad
March 1, 2017 With: Reed Harvey and Bobby Casey Online entrepreneur and business strategist, Reed Harvey, talks with Bobby Casey about entrepreneurship and how that can be parlayed into a digital nomad or expat lifestyle! A very relatable discussion for any entrepreneur, covering the inglorious struggles and risks, as well as the successes. In addition, […]
Trump’s Market Interventionism and Cronyism
Corporatism or crony capitalism has already found its way into the Trump administration. In less than a month, it’s the new boss same as the old boss. February 27, 2017 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP As a small business owner, few things bother me more than corporatism or crony capitalism. I hated it under […]
Trade and Immigration Policies & the Unintended Consequences
Trump’s trade and immigration policies are unfolding, and the unintended consequences so far are outnumbering the good intentions that prompted their enactment. February 13, 2017 By: Bobby Casey, Managing Director GWP As Trump’s trade and immigration policies unfold, the contentious rivalry between unintended consequences and well-meaning objectives isn’t obscure. I don’t deny the intent of tariffs […]